Sea.Hear.Now Tickets

Aloha, very bummed last minute plans changed, Anybody in the Norcal SF bay area looking for the general admisison 2 day passes at face value for Sea,Hear.Now in Asubury Park NJ this weekend? It pains me to have just canceled my flight.  These are hard tickets and wrist bands.  I can run around the bay to deliver. (510) 812-2853


  • reyrey Monmouth County, NJ Posts: 286
    edited September 2021

    I think you can sell it through the Ticketmaster Exchange without having to transfer the actual wrist band.  I haven't done it but my understanding is that if you sell through there, they will invalidate your wrist band and your buyer picks up a new one at Will Call.  Might be worth a shot.

  • Hey thanks! My calls. emails, and text to Ticketmaster and Fast Tickets ..... both who sent them to me... have gone unanswered.  For some reason there's no record of the purchase on my account so I can't transfer via the website...... waiting for a reponse to sort out but thanks, I appreciate the comment! good news for me is I'l be seeing them at Ohana !
  • Thanks all, account email typo was the root of the problem, finally heard back from FGT and got them posted. Enjoy the show, sand, and water!  
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