What music gear/items did Santa bring you?

Hope everyone is having a happy and safe holiday season. What did you reward yourself/unexpected music related items Santa bring? Instruments, vinyl, posters, pedals, audio equipment? Feel free to post pics.
Todays Haul:
TC Electronic Flashback Triple Delay
Earthquaker Devices Hoof Reaper Fuzz/Octave
Strymon BlueSky Reverb
Pre Christmas Haul:
TC Electronic Ditto Stereo Looper
Electro-Harmonix Ravish Sitar
Earthquaker Devices Spatial Delivery Envelope Filter V2
Earthquaker Devices Interstellar Orbiter
Earthquaker Devices Data Corrupter
Strymon Lex Rotary
Another Reverb
2 Exp pedals
Voodoo Lab Mondo
Voodoo Lab ISO 5
Novo 32 pedalboard
all the cables to hook it all up!
It really adds up!