Speakers Technical Help?

It appears that one of my stereo speakers is completely dead. I have the Audioengine a5+. It is the passive speaker that is not working. I have already unplugged and replugged in the connectors, tightened them. They are in the right place, etc. When I touch the speaker there is no vibration either. I made an appointment for someone at Audioengine to call me on Thursday. But since you all are so knowledgeable about this stuff, I thought I would see if any of you have any suggestions. I have had them for only about a year (I bought them last November 17th), and they were over $600 - so not super cheap. Anyway, any suggestions would be great. Thanks.
Edit - After further investigation, I think it is my turntable connection. When
I play music through my phone on Bluetooth, both speakers work. I am
taking my turntable in to get looked at tomorrow. I hope it is something
simple. It still under warranty.
Post edited by GlowGirl on
I used to work at Best Buy corporate here in MN. I feel like they're customer service is pretty good.
Just don't ever get a remote starter installed in your car!