5th Annual Flag Football Tournament for Crohn's & Colitis Foundation - Northwest Chapter

Mike McCready

I’m challenging NFL Hall of Famer Walter Jones to see who can raise the most money between now and the first game on Saturday at the 5th Annual Flag Football Tournament for Crohn's & Colitis Foundation - Northwest Chapter.

Wishlist Foundation - a Pearl Jam Fan-Run Nonprofit Organization

Help Mike McCready reach his goal! Let's find a cure for Mike and so many others who live with Crohn’s disease or ulcerative colitis.

Team PJ will be playing in the Crohn's & Colitis Flag Football Tournament to support the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation this Saturday, September 15th at Century Link Field.

Donate today: http://bit.ly/McFootball18




Welcome to Mike McCready's Page

Help me reach my goal!

This year, I will be competing in the Crohn's & Colitis Foundation of America's A Touch of Football tournament.  I’ll be raising funds and fielding a team for a bracket style flag football tournament. Let's tackle Crohn's & Colitis together!

Your donation will help support local patient programs, as well as important research projects. This cause is very important to me and I appreciate your help as we fight for cures! The more money we raise, the closer we will be to making life more manageable for patients who live with these diseases every day.

Please join me or donate to my efforts to support CCFA in finding cures

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