Ohana Encore Weekend



  • tamgiltamgil Posts: 1
    edited October 2021
    First time at this event - we are from Calgary and I have to admit it was REALLY special since it’s been so long since we’ve been able to do this sort of thing….

    We didn’t catch as many of the acts on Friday as we only got to the grounds at 5pm. That is probably my one regret since I was truly blown away by the caliber of the daytime performers the next day. The highlight for me on Friday was definitely RVM - they definitely brought it for that song! But Saturday in general was on a whole other level in my mind. We lined up at the gates at 11:30 hoping to land a spot on the rail, and although we were 5th in our line, security took longer Processing our line than some of the others because despite our race to the stage once through we were disappointed to only manage 4th row back. We’ve been that close before and it wasn’t worth it to us to camp out in the heat for those spots so we decided to make the best of the day, and am I ever glad we did! We wandered to the open Tiki stage rail for Joe Wong & Night Crawlers only to be surprised by EV’s heartfelt introduction of the group right on front of us and then a fantastic chance to watch Matt’s drumming as he played with them through their entire set. Plus the group’s musical talent was FANTASTIC! I enjoyed it so much I stayed on the TIki stage rail for Amythyst Kiah (powerful) and Margo Price (her rendition of You Don’t Own Me was something else!!). 

    Although we did wind up near the back for BC and PJ, it wasn’t the end of the world - I’m a huge BC fan and was lucky enough to see her from the rail in Big Sky a couple of years ago - and on Friday night we were just in the fray near the front on Stone’s side the night before. While it would have been nice to have been on the rail on Sat night it would have meant missing out on a lot of the real spirit of the festival that I’m truly glad to have experienced! 

    Post edited by tamgil on
  • jjflashjjflash Posts: 4,995
    tamgil said:
    First time at this event - we are from Calgary and I have to admit it was REALLY special since it’s been so long since we’ve been able to do this sort of thing….

    We didn’t catch as many of the acts on Friday as we only got to the grounds at 5pm. That is probably my one regret since I was truly blown away by the caliber of the daytime performers the next day. The highlight for me on Friday was definitely RVM - they definitely brought it for that song! But Saturday in general was on a whole other level in my mind. We lined up at the gates at 11:30 hoping to land a spot on the rail, and although we were 5th in our line, security took longer Processing our line than some of the others because despite our race to the stage once through we were disappointed to only manage 4th row back. We’ve been that close before and it wasn’t worth it to us to camp out in the heat for those spots so we decided to make the best of the day, and am I ever glad we did! We wandered to the open Tiki stage rail for Joe Wong & Night Crawlers only to be surprised by EV’s heartfelt introduction of the group right on front of us and then a fantastic chance to watch Matt’s drumming as he played with them through their entire set. Plus the group’s musical talent was FANTASTIC! I enjoyed it so much I stayed on the TIki stage rail for Amythyst Kiah (powerful) and Margo Price (her rendition of You Don’t Own Me was something else!!). 

    Although we did wind up near the back for BC and PJ, it wasn’t the end of the world - I’m a huge BC fan and was lucky enough to see her from the rail in Big Sky a couple of years ago - and on Friday night we were just in the fray near the front on Stone’s side the night before. While it would have been nice to have been on the rail on Sat night it would have meant missing out on a lot of the real spirit of the festival that I’m truly glad to have experienced! 

    Appreciate you sharing your story and allowing those of us who didn't attend the Encore weekend to vicariously experience a piece of it. Welcome to the forums! :peace:
  • wsimon74wsimon74 Posts: 506
    I apologize  if this was already posted, but another review of Ohana Fest:

  • NEweatherNEweather Posts: 524
    ... yes, note to self in the future >arrive the day(s) before the 1st day of the festival-whenever poss. (like many of u already know to do). We didnt get into OE until 5pm fri.- was blown away by the openers +, for arriving early on OE's Sat.  I usually like seeing the opening bands-cuz when i was young, i found out those i went to live music events with, way back-in-the day, did Not go to see the opening acts. Once one of them did, cuz they had a crush on the opener. When I figured this out, & matured, I tried to get to the events early enough, cuz I found I like the openers-MORE times than not. imo, it's been a good thing, seeing the opening acts. 
  • PhilLeotardoPhilLeotardo Posts: 125
    edited October 2021
    NEweather said:
    ... yes, note to self in the future >arrive the day(s) before the 1st day of the festival-whenever poss. (like many of u already know to do). We didnt get into OE until 5pm fri.- was blown away by the openers +, for arriving early on OE's Sat.  I usually like seeing the opening bands-cuz when i was young, i found out those i went to live music events with, way back-in-the day, did Not go to see the opening acts. Once one of them did, cuz they had a crush on the opener. When I figured this out, & matured, I tried to get to the events early enough, cuz I found I like the openers-MORE times than not. imo, it's been a good thing, seeing the opening acts. 
    OhanaFest has put me on to so many artists that I didn’t know much about, or wasn’t in to, I’ve started checking them out shortly after the lineup is announced. Eddie and friends have a serious eye and ear for talent.
    Also Eddie came out on the Tiki stage on Saturday in ‘18, BSed for a minute, played Porch and wished us a great weekend. Arriving early has always paid off.
    Post edited by PhilLeotardo on
  • I am a full-on Amythyst Kiah fan after seeing her and her band at Ohana. I got her latest album on wax (it’s spectacular) and then looked her up on Facebook. She is pretty active on there. Scrolled down to Ohana weekend and saw a couple of photos there I thought would be worth sharing. 

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