Personal contemplations

I know that songs can mean different things to many people, and could even mean something else as the author intents. (I experienced this myself as a writer and poet.) But the last three songs of Gigaton hits me close at home, thinking about my mother that has passed away in January. The realization hasnt settled in yet and in other moments it hits me like a sledgehammer. I cant call her anymore. Cannot talk to her anymore and the world has lost its color in a way. Some moments I think of a cruise we once took (it would be our last vacation solely together). She loved the evening entertainment and would sit there in a chair near the stage, while the cabaret did its routine. (I was bored after two nights and would take the oppertunity to enjoy the night sky.) Sometimes I would sneak in though and watch her from a distance and I saw her glow. She was so short, her feet didnt even touch the ground. It melted me. There was so much happiness and vulnerability in her face. I dont know if she saw me. I dont know if she knew she was observed. I know I never told her. I planned to, but as many things in life routine and disagreements and other bs gets in the way. We always think we have more time than we have. But time is elusive. And there are moments that you realize how shortlived things really are: we simply never have enough time.
I wish I had told her. This song reflects to me the conflict of feelings all at the same time. Especially the lines below, which as a poet I think are of extreme beauty. Theye combines all the complexity of mourning. The contradictions. The love. The sadness. And the endless silence. It is silence that speaks the loudest. It is the silence that kills you.
"Sadness comes 'cause some of it was mine..."
And the following lines are also of a profound beauty (and I am a poet myself:)
"Evidence in the echoes of your mind
Leads me to believe we missed the signs
Can I try one last time?"
"Where you been? Cannot find
A glimpse of my friend
Don't know where or when one of us left
The other behind
Divisions came and troubles multiplied
Incisions made by scalpel blades of time".
I will discuss Retrogade tomorrow.
Animals were hiding behind the Coral
Except for little Turtle
I could swear he's trying to talk to me
Gurgle Gurgle
As stated yesterday, the last three songs of the new Pearl Jam album, Gigaton, hits me hard . The song yesterday (Comes and Goes) is about loss and is presumably about Chris Cornell who passed away by suicide. (One of the reasons why the song deals with conflicted emotions.) The following song is called "Retrograde". This is the second song on the album that refers to astronomy, astrology and the North Native-American belief system. The first song is "Superblood Wolfmoon"; both are astronomical events that happens once or a few times a year. Retrograde itself relates to the planet Mercury and that at certain moments in the year when (some of) the planets align Mercury seem to move in an opposite and in a reversed trajectory. (Besides these songs, astronomy also returns in other songs like Clairvoyants, Quick Escape and 7 o'clock - even though in the last song, Mercury also hint at Freddie Mercury. ) Within the North Native-American belief system nature played an enormous and pivotal role. Even though the belief systems differed per tribe, there were also a lot of overlap. They were all mostly nature oriented and animistic. (This means that everything - plants, humans, objects - are bounded and surrounded by a single spirit/ energy/ entity.) A beautiful metaphor for an album that is about climate change and our disconnect with ourselves, with each other and with the world. That some songs end in a chant, similarly used by Native Americans as a prayer, is not unintentional. It reflects the theme of the album. A "superblood wolfmoon" and "retrogade" both has similar meanings in astrology as in the Native American belief system (for I believe that Pearl Jam tabs more into the spirituality in the belief system of Native Americans, than Astrology). A "superblood wolfmoon" that occurs mostly in January, stands for inner conflict, contradiction and a reflection on this contradiction. It dictates that each one of us is conflicted. And that social conflict or interpersonal conflict springs from these inner demons.
Retrograde means something else. It stands for being disconnected with yourself, but also with the world around you. (This because Mercury is not synchronized with other planets.) And this is also why this song maybe hits me this hard. If you loose someone who is that close to you, who has been a father and a mother to you, in the first instance you feel numb, followed by pain. And this pain is so overwhelming it freezes you. It is something you cannot share, convey, it eats you, follows you and disconnects you. I sometimes visualize it as standing still while the whole world around you moves. It just seem to have lost its significance. At the same instance you know that life didn't stop. That you have responsibilities. And they are mounting. You can see them far away, yet you feel nothing at the same time.
I know that this a personal interpretation of the song, but it does represent how I feel. My favorite lines is the short verse before this song also ends in a chant. A chant of hope to reconnect again:
Hear the sound
In the distance now
Could be thunder
Or a crowd
Hear the sound...
The third song, is the last song on the album. I think the lyrics speak for themselves. This song is also the most painful. Especially the beginning verses. (The latter verses are more political, but fits in the whole concept of the album of personal struggles within a greater context and ends again with a chant/ prayer.) In my interpretation the river means the last journey we make. And when I hear the first verses I can not stop and think, that is what my mother must have felt in those last hours when she was fighting pneumonia; she was literally drowning in her own fluids on dry land. These images return and return. As a writer you can use these personal experiences sometimes, pour it in creativity. But the pain is here so raw, that I am completely stunned. And not being creative, well, is new to me.This was before the Corona virus, but by seeing what pneumonia could due, the virus hits me on a personal level.
There are nights I can't sleep and just see her endlessly struggling and fighting. She was only half present. I am not sure if she heard me or what I said that day. If she even noticed my presence. I know we all cross this river at some point. I hope, truly hope, that she felt me next to her and that I helped her in those last moments when she crossed hers. We will all get there. We all have a river to cross at some point. I hope that she at least heard me and that she didn't feel abonded (a fear that strangled her, her whole life since she became an orphan at the age of three) or alone.
Mom, if you out there, I hope you could hear my voice. I hope that you knew I was present and that you weren't alone in that last journey.
The last journey we took together.
"Always thought I'd cross that river
The other side, distant now
As I got close it turned and widened
Arising now, fading out
Drifting off in the undertow
Can't spot a figure on dry land
And afterthoughts of safety
When in truth, none to be had
None to be had
I used to tell time by my shadow
Til the thunder clouds
They took the stage
These days will end, as do the light's rays
Another read of the same page
Wide awake through this deepest night
Still waiting on the sun
As the hours seem to multiply
Find a star to soldier on."
Ma, I miss you.