Running Fundraiser idea for Vitalogy Foundation (Given to Run?)

motleygunnermotleygunner Arizona Posts: 237
Wondering if there are any other runners out there in 10C... About 90% of the miles I've logged have come with the band playing in my ears.... Had a thought about setting up a virtual run with the proceeds going to Vitalogy Foundation... Maybe this is a misguided or even frowned upon thought, but putting it out there. I'd be willing to do the set up of it.


  • GlowGirlGlowGirl New York, NY Posts: 11,480
    Wondering if there are any other runners out there in 10C... About 90% of the miles I've logged have come with the band playing in my ears.... Had a thought about setting up a virtual run with the proceeds going to Vitalogy Foundation... Maybe this is a misguided or even frowned upon thought, but putting it out there. I'd be willing to do the set up of it.

    There is a thread about running/jogging in AET. A bunch of us post there about our running. Check it out. 
  • motleygunnermotleygunner Arizona Posts: 237
    Will do, thanks!
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