Fenway Review Pt. 1, 2, 3.... a 6 part series

Updated: 12 minutes ago
We Have Been Given to Fly

Real reviews of the show can be found elsewhere.
If you have misplaced your sense of humor or you are the type of person who barks back at dogs, please consult your doctor before reading further.
Due to massive hangovers in Boston, this review has been delayed. Because of lack of sleep and the wife not being super excited she couldn't attend, I don't have the time to complete this all right now...
Please enjoy.
Pearl Jam
Fenway Park
Boston, MA
Tuesday,September 4th, 2018

Imagine your name is Albert, and your favorite fruit is bananas. You’re wearing a little space helmet, and the cutest midget sized space suit. You’re sitting inside a tin capsule strapped to a rocket ship.
You’re a nervous little monkey.

The anticipation of where you are going and what you are about to see is electrically terrifying, yet pulsatingly exciting. Your peanut size rhesus brain is firing on all cylinders. What could these giants have in store for you? What magical voyage have you been chosen to experience. You have no idea and so you think to yourself, "I'm just a dumb monkey that got trapped in a bamboo snare. Next thing you know I'm at NASA training for flight school"............WOOOOAAAAAAH FUCK WAS THAT‽‽‽‽‽ Without warning, your brain touches the back of your skull as the rocket ship boosters ignite and explode from the ground.
The g-forces press your face to the back of your ears as the capsule vibrates your chest and pounds you relentlessly like a teenager beating his dick for the first time.
You just got shot into space you little son-of-a-bitch!
Given To Fly begins with a steady rumble of a riot with Matt and Jeff fueling the charge and counting us down to liftoff. By the time the waves come crashing like a fist to our jaw, we have been rocket blasted into the black starry sky above Fenway Park, and now we are all Albert. Our faces pressed against our ears with fresh waves of Pearl Jam brand jet fuel incinerating our skin. Like that dumb monkey, we had no idea what to expect, and we are all in.
Will the boys wine us and dine us once again, before running a gangbang 69 train on the entire crowd, or would they sink their teeth into our flesh and crack open our skulls to eat our brains.
If the first song is any indication of what fuckery the band has cooked up for us, we are in for a long and memorable flight.
"Captain Vedder has turned OFF the seatbelt sign and you are now free to dance around the ballpark. In the event of loss of cabin pressure, grab your neighbors ass and hold on for dear life. The flight from Fenway to the Moon will last approximately 3 hours."
Don’t look down, because we’re 30,000 miles high and climbing.
Given to Fly was the perfect opening to Night 2 and it was clear Mike was laser focussed on his playing despite, or perhaps because of, the “drugs” he took for his infection. He is infected for the record, he has the fever as Ed so easily pointed out. Disregarding his own well being, MFM would later dive into the crowd during Even Flow. Yes. The man is a living rock god.
If night one was our prim and proper first date, night two was our sloppy drunk make out session in the back of the club rolling on ecstasy, and just like that, The Band is furiously fingerbanging us like and Animal.... 1,2,3,4,5 against one... bang, bang.
The bass playing of Jeff Ament on Animal can only be truly experienced when you’re standing 5 feet from speakers the size of King Kong's dick. The red flags for what I was getting myself into should have gone up when the security personnel started putting on ear muffles designed for nuclear explosions.

If you watched any of my Live FB feeds, you’ll notice that the pounding of Jeff’s bass and Matt’s drums were loud enough to blow out the mic on my cell phone. Imagine getting kicked in the chest repeatedly for three hours by a 10 foot Minotaur with anger issues.
Now... I’m not going to be so presumptuous as to think anyone from Pearl Jam & Company have been secretly trolling my Facebook posts. However, I would like to point out that I discussed the absence of Riot Act from night one. It clear to me these six guys enjoy a little confrontation and when a punk ass reviewer like me, calls them out on something, they come back to flip you off with Save You. Not that I had anything to do with it, obviously. That's just dumb luck and a funny coincidence. In any event, I’m just to going to let the band speak for themselves here...
"Gonna save you fucker, not gonna lose you, feeling cocky and strong, can't let you go, too important to me"
If you don’t know the rest, then you need to have a Google.
I'm like a tab
Post edited by BlackCircle on
Save You was fucking sick, and executed with their flawless grudge fuck you style that we love them so much for. Comparatively speaking, there was no heavy petting from the boys like Night One, and similar to Night Two in Chicago they were going in hard, fast and dry. I sense deeply that the Chicago N2 show could have held up nicely with Fenway N2 had the flow of the evening not been disrupted by Zeus tossing lightning bolts up the fan's asses. Weather being a cantankerous cunt, Chicago N2 never fully materialized because it was forced to begin at a different place and so this feels like the show they should have gotten.