Rarest poster Borgata Variant



  • He was offered 1800 by two buyers and declined. I didn’t believe him but he showed me screen shots. Then he moved the price back to 2500 and edited he description

    if the Alpine Valley billboard fetched over 2k via this saw seller
  • Wow! Good luck, my man
    There's alot to be said for Nowhere
  • tempo_n_groovetempo_n_groove Posts: 40,616
    Down to $2100.

    Guessing they should have taken that $1800...
  • Wow. You’re a Sunday “I told you so” kind of guy?
  • tempo_n_groovetempo_n_groove Posts: 40,616
    Wow. You’re a Sunday “I told you so” kind of guy?
    I watch things like this.  It's what I do.  Doesn't matter if it's Sunday or Thursday, lol.
  • So you’re just a daily “I told you so” kind of guy?  Lol. Go read a book or go for a walk and stop eating chips on the couch, fella!  Lol!
  • tempo_n_groovetempo_n_groove Posts: 40,616
    So you’re just a daily “I told you so” kind of guy?  Lol. Go read a book or go for a walk and stop eating chips on the couch, fella!  Lol!
    I stopped eating chips a long time ago and walked through the park already.

    Good luck selling your poster, lol!!!
  • It isn’t mine!
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