Backspacer Concert Downloads no longer available

sammy997sammy997 Posts: 8
edited July 2013 in Technical Stuff and Help

I wanted to get the two concert downloads from the Backspacer CD as part of the bonus material on the CD. I go to the application, but I find when I click on concert downloads, and the app tries to go out to, it fails and then takes me to Were these downloads finally taken down and no longer allowed? Just curious.



  • bazzerbazzer Posts: 3,126
    I was just thinking the same thing. You were about 4 years late, and I am 10 years late. What other cool stuff was on there that I never got?
  • Spiritual_ChaosSpiritual_Chaos Posts: 30,983
    edited January 2020
    Weren't there just a few bootlegs with the covers taken out. As in, nothing that really added anything to a "hardcore fan".

    I remember it being mocked on here when the album came out.
    "Mostly I think that people react sensitively because they know you’ve got a point"
  • bazzerbazzer Posts: 3,126
    It's probably why I never got around to downloading them (and also having to decide and the 10C copy started working later than the other pressings, if I recall?), but what about the wallpapers etc. Anything good?
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