A Broken Heart requests a Love Song: Please play Thin Air @ Fenway Night 1 for Amy
5 plus years ago... early 2013... a post on a certain rock bands message board... a PM... a friendly hello... you're going to Wrigley?... you love Pearl Jam? we work in the same field?... you're reading Neil Youngs book? jokes about being a serial killer... you're friendly... you're funny... AND you're cute???
Wanna go to lunch?
Hair pulled back in a bun... sweater... conservatively dressed... no makeup... don't need it... a true natural beauty... burger... french dip... both of us nervous... I have a beer... you have a coke... when I walked out it felt like you were the woman I waited 34 years for... you were beautiful... you were smart... you were strong... I was excited... i was hopeful... i was smitten... i was happy... I told my friends... she's the one... I'd been struck by a Lightning Bolt
July 4th... lying in bed... waiting weeks to find the moment... i'd never said this to a partner before... this is it... eye contact... three words... "I Love You"... pure... honest... raw... from my soul... before you could reply I quickly ask if you loved me... fearful of rejection... hopeful for confirmation... you said two words i will never forget... "Hopelessly So"... I melted... it was perfect... you were perfect... we were in love.
5 years fly by in a flash... we live together... your amazing dog accepts me and loves me... the cats grow on me... road trips... concerts... Charlottesville... Moline... merch lines... posters... stickers... Disney... the Kings House... Ducks at The Peabody... rocking chairs at The Red Lion Inn... Hampton Inns... Sleep Inns with weird showers... pocket doors... holidays with your family... Moscow Mules with your Grandmother... shooting hoops with your niece & nephews... cooking you pot roast for dinner... watching Chance chase birds in the backyard... the great times... the good times... the harder times... the grind of work... the grind of life... partners... friends... lovers... the best years of my life... the happiest I have ever felt... ideas of marriage begin to dance...
January 2018... My 40th is coming... let's do Fenway again... 10c tickets won... hotel booked... plans for a proposal start to grow... how? when? where? at the show? Do I make a request for her favorite song?
May 2018... clearly upset... somethings wrong... not talking... I push... what's wrong?... whats the matter?... talk to me... I still wonder what would have happened if I let it be... one last time... the final time.... I ask.........
"I think we should separate, and I think you should move out"
Confused. Devastated. Overwhelmed. Shocked. Hurt. Blindsided. Traumatized. Heart Broken.
Almost 4 months later the pain has not subsided. It's intense. It's raw. It's pure. It's real. It's honest. It's from the soul. Only love can break your heart.
Hopeful there is a chance. Scared to death there isn't.
We were supposed to go to Fenway this weekend for my 40th. I was likely going to drop to a knee. She has tickets for night 1, I have tickets for night 2. I will be at Night 2 with a good friend. Not sure if she will be at night 1. I hope she is, I hate to think about those two empty seats at Night 1.
Amy's favorite song is Thin Air.
Please play it at Fenway Night 1.
Please play it for Amy. Play it for love. Play it for hope. I will say it again, please play it for HOPE. Hope is all I have.
Amy, I love you with all of my heart and soul. I miss you.
Caught a bolt of lightning, cursed the day she let me go......
SHOW COUNT: (164) 1990's=3, 2000's=53, 2010/20's=108, US=118, CAN=15, Europe=20 ,New Zealand=4, Australia=5
Mexico=1, Colombia=1
I'm far from desperate, and I know there are a lot of fish in the sea, but I'm not interested... there is only one fish for me, obviously that may not be mutual though. I'm going to stay positive.
Please play Amy's favorite song, Thin Air, at Fenway Night 1
I really hope they play Thin Air night 1.
Damn, that's a rough story. I really hope you enjoy yourself at the show and are able to lose yourself in the music for 3+ hours. Pearl Jam is good for that.
Certainly not my business, but I can't help but wonder what the hell happened between January and May for things to unravel so quickly. I wish you all the best in getting through this.
Don’t mean to hijack your thread, your story really spoke to me though. I still sometimes feel that there’s only one fish for me too.
I hope you enjoyed the shows and found the music to be healing.