The Home Shows Beneficiaries

SeaSea Posts: 3,079
edited October 2018 in Vitalogy
The Home Shows Beneficiaries
News October 4 2018

Thanks to your support, The Home Shows raised $10.8 million for almost 100 organizations working to fight homelessness in Seattle and King County.

These funds were contributed by more than 170 businesses, foundations, and restaurants -- along with thousands of individuals.

“From the start, we hoped businesses, foundations and individuals would see themselves in this work,” said Stone Gossard. “The Home Shows initiative is about bringing the issue of homelessness closer to all of us—increasing our understanding of a complex issue, our empathy for our neighbors experiencing homelessness, and our resolve for working together. We’re proud of what our city has done. Now we need to stay inspired. There’s a lot more to do.”

Most Homes Shows Partners designated the organizations that will receive their financial commitments, which total nearly $7.8 million. A full list of beneficiaries is on The Home Shows website.

More than $1.3 million will be distributed by The Home Shows to nonprofits selected by Pearl Jam with guidance from a 19-member Advisory Group of service providers, issue experts and funders. Those funds will be targeted to two areas: Diversion, a strategy used to get people back into housing faster, and Youth Homelessness.

In addition, $1.7 million will be granted by Partners, the band and the Advisory Group, based on a future needs assessment.


The Home Shows will invest in Diversion as a strategy where additional funding can make a difference in our region: it’s a tested and proven, low-cost strategy that helps people who’ve recently become homeless move quickly into housing before they slide deeper into the homelessness system.

All Home and Building Changes will partner to launch The Diversion Project, which will train more than 300 service providers across King County to use diversion. The Home Shows will invest $750,000 in The Diversion Project specifically to be used for flexible funds to help people in need with immediate support.


The Home Shows will devote $600,000 to two coordinated efforts in Washington State and King County focused on preventing young people from becoming homeless in the first place, which reduces the likelihood they’ll experience homelessness as an adult.

First, the band will donate $500,000 to All Home King County’s plan to ensure every young person in the county has a home by 2020. It will also contribute $100,000 to support A Way Home Washington’s Anchor Communities initiative, a pilot program to end youth homelessness in Pierce, Spokane, Yakima and Walla Walla Counties by 2022.


In addition to raising funds, The Home Shows initiative helped us spotlight this critical need in our community. Together:

  • More than 100,000 people each week viewed nine videos of local people sharing their stories about experiencing homelessness.
  • More than 30,000 people signed up to receive a weekly email leading up to the Shows to learn more about this complex issue.
  • Nearly 100 restaurants committed to the cause by donating a portion of proceeds during the week of The Home Shows.
  • More than 300 people volunteered with The United Way of King County, helping to package kits to help people on the street, preparing meals, and cleaning up provider facilities around the community.
  • More than 12,500 mentions of #TheHomeShows hashtag helped us share stories, memories, and accomplishments, with as many as 132 million people.

Learn more and see how you made a difference on this issue:  



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