I am not embarrassed because this isn't what our country is about and not what the majority of the country agree with. It is completely ridiculous how a minority can rule this country like a dictatorship on topics of their choosing and completely ignore others like they don't exist. Illegal immigration is a problem, but horrible policy is not the solution. Won't it be great in 10 - 15 years when all of these kids are adults and recounting their stories of all the "fun" and "comforts" they experienced in an empty box store. Oh wait, probably not. This will be looked back on in the same regard as we do now in respect to the Japanese internment camps. A horrible action to try and sell us a fucking wall that this pile of shit said another country would pay for. To paraphrase and alter another shit president's assessment of a wall, "Pay for your own fucking wall Mr. Trump!"
I don't know man. 60 million plus people voted for this fuck and are coming out of the wood work.
There is a party in his country with a rubber fucking spine and it's only going to get worse, with people retiring over standing up to someone.
Don't worry guys, this is like going to a scary movie. The kids will get over it.
Plus, the toddlers can watch the world Cup. Who needs a mom and dad when you have that? How bad could it be?
No one has said that. Why does everyone insist on misquoting those that disagree with you? What I did say is how bad of a comparison this is to Jewish children in concentration camps. i have a problem separating these kids when they are not united within a few hours. i also have a problem comparing this to Nazi concentration camps and saying this is just the first step towards Nazi Germany. Tell the story like it is, talk about how inhumane it is, how scared the kids are. But don’t compare it to the murder of 6 million people and the harsh labor camps of millions more.
You keep missing the point that others make when making that comparison.
You also say that none of these kids are being physically harmed, experts in child development say they are.
You also seem to have more of a problem with people equating this to Nazi's then you do with the actual act of separating children from their parents. "I don’t like them being separated either. But it is even more ridiculous to compare it to the haulocost and all the absolutely horrible things that happened."
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,821
The normalization of all evil deeds is full on from this president.. he made it ok to sexually abuse women he made it ok to mock people with disabilities He made it ok to mock prisoners of war he made ok to trash Muslim fallen soldier he has made it normal to look in awe of dictators and to praise them ! He has made it ok to separate children from parents ! A total human disgrace he is there is no way you can defend him or paint him in a good light , he’s a gross human !
Perfectly said, Jose. Spot on.
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
My 4 month old wouldn't sleep this morning unless I was touching her. She needed that comfort. Now add 5 years of cognitive ability, feelings and love to that and imagine what these kids are going through. All because their parents are trying to give them a better life than they had
Don't worry guys, this is like going to a scary movie. The kids will get over it.
Plus, the toddlers can watch the world Cup. Who needs a mom and dad when you have that? How bad could it be?
No one has said that. Why does everyone insist on misquoting those that disagree with you? What I did say is how bad of a comparison this is to Jewish children in concentration camps. i have a problem separating these kids when they are not united within a few hours. i also have a problem comparing this to Nazi concentration camps and saying this is just the first step towards Nazi Germany. Tell the story like it is, talk about how inhumane it is, how scared the kids are. But don’t compare it to the murder of 6 million people and the harsh labor camps of millions more.
You keep missing the point that others make when making that comparison.
You also say that none of these kids are being physically harmed, experts in child development say they are.
You also seem to have more of a problem with people equating this to Nazi's then you do with the actual act of separating children from their parents. "I don’t like them being separated either. But it is even more ridiculous to compare it to the haulocost and all the absolutely horrible things that happened."
Experts say they are being emotionally harmed. I have yet to see a single report of physical abuse. im not okay with emotional abuse, but there is a difference and I was talking about one and you’re referring to the other.
Don't worry guys, this is like going to a scary movie. The kids will get over it.
Plus, the toddlers can watch the world Cup. Who needs a mom and dad when you have that? How bad could it be?
No one has said that. Why does everyone insist on misquoting those that disagree with you? What I did say is how bad of a comparison this is to Jewish children in concentration camps. i have a problem separating these kids when they are not united within a few hours. i also have a problem comparing this to Nazi concentration camps and saying this is just the first step towards Nazi Germany. Tell the story like it is, talk about how inhumane it is, how scared the kids are. But don’t compare it to the murder of 6 million people and the harsh labor camps of millions more.
You keep missing the point that others make when making that comparison.
You also say that none of these kids are being physically harmed, experts in child development say they are.
You also seem to have more of a problem with people equating this to Nazi's then you do with the actual act of separating children from their parents. "I don’t like them being separated either. But it is even more ridiculous to compare it to the haulocost and all the absolutely horrible things that happened."
Experts say they are being emotionally harmed. I have yet to see a single report of physical abuse. im not okay with emotional abuse, but there is a difference and I was talking about one and you’re referring to the other.
Tell that to the woman who was told by the Texas sheriff that she’d be deported if she said anything about his molesting her 4 year old daughter. He’s been indicted and yes, it didn’t happen in the camps but since none of us know really what’s going on with female detainees, how can you say there hasn’t been physical harm? Only because it hasn’t been reported? And by the way, emotional harm is more lasting and devastating than physical harm. I’m disgusted by the lengths some will go to defend this abhorrent policy or Team Trump Treason, in any aspect.
Law enforcement becoming sub human down there. Sickening what they are doing.
What step is this now.
Leader dehumanizing a people, State News helping with propaganda, getting your base to agree and now law enforcement to blindly follow orders.
Unbelievable. It truly is.
Trade wars, constant lies, and moronic tweets are one thing, but the treatment of these people and his developing friendships with Russia and North Korea are on a whole other level.
I don't blame him- he is what he always has been: a morally bankrupt f**king parasite. The blame for this sad chapter for the US lies squarely on his supporters who empowered him. If you're a fool that voted for this guy... you got what you asked for so bask in your glory.
Things aren't changing with him. They actually seem to be escalating.
His base loves this as do most of those who voted for him. You see it in this thread.
There's been a few around here who have sheepishly admitted to their error and have seen the light.
If a person can correct their error, I'm okay with them. As the old saying goes: There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.
how about the people that say they didn't vote for him, but now say they are impressed by him so far?
We should separate them from society and ensure they do not procreate. Ain't nobody got time for that.
At the very least ostracize them and publicly shame them for having different opinions! No one’s allowed to think differently than me! Sesame Street was right on with “one of these things is not like the other. One of these things does not belong!”
Don't worry guys, this is like going to a scary movie. The kids will get over it.
Plus, the toddlers can watch the world Cup. Who needs a mom and dad when you have that? How bad could it be?
No one has said that. Why does everyone insist on misquoting those that disagree with you? What I did say is how bad of a comparison this is to Jewish children in concentration camps. i have a problem separating these kids when they are not united within a few hours. i also have a problem comparing this to Nazi concentration camps and saying this is just the first step towards Nazi Germany. Tell the story like it is, talk about how inhumane it is, how scared the kids are. But don’t compare it to the murder of 6 million people and the harsh labor camps of millions more.
You keep missing the point that others make when making that comparison.
You also say that none of these kids are being physically harmed, experts in child development say they are.
You also seem to have more of a problem with people equating this to Nazi's then you do with the actual act of separating children from their parents. "I don’t like them being separated either. But it is even more ridiculous to compare it to the haulocost and all the absolutely horrible things that happened."
Experts say they are being emotionally harmed. I have yet to see a single report of physical abuse. im not okay with emotional abuse, but there is a difference and I was talking about one and you’re referring to the other.
If "illegal is illegal" as the camp that supports this inhumane, racist bullshit claims, then just as so we'll claim that "abuse is abuse."
Don't worry guys, this is like going to a scary movie. The kids will get over it.
Plus, the toddlers can watch the world Cup. Who needs a mom and dad when you have that? How bad could it be?
No one has said that. Why does everyone insist on misquoting those that disagree with you? What I did say is how bad of a comparison this is to Jewish children in concentration camps. i have a problem separating these kids when they are not united within a few hours. i also have a problem comparing this to Nazi concentration camps and saying this is just the first step towards Nazi Germany. Tell the story like it is, talk about how inhumane it is, how scared the kids are. But don’t compare it to the murder of 6 million people and the harsh labor camps of millions more.
You keep missing the point that others make when making that comparison.
You also say that none of these kids are being physically harmed, experts in child development say they are.
You also seem to have more of a problem with people equating this to Nazi's then you do with the actual act of separating children from their parents. "I don’t like them being separated either. But it is even more ridiculous to compare it to the haulocost and all the absolutely horrible things that happened."
Experts say they are being emotionally harmed. I have yet to see a single report of physical abuse. im not okay with emotional abuse, but there is a difference and I was talking about one and you’re referring to the other.
Removal of young children from the caregivers to whom they are attached and keeping them in situations in which their new “caregivers” are forbidden to touch them, in which even their own siblings are forbidden to give them a hug or wipe their tears, is not just emotionally harmful but physiologically damaging. There are demonstrable changes in neurobiology that are serious and can be permanent.
my small self... like a book amongst the many on a shelf
Don't worry guys, this is like going to a scary movie. The kids will get over it.
Plus, the toddlers can watch the world Cup. Who needs a mom and dad when you have that? How bad could it be?
No one has said that. Why does everyone insist on misquoting those that disagree with you? What I did say is how bad of a comparison this is to Jewish children in concentration camps. i have a problem separating these kids when they are not united within a few hours. i also have a problem comparing this to Nazi concentration camps and saying this is just the first step towards Nazi Germany. Tell the story like it is, talk about how inhumane it is, how scared the kids are. But don’t compare it to the murder of 6 million people and the harsh labor camps of millions more.
You keep missing the point that others make when making that comparison.
You also say that none of these kids are being physically harmed, experts in child development say they are.
You also seem to have more of a problem with people equating this to Nazi's then you do with the actual act of separating children from their parents. "I don’t like them being separated either. But it is even more ridiculous to compare it to the haulocost and all the absolutely horrible things that happened."
Experts say they are being emotionally harmed. I have yet to see a single report of physical abuse. im not okay with emotional abuse, but there is a difference and I was talking about one and you’re referring to the other.
I've yet to hear a lot about the actuality of what's happening in these places. How the fuck would we ever even determine if child abuse, whether by the people there or other kids, is happening? They've created Lord of the Flies x100 in a warehouse. Maybe I'm being too extreme, but I think of group homes and the type of abuse that occurs in a lot of those and there's no way there isn't some of that happening even at a minimal level. Your a kid separated from your parents with a lot of strangers and know how you are being viewed. Would you report abuse? Hell no, you'd shut up and keep your head low and hope you get through it.
Moving through All Kinds of Terrain. Posts: 42,821
Anybody trying to down-play how wrong this action of separating children from parents should be ashamed and deserve to be shamed. Why some here would try to make this situation seem less harsh than it is, is completely confounding. How can that be?
"Don't give in to the lies. Don't give in to the fear. Hold on to the truth. And to hope."
Don't worry guys, this is like going to a scary movie. The kids will get over it.
Plus, the toddlers can watch the world Cup. Who needs a mom and dad when you have that? How bad could it be?
No one has said that. Why does everyone insist on misquoting those that disagree with you? What I did say is how bad of a comparison this is to Jewish children in concentration camps. i have a problem separating these kids when they are not united within a few hours. i also have a problem comparing this to Nazi concentration camps and saying this is just the first step towards Nazi Germany. Tell the story like it is, talk about how inhumane it is, how scared the kids are. But don’t compare it to the murder of 6 million people and the harsh labor camps of millions more.
You keep missing the point that others make when making that comparison.
You also say that none of these kids are being physically harmed, experts in child development say they are.
You also seem to have more of a problem with people equating this to Nazi's then you do with the actual act of separating children from their parents. "I don’t like them being separated either. But it is even more ridiculous to compare it to the haulocost and all the absolutely horrible things that happened."
Experts say they are being emotionally harmed. I have yet to see a single report of physical abuse. im not okay with emotional abuse, but there is a difference and I was talking about one and you’re referring to the other.
Such a situation could have long-term, devastating effects on young children, who are likely to develop what is called toxic stress in their brain once separated from caregivers or parents they trusted. It disrupts a child’s brain development and increases the levels of fight-or-flight hormones in their bodies, Kraft said. This kind of emotional trauma could eventually lead to health problems, such as heart disease and substance abuse disorders.
Don't worry guys, this is like going to a scary movie. The kids will get over it.
Plus, the toddlers can watch the world Cup. Who needs a mom and dad when you have that? How bad could it be?
No one has said that. Why does everyone insist on misquoting those that disagree with you? What I did say is how bad of a comparison this is to Jewish children in concentration camps. i have a problem separating these kids when they are not united within a few hours. i also have a problem comparing this to Nazi concentration camps and saying this is just the first step towards Nazi Germany. Tell the story like it is, talk about how inhumane it is, how scared the kids are. But don’t compare it to the murder of 6 million people and the harsh labor camps of millions more.
You keep missing the point that others make when making that comparison.
You also say that none of these kids are being physically harmed, experts in child development say they are.
You also seem to have more of a problem with people equating this to Nazi's then you do with the actual act of separating children from their parents. "I don’t like them being separated either. But it is even more ridiculous to compare it to the haulocost and all the absolutely horrible things that happened."
Experts say they are being emotionally harmed. I have yet to see a single report of physical abuse. im not okay with emotional abuse, but there is a difference and I was talking about one and you’re referring to the other.
Tell that to the woman who was told by the Texas sheriff that she’d be deported if she said anything about his molesting her 4 year old daughter. He’s been indicted and yes, it didn’t happen in the camps but since none of us know really what’s going on with female detainees, how can you say there hasn’t been physical harm? Only because it hasn’t been reported? And by the way, emotional harm is more lasting and devastating than physical harm. I’m disgusted by the lengths some will go to defend this abhorrent policy or Team Trump Treason, in any aspect.
Law enforcement becoming sub human down there. Sickening what they are doing.
What step is this now.
Leader dehumanizing a people, State News helping with propaganda, getting your base to agree and now law enforcement to blindly follow orders.
Unbelievable. It truly is.
Trade wars, constant lies, and moronic tweets are one thing, but the treatment of these people and his developing friendships with Russia and North Korea are on a whole other level.
I don't blame him- he is what he always has been: a morally bankrupt f**king parasite. The blame for this sad chapter for the US lies squarely on his supporters who empowered him. If you're a fool that voted for this guy... you got what you asked for so bask in your glory.
Things aren't changing with him. They actually seem to be escalating.
His base loves this as do most of those who voted for him. You see it in this thread.
There's been a few around here who have sheepishly admitted to their error and have seen the light.
If a person can correct their error, I'm okay with them. As the old saying goes: There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.
how about the people that say they didn't vote for him, but now say they are impressed by him so far?
We should separate them from society and ensure they do not procreate. Ain't nobody got time for that.
seems a bit harsh to treat our friend McGruff that way, but hey, you said it, not me
Why is anyone defending this? You're selling yourself a bag of shit.
5 pages I've read on this and haven't read about one single person defending it yet?
I think everyone here is in agreement that this is wrong.
Well, not completely. There's been some minimizing and talk of what else can be done, but I also meant on a whole. How long can this admin push this issue all for some grandstanding and to get Stephen Miller's VIP pass to hell stamped.
I believe they were also compared to bank robbers in this thread.... and that 1/3 have been reunited with their families.... and they were allowed to watch the world cup, as if it makes it ok just because they aren't being water boarded or sold into sexual slavery
Law enforcement becoming sub human down there. Sickening what they are doing.
What step is this now.
Leader dehumanizing a people, State News helping with propaganda, getting your base to agree and now law enforcement to blindly follow orders.
Unbelievable. It truly is.
Trade wars, constant lies, and moronic tweets are one thing, but the treatment of these people and his developing friendships with Russia and North Korea are on a whole other level.
I don't blame him- he is what he always has been: a morally bankrupt f**king parasite. The blame for this sad chapter for the US lies squarely on his supporters who empowered him. If you're a fool that voted for this guy... you got what you asked for so bask in your glory.
Things aren't changing with him. They actually seem to be escalating.
His base loves this as do most of those who voted for him. You see it in this thread.
There's been a few around here who have sheepishly admitted to their error and have seen the light.
If a person can correct their error, I'm okay with them. As the old saying goes: There's an old saying in Tennessee — I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennessee — that says, fool me once, shame on — shame on you. Fool me — you can't get fooled again.
how about the people that say they didn't vote for him, but now say they are impressed by him so far?
We should separate them from society and ensure they do not procreate. Ain't nobody got time for that.
seems a bit harsh to treat our friend McGruff that way, but hey, you said it, not me
I m sitting in traffic on a bus with sixty 8th graders. I am totally separated from society right now lol.
Why is anyone defending this? You're selling yourself a bag of shit.
5 pages I've read on this and haven't read about one single person defending it yet?
I think everyone here is in agreement that this is wrong.
Almost everyone says it's wrong, but a few here echo Trump and say, what else are you gonna do? And the dems were just as bad.
I'm going to throw something out there.
The people flooding the borders now are from war torn and drug war areas. Do we as a nation go over there and meddle with these countries problems? The countries apparently are having a hard time controlling the violence there.
There is a party in his country with a rubber fucking spine and it's only going to get worse, with people retiring over standing up to someone.
We're fucked.
You also say that none of these kids are being physically harmed, experts in child development say they are.
You also seem to have more of a problem with people equating this to Nazi's then you do with the actual act of separating children from their parents.
"I don’t like them being separated either.
But it is even more ridiculous to compare it to the haulocost and all the absolutely horrible things that happened."
‘At Least During the Internment …’ Are Words I Thought I’d Never Utter
I was sent to a camp at just five years old — but even then, they didn't separate children from families
http://foreignpolicy.com/2018/06/19/at-least-during-the-internment-are-words-i-thought-id-never-utter-family-separation-children-border/amp/?__twitter_impression=trueim not okay with emotional abuse, but there is a difference and I was talking about one and you’re referring to the other.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
Such a situation could have long-term, devastating effects on young children, who are likely to develop what is called toxic stress in their brain once separated from caregivers or parents they trusted. It disrupts a child’s brain development and increases the levels of fight-or-flight hormones in their bodies, Kraft said. This kind of emotional trauma could eventually lead to health problems, such as heart disease and substance abuse disorders.
Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.
I think everyone here is in agreement that this is wrong.
seems a bit harsh to treat our friend McGruff that way, but hey, you said it, not me
The people flooding the borders now are from war torn and drug war areas. Do we as a nation go over there and meddle with these countries problems? The countries apparently are having a hard time controlling the violence there.