5th Annual Joe Martin ALS Rivalry Softball Challenge Honoring Bob Taylor

In 2018, I made a request on this forum for Pearl Jam to play SMILE for my dad at the Chicago Show on 8/18/18.
My wife (at the time) and I could only afford to attend the 8/18/18 show and so we were hoping they would play the song then.
Unfortunately, they did not play it on the 18th, but did play it on the 20th, and a lot of folks were a little more upset that I was, that I missed the song.
So, a few of them got together and managed to raise enough money to send me to Boston for the Away Shows Final two nights.
I was on the rail at Fenway Park when Ed mentioned ALS... and then proceeded to play Smile, Wasted Reprise, Life Wasted, Dirty Water, Alive.
It's possible this was all just a coincidence they played those five songs in that order after mentioning ALS. Ed didn't mention me or my dad when he played them, so, it may not have been for my dad, who was still living at the time, (he passed away in 2020)... I don't really know for certain, but I like to think this was for my dad.
Just a quick note... my father and I are a HUGE Red Sox fans, so this was quite emotional to be on the field and to hear these songs.
I mention all this to say that when I returned from these shows, I was inspired to start a charity softball game in honor of my father.
The Joe Martin ALS Foundation was helping my family at the time.
They provide home care and assistance to families dealing with ALS.
My grandmother, my dad's mother, taught us to give back twice as much as you are given, so I felt like my father and I should start this event while he was alive... to help other families dealing with ALS.
This is our 5th year (we missed two years because of Covid).
We have raised over $20,000 each year of the event which means this year we could surpass $100,000 in donations.
Please take and click on the link.
If you could just share it on your social media and help us reach our goal of $30,000 this year.
My PERSONAL goal is $5,000.
Cheers everyone.
5th Annual Joe Martin Rivalry Softball Challenge honoring Bob Taylor
About the Event
by Bob Taylor of Bob's Sox
(Bob Taylor, pictured top right with his son, Andrew)
The purpose of The Joe Martin ALS Softball Challenge:
Lou Gehrig is widely considered one of the greatest players in the history of the Major League Baseball. From 1923 until his retirement in 1939, Gehrig played 14 seasons at first base for the New York Yankees. Renowned for his prowess as a hitter and for his durability, Gehrig played an incredible 2,130 consecutive games earning him the nickname, "The Iron Horse.". In July of 1939, he gave his famous "I'm the luckiest man alive" speech where he shared with his adoring fans the news of his diagnosis with ALS, amyotrophic lateral sclerosis. Along with his wife, Eleanor, Gehrig worked tirelessly to bring awareness and attention to the disease which is, to this day still, referred to as Lou Gehrig's disease. This game is honoring his legacy and Bob Taylor's love of baseball to raise awareness and funds to support families with ALS.
About Robert "Bob" Taylor:
In 1966, Bob graduated from East Mecklenburg High School and was drafted by the Milwaukee Braves organization. Naturally left handed, like Gehrig, Bob played first base. From 1966 to 1970, Bob played for the Braves, Cardinals, Reds and Pirates. Most notably, while playing for the St. Petersburg Cardinals, Bob played in the longest continuous baseball game in history, 29 innings, a record which stands to this day. Born in Boston, Bob is a lifelong Red Sox fan. His friends and family have joined with The Joe Martin ALS Foundation to continue the annual Joe Martin ALS Rivalry Softball Challenge to raise funds to support local families with living with ALS with home care and support services at no cost.

Take care,
I just emailed you. Would love to chat more about how we could get an similar event started for you and your dad.
I'll do some research on ALS Organizations in your area and see if we can compare notes and start a similar fundraiser!!!
Cheers!!! Thank you for your donation!!!
I sent you a message here... check your inbox. I'm sending you my email address.
She is the Marketing/ Communications person for the ALS Foundation in KC.
Good Afternoon Allie,
My name is Andrew Taylor. I live in Charlotte, North Carolina.
I am writing in reference to the Joe Martin ALS Rivalry Softball Challenge, which is an event I helped create after my father was diagnosed with ALS in 2016.
I am a HUGE Pearl Jam fan, and I am a member of the Pearl Jam Ten Club. You may not be aware, but the Pearl Jam community along with Eddie Vedder are wonderful supporters of various charities.
One of which is the Steve Gleason Foundation out of New Orleans.
Steve is a big Pearl Jam Fan, and Steve was diagnosed with ALS in 2011.
Since then, Pearl Jam has done many things to help bring awareness to ALS, including singing a song for my father at Fenway Park in 2018, which inspired me to approach Neil Cottrell about creating a softball game to give back to the Joe Martin Foundation.
I recently posted about the Joe Martin ALS Rivalry Softball game on the Pearl Jam Fan Forum, and I got a message from a friend in Kansas City, named Matt, who said he wished there was an event like this in his area. Matt's father passed away a few years ago and they also shared a love for baseball like my father and I.
So, I wanted to touch base with you and share my story and my event and see if there was a way we could organize something similar for Matt in the Kansas City area.
It's a FANTASTIC event. We are in our 5th year and we will have raised almost $100,000 after this years game on April 29th.
You can read all about the event here:
I've CC'd both Neil Cotrell, Catherine Fraiser and Laurie Foster who are INCREDIBLE friends and supporters of this event.
Thank you for your time, I look forward to hearing from you.