Pearl Jam Offsets 2018 US and European Tour Carbon Emissions

SeaSea Posts: 3,079
Pearl Jam Offsets 2018 US and European Tour Carbon Emissions
News October 17 2018

Pearl Jam will voluntarily offset an estimated 3,500 tons of carbon dioxide produced by their 2018 US and European tours. The band is investing in a carbon offset project in Alaska managed by ClimeCo, The American Land Conservancy, and the Rocky Mountain Elk Foundation.

This Alaska-based offset project is the first of its kind in the region. It supports conservation work on Afognak Island which is home to a coastal temperate rainforest with old-growth trees that are between 180 and 250 years old, plus a regrowth of new trees from the past 30 years. Together, these new and old forests create the potential for absorbing millions of tonnes of carbon dioxide from the atmosphere.

The project will help to protect this area from logging and other potentially destructive practices on the land in order to preserve its ecological value and nature. It also preserves the habitat for many important animal species, including Roosevelt elk, the Kodiak brown bear, red fox, river otter, weasels, five species of Pacific salmon, and the bald eagle.

“As a band, it’s important for us to be accountable for the pollution we create. Since 2004 we’ve invested in projects around the world to mitigate the CO2 emissions caused by our tours. This investment is for a verified offset project intended to protect and manage the forests on Afognak, and keep Alaska wild,” said Pearl Jam’s Stone Gossard, who manages the band’s carbon mitigation program.

Afognak Island - Map data ©2018 Google

“We are so thankful for the example Pearl Jam sets when it comes to offsetting the greenhouse gas emissions that result from their concert tours,” said Dan Linsky, VP Voluntary Markets at ClimeCo. “As a longtime fan of their music, I am thrilled to be working with them to support the Afognak Forest project.”

The project on Afognak Island has gone through the rigorous assessment process of the Verified Carbon Standard (VCS), the world’s leading voluntary carbon accounting framework, managed by the non-profit organization Verra. Through this process, independent experts use the VCS to verify the environmental integrity of the emissions reductions and removals that the project has generated.

“Pearl Jam’s continued climate leadership and commitment to offset its tour emissions through the highest-quality projects has helped protect critical ecosystems around the world while showing fans how individual actions can make a real difference,” said Toby Janson-Smith, Chief Innovation Officer with Verra.

Pearl Jam has calculated and offset their tour-related carbon dioxide emissions since 2003. You can check out the band’s carbon mitigation history here.

Individuals and businesses can determine their own carbon footprints on the EPA’s website.

Photos courtesy of ClimeCo


  • Thank you Pearl Jam!!!
    IG and twitter - @jacquelynincali

    1994 - Bridge School Benefit, Shoreline Mountain View CA
    *** 1995 - 2015 High School, College, Broke, Having Kids***
    2016 - Temple of the Dog, Bill Graham Civic Center Auditorium, San Francisco CA
    2017 - Eddie Vedder, Bourbon and Beyond, Louisville KY
    2018 - The Home Shows, Show 2, Seattle WA
    2019 - Eddie Vedder, Ohana Fest, Dana Point CA
    2020- Oakland Nights 1 and 2
    2020 - Ohana Fest
    2021 - Ohana Fest
    2022 - Oakland 1 and 2

    "Watch out for music. It should come with a health warning. It can be dangerous. It can make you feel so alive, so connected to the people around you, and connected to what you really are inside. And it can make you think that the world should, and could, be a much better place. And just occasionally, it can make you very, very happy." -Peter Gabriel
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