14 years and counting...



  • brianluxbrianlux Posts: 41,580
    Personally, I am not in favor of a government that is a tyranny, or despotic, or a dictatorship, or totalitarian  whether it appears to be just like Hitler's Nazi movement or not.
    “The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man [or woman] who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”
    Variously credited to Mark Twain or Edward Abbey.

  • tbergstbergs Posts: 9,543
    my2hands said:
    dignin said:

    Michigan receiving detained immigrant children as young as 3 months old


    good stuff... bravo.... that will show those dirty fucking immigrants... MAGA!

    seriously, how disgusting does this administration have to get?

    and that prick Corey Lewandowski deserves a pop in the mouth, loser

    that "wah wah" about the down syndrome kid made me want to punch my fucking ipad. 
    Empathy. No one in this Admin or prior employees of this Admin have any.
    It's a hopeless situation...
  • tbergstbergs Posts: 9,543
    brianlux said:
    Personally, I am not in favor of a government that is a tyranny, or despotic, or a dictatorship, or totalitarian  whether it appears to be just like Hitler's Nazi movement or not.
    Definitely. We're getting bogged down on the comparison to past regimes instead of focusing on how much this one strives for some of those terrible systems you mentioned. Go back and ask people in 1990 or 2000 if Donald Trump could ever be president to see how good we are at predicting what may happen in the future no matter how unrealistic it seems right now. When the signs are present, act before it's too late.
    It's a hopeless situation...
  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,483
    tbergs said:
    brianlux said:
    Personally, I am not in favor of a government that is a tyranny, or despotic, or a dictatorship, or totalitarian  whether it appears to be just like Hitler's Nazi movement or not.
    Definitely. We're getting bogged down on the comparison to past regimes instead of focusing on how much this one strives for some of those terrible systems you mentioned. Go back and ask people in 1990 or 2000 if Donald Trump could ever be president to see how good we are at predicting what may happen in the future no matter how unrealistic it seems right now. When the signs are present, act before it's too late.
    I didn't even predict he had a chance in hell during the primaries. or even on fucking election night. 
    new album "Cigarettes" out Fall 2024!


  • mace1229mace1229 Posts: 9,253
    tbergs said:
    dignin said:

    Michigan receiving detained immigrant children as young as 3 months old

    I’m almost sure I remember the WH saying that there would be no infants under 1 year separated....
    This is the same wh regime that would claim that the sun sets in the east and has been doing so for decades
    Well, of course! The sun revolves around our flat planet Earth which is at the center of the universe.
    That was proven false hundreds of years ago.
    But I live in Colorado, I can see the sun rise and it is maybe mid-Kansas. So that means it rises in the West for everyone east of Kansas.
  • Ledbetterman10Ledbetterman10 Posts: 16,834
    tbergs said:
    my2hands said:
    dignin said:

    Michigan receiving detained immigrant children as young as 3 months old


    good stuff... bravo.... that will show those dirty fucking immigrants... MAGA!

    seriously, how disgusting does this administration have to get?

    and that prick Corey Lewandowski deserves a pop in the mouth, loser

    that "wah wah" about the down syndrome kid made me want to punch my fucking ipad. 
    Empathy. No one in this Admin or prior employees of this Admin have any.
    And it trickles down to their fans. I'm done using the term "Trump supporters" because all they are are delusional fans. Not unlike Kardashian fans or whatever.
    2000: Camden 1, 2003: Philly, State College, Camden 1, MSG 2, Hershey, 2004: Reading, 2005: Philly, 2006: Camden 1, 2, East Rutherford 1, 2007: Lollapalooza, 2008: Camden 1, Washington D.C., MSG 1, 2, 2009: Philly 1, 2, 3, 4, 2010: Bristol, MSG 2, 2011: PJ20 1, 2, 2012: Made In America, 2013: Brooklyn 2, Philly 2, 2014: Denver, 2015: Global Citizen Festival, 2016: Philly 2, Fenway 1, 2018: Fenway 1, 2, 2021: Sea. Hear. Now. 2022: Camden, 2024Philly 2

    Pearl Jam bootlegs:
  • brianluxbrianlux Posts: 41,580
    tbergs said:
    brianlux said:
    Personally, I am not in favor of a government that is a tyranny, or despotic, or a dictatorship, or totalitarian  whether it appears to be just like Hitler's Nazi movement or not.
    Definitely. We're getting bogged down on the comparison to past regimes instead of focusing on how much this one strives for some of those terrible systems you mentioned. Go back and ask people in 1990 or 2000 if Donald Trump could ever be president to see how good we are at predicting what may happen in the future no matter how unrealistic it seems right now. When the signs are present, act before it's too late.
    Exactly.  Americans tend to say things like, "Oh, it's not that bad", or "Oh, we'll never be like that."  But then when you look at history and see how many times the rule of the land has turn to despotism or tyranny, etc. and one cannot rule out the possibility of that happening here. 
    “The fear of death follows from the fear of life. A man [or woman] who lives fully is prepared to die at any time.”
    Variously credited to Mark Twain or Edward Abbey.

  • Cliffy6745Cliffy6745 Posts: 33,710
    edited June 2018
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 48,406
    edited June 2018

    So now he's going to "sign something" to end his policy of separating kids from parents without legislation. Bravo! He could have done this weeks ago but chose to use these kids as hostages. Now he realizes it's not going to work.


    Wake up, people. Wake the fuck up already.

    Post edited by The Juggler on
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 48,406
    mcgruff10 said:
    mace1229 said:
    If you are trying to compare this to the holocaust then yes...go fuck yourself. 
    Are you saying that no comparisons can be made to Hitler or the Nazi Party? None because we haven’t had a holocaust? Yet?


    Didnt happen overnight. Started in 1923. Small, subtle, incremental steps, baby steps if you will. I’m sorry you can’t see that nor know the history and the underpinnings. But hey  Team Trump Treason is said to own one book, Mein Kampf so there is that.
    Hitler went on for over 20 years...

    At best Trump will be in power for 8.

    So we just let it go on for 8 years? Then the next Trumpian asshat that takes office continues? How about we learn from history and stop it now while we have a shot instead of perpetuating it because “at best it’s only 8 years.”
    Forgive me if I don't think we are in dark times or the dawn of a new Hitler is upon us.

    I do remember the right claiming that Obama was doing the same thing, turning America into Nazi Germany.  He was going to disarm us, make friends with our enemies, so on and so on.

    The way of thinking now has moved from one extreme to the other.  Every angle and counter argument is extreme now.

    There is no way, no way we go down that dark path.  That list posted above was being thrown around with Obama too...

    If that list was indeed thrown around with Obama, would you not at least agree it was with far less reason? When was Obama ever seen to display "rampant sexism", "disdain for human rights", or entwining church and state? And hasn't Trump displayed all of these, and more on the list?
    I don’t see Trump controlling the media or him bringing religion and govt together. 

    On another note Schumer shot down legislation to keep the immigrant families together saying that Trump could end this with his own and doesn’t need to be legislative. 

    Ive got problems with this. It’s more of govt banging their heads against the wall and pointing more fingers. No one is doing anything...

    Cuomo is suing the Trump admin though for human rights so at least someone is doing it. 

    I agree. I’ve agreed with most your points on this thread.
    How does 1 right-leaning news channel equate to controlling the media? Essentially every other news media is anti-Trump. About as far from controlling the media as you can get. 
    controlling the media isn't just about the media's content. it's also discrediting them to the point their content no longer matters. 

    And he discredits them every time he opens his mouth or tweets. How are people this blind to what is happening? I don't get it. This isn't normal. None of this is normal.
    No one is saying it is normal but it isn't Berlin 1938 either.

    Oh that's what I said? Really?

  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 48,406
    brianlux said:
    Personally, I am not in favor of a government that is a tyranny, or despotic, or a dictatorship, or totalitarian  whether it appears to be just like Hitler's Nazi movement or not.

    ....and this is what people fail to understand.
  • unsungunsung Posts: 9,487
    my2hands said:
    unsung said:
    my2hands said:
    If you are trying to compare this to the holocaust then yes...go fuck yourself. 
    Are you saying that no comparisons can be made to Hitler or the Nazi Party? None because we haven’t had a holocaust? Yet?


    Didnt happen overnight. Started in 1923. Small, subtle, incremental steps, baby steps if you will. I’m sorry you can’t see that nor know the history and the underpinnings. But hey  Team Trump Treason is said to own one book, Mein Kampf so there is that.
    Hitler went on for over 20 years...

    At best Trump will be in power for 8.

    So we just let it go on for 8 years? Then the next Trumpian asshat that takes office continues? How about we learn from history and stop it now while we have a shot instead of perpetuating it because “at best it’s only 8 years.”
    Forgive me if I don't think we are in dark times or the dawn of a new Hitler is upon us.

    I do remember the right claiming that Obama was doing the same thing, turning America into Nazi Germany.  He was going to disarm us, make friends with our enemies, so on and so on.

    The way of thinking now has moved from one extreme to the other.  Every angle and counter argument is extreme now.

    There is no way, no way we go down that dark path.  That list posted above was being thrown around with Obama too...

    If that list was indeed thrown around with Obama, would you not at least agree it was with far less reason? When was Obama ever seen to display "rampant sexism", "disdain for human rights", or entwining church and state? And hasn't Trump displayed all of these, and more on the list?
    I don’t see Trump controlling the media or him bringing religion and govt together. 

    On another note Schumer shot down legislation to keep the immigrant families together saying that Trump could end this with his own and doesn’t need to be legislative. 

    Ive got problems with this. It’s more of govt banging their heads against the wall and pointing more fingers. No one is doing anything...

    Cuomo is suing the Trump admin though for human rights so at least someone is doing it. 

    What are you talking about?? Schumer is correct. This isn’t a law. This doesn’t need a congressional fix. Trump can put an end to his own policy of separating children from their parents by simply telling his justice department to stop enforcing his own policy. 

    And Trump doesn’t control the media? Hahaha...that is ducking hilarious. He has one network parroting his talking points 24 hours a day. He fucking live tweets it. 
    This is controlling the media?  One news outlet?  Really?
    Dude. This is America. You act as if the president controlling one news network is a minor offense. It is an affront to our democracy. Literally.  It’s state controlled media. And it’s not really one, but it’s clearly the major one. Then you throw in Breitbart, that One America channel, and possibly worse of all, Sinclair Broadcasting which controls hundreds of local channels—it’s fucking scary when you think about how fast this is happening. Then, of course, you have the president on a daily/hourly basis discrediting literally EVERY OTHER NEWS OUTLET who reports on him critically and....yeah, man—this is how it starts. It’s by the book. They’re not even hiding it.  I can’t believe I have to explain this to you. A third of this country isn’t thinking for themselves. I keep saying this not to be demeaning or anything but, really: OPEN YOUR EYES. This is happening right now and people just don’t want to acknowledge it or are just so happy with the economy (that they’ve been conditioned by Trump and his media outlets to believe got better on 1/20/17 instead of 8 years ago) that they turn the other cheek. 

    This is how it starts. It’s happening. Wake up. 
    I'll be labeled as naive on this as I see Trump preaching to the choir.  I don't think that he controls any of it, that's just his base and it's like brand loyalty.  Like MSNBC just goes the complete opposite direction of the GOP.  If GOP says white then MSNBC says black...

    I have a cousin that is a very stark conservative and he spews the same garbage you are right now.  He thinks that a war is coming and that a new movement is coming.  He believes that we are going to have a civil war and he wants that...

    I am woke, I am paying attention.  I Just don't see the sky as falling.  I see people pointing out so far off extreme talking points that it sounds absurd.

    Do we have some work to do to make us better?  Yes.

    Back to the news outlets.  When has Fox ever backed a Democrat?  I don't recall.

    When has the other news outlets endorsed a republican?  I don't recall.

    The news thing has been going on for as long as I can remember.  I view the news and politics now as trying to split us up and make us draw lines in the sand, choose a side, but that is just me I guess.  I'm naive and need to open  my eyes...

    He wants to kill his neighbours? He wants a civil war?

    Wtf is wrong with America? People have lost their f**king minds.

    I change my mind on gun control... stock up if there are f**wads eager for a civil war. Geezuz.
    My cousin is an idiot though.  Smartest dumb person I know.  Breitbart, Fox, all his favorites.  He leans alt right almost...  It's sad.

    I know there are others like him but they are few and far between but I'm sure a bunch on here will say something like there are 61million or something rhetorical like that...

    is your cousins name @unsung? lol
    No, it is @hidebehindacomputerscreen

    why you hiding behind a screen, bro? worried about the elimination of the white race?

    I don't single out users and talk shit.
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 48,406
    unsung said:
    my2hands said:
    unsung said:
    my2hands said:
    If you are trying to compare this to the holocaust then yes...go fuck yourself. 
    Are you saying that no comparisons can be made to Hitler or the Nazi Party? None because we haven’t had a holocaust? Yet?


    Didnt happen overnight. Started in 1923. Small, subtle, incremental steps, baby steps if you will. I’m sorry you can’t see that nor know the history and the underpinnings. But hey  Team Trump Treason is said to own one book, Mein Kampf so there is that.
    Hitler went on for over 20 years...

    At best Trump will be in power for 8.

    So we just let it go on for 8 years? Then the next Trumpian asshat that takes office continues? How about we learn from history and stop it now while we have a shot instead of perpetuating it because “at best it’s only 8 years.”
    Forgive me if I don't think we are in dark times or the dawn of a new Hitler is upon us.

    I do remember the right claiming that Obama was doing the same thing, turning America into Nazi Germany.  He was going to disarm us, make friends with our enemies, so on and so on.

    The way of thinking now has moved from one extreme to the other.  Every angle and counter argument is extreme now.

    There is no way, no way we go down that dark path.  That list posted above was being thrown around with Obama too...

    If that list was indeed thrown around with Obama, would you not at least agree it was with far less reason? When was Obama ever seen to display "rampant sexism", "disdain for human rights", or entwining church and state? And hasn't Trump displayed all of these, and more on the list?
    I don’t see Trump controlling the media or him bringing religion and govt together. 

    On another note Schumer shot down legislation to keep the immigrant families together saying that Trump could end this with his own and doesn’t need to be legislative. 

    Ive got problems with this. It’s more of govt banging their heads against the wall and pointing more fingers. No one is doing anything...

    Cuomo is suing the Trump admin though for human rights so at least someone is doing it. 

    What are you talking about?? Schumer is correct. This isn’t a law. This doesn’t need a congressional fix. Trump can put an end to his own policy of separating children from their parents by simply telling his justice department to stop enforcing his own policy. 

    And Trump doesn’t control the media? Hahaha...that is ducking hilarious. He has one network parroting his talking points 24 hours a day. He fucking live tweets it. 
    This is controlling the media?  One news outlet?  Really?
    Dude. This is America. You act as if the president controlling one news network is a minor offense. It is an affront to our democracy. Literally.  It’s state controlled media. And it’s not really one, but it’s clearly the major one. Then you throw in Breitbart, that One America channel, and possibly worse of all, Sinclair Broadcasting which controls hundreds of local channels—it’s fucking scary when you think about how fast this is happening. Then, of course, you have the president on a daily/hourly basis discrediting literally EVERY OTHER NEWS OUTLET who reports on him critically and....yeah, man—this is how it starts. It’s by the book. They’re not even hiding it.  I can’t believe I have to explain this to you. A third of this country isn’t thinking for themselves. I keep saying this not to be demeaning or anything but, really: OPEN YOUR EYES. This is happening right now and people just don’t want to acknowledge it or are just so happy with the economy (that they’ve been conditioned by Trump and his media outlets to believe got better on 1/20/17 instead of 8 years ago) that they turn the other cheek. 

    This is how it starts. It’s happening. Wake up. 
    I'll be labeled as naive on this as I see Trump preaching to the choir.  I don't think that he controls any of it, that's just his base and it's like brand loyalty.  Like MSNBC just goes the complete opposite direction of the GOP.  If GOP says white then MSNBC says black...

    I have a cousin that is a very stark conservative and he spews the same garbage you are right now.  He thinks that a war is coming and that a new movement is coming.  He believes that we are going to have a civil war and he wants that...

    I am woke, I am paying attention.  I Just don't see the sky as falling.  I see people pointing out so far off extreme talking points that it sounds absurd.

    Do we have some work to do to make us better?  Yes.

    Back to the news outlets.  When has Fox ever backed a Democrat?  I don't recall.

    When has the other news outlets endorsed a republican?  I don't recall.

    The news thing has been going on for as long as I can remember.  I view the news and politics now as trying to split us up and make us draw lines in the sand, choose a side, but that is just me I guess.  I'm naive and need to open  my eyes...

    He wants to kill his neighbours? He wants a civil war?

    Wtf is wrong with America? People have lost their f**king minds.

    I change my mind on gun control... stock up if there are f**wads eager for a civil war. Geezuz.
    My cousin is an idiot though.  Smartest dumb person I know.  Breitbart, Fox, all his favorites.  He leans alt right almost...  It's sad.

    I know there are others like him but they are few and far between but I'm sure a bunch on here will say something like there are 61million or something rhetorical like that...

    is your cousins name @unsung? lol
    No, it is @hidebehindacomputerscreen

    why you hiding behind a screen, bro? worried about the elimination of the white race?

    I don't single out users and talk shit.

    Rambo....attempting to take the high road
  • Halifax2TheMaxHalifax2TheMax Posts: 38,196
    unsung said:
    my2hands said:
    unsung said:
    my2hands said:
    If you are trying to compare this to the holocaust then yes...go fuck yourself. 
    Are you saying that no comparisons can be made to Hitler or the Nazi Party? None because we haven’t had a holocaust? Yet?


    Didnt happen overnight. Started in 1923. Small, subtle, incremental steps, baby steps if you will. I’m sorry you can’t see that nor know the history and the underpinnings. But hey  Team Trump Treason is said to own one book, Mein Kampf so there is that.
    Hitler went on for over 20 years...

    At best Trump will be in power for 8.

    So we just let it go on for 8 years? Then the next Trumpian asshat that takes office continues? How about we learn from history and stop it now while we have a shot instead of perpetuating it because “at best it’s only 8 years.”
    Forgive me if I don't think we are in dark times or the dawn of a new Hitler is upon us.

    I do remember the right claiming that Obama was doing the same thing, turning America into Nazi Germany.  He was going to disarm us, make friends with our enemies, so on and so on.

    The way of thinking now has moved from one extreme to the other.  Every angle and counter argument is extreme now.

    There is no way, no way we go down that dark path.  That list posted above was being thrown around with Obama too...

    If that list was indeed thrown around with Obama, would you not at least agree it was with far less reason? When was Obama ever seen to display "rampant sexism", "disdain for human rights", or entwining church and state? And hasn't Trump displayed all of these, and more on the list?
    I don’t see Trump controlling the media or him bringing religion and govt together. 

    On another note Schumer shot down legislation to keep the immigrant families together saying that Trump could end this with his own and doesn’t need to be legislative. 

    Ive got problems with this. It’s more of govt banging their heads against the wall and pointing more fingers. No one is doing anything...

    Cuomo is suing the Trump admin though for human rights so at least someone is doing it. 

    What are you talking about?? Schumer is correct. This isn’t a law. This doesn’t need a congressional fix. Trump can put an end to his own policy of separating children from their parents by simply telling his justice department to stop enforcing his own policy. 

    And Trump doesn’t control the media? Hahaha...that is ducking hilarious. He has one network parroting his talking points 24 hours a day. He fucking live tweets it. 
    This is controlling the media?  One news outlet?  Really?
    Dude. This is America. You act as if the president controlling one news network is a minor offense. It is an affront to our democracy. Literally.  It’s state controlled media. And it’s not really one, but it’s clearly the major one. Then you throw in Breitbart, that One America channel, and possibly worse of all, Sinclair Broadcasting which controls hundreds of local channels—it’s fucking scary when you think about how fast this is happening. Then, of course, you have the president on a daily/hourly basis discrediting literally EVERY OTHER NEWS OUTLET who reports on him critically and....yeah, man—this is how it starts. It’s by the book. They’re not even hiding it.  I can’t believe I have to explain this to you. A third of this country isn’t thinking for themselves. I keep saying this not to be demeaning or anything but, really: OPEN YOUR EYES. This is happening right now and people just don’t want to acknowledge it or are just so happy with the economy (that they’ve been conditioned by Trump and his media outlets to believe got better on 1/20/17 instead of 8 years ago) that they turn the other cheek. 

    This is how it starts. It’s happening. Wake up. 
    I'll be labeled as naive on this as I see Trump preaching to the choir.  I don't think that he controls any of it, that's just his base and it's like brand loyalty.  Like MSNBC just goes the complete opposite direction of the GOP.  If GOP says white then MSNBC says black...

    I have a cousin that is a very stark conservative and he spews the same garbage you are right now.  He thinks that a war is coming and that a new movement is coming.  He believes that we are going to have a civil war and he wants that...

    I am woke, I am paying attention.  I Just don't see the sky as falling.  I see people pointing out so far off extreme talking points that it sounds absurd.

    Do we have some work to do to make us better?  Yes.

    Back to the news outlets.  When has Fox ever backed a Democrat?  I don't recall.

    When has the other news outlets endorsed a republican?  I don't recall.

    The news thing has been going on for as long as I can remember.  I view the news and politics now as trying to split us up and make us draw lines in the sand, choose a side, but that is just me I guess.  I'm naive and need to open  my eyes...

    He wants to kill his neighbours? He wants a civil war?

    Wtf is wrong with America? People have lost their f**king minds.

    I change my mind on gun control... stock up if there are f**wads eager for a civil war. Geezuz.
    My cousin is an idiot though.  Smartest dumb person I know.  Breitbart, Fox, all his favorites.  He leans alt right almost...  It's sad.

    I know there are others like him but they are few and far between but I'm sure a bunch on here will say something like there are 61million or something rhetorical like that...

    is your cousins name @unsung? lol
    No, it is @hidebehindacomputerscreen

    why you hiding behind a screen, bro? worried about the elimination of the white race?

    I don't single out users and talk shit.

    Rambo....attempting to take the high road
    Comical, isn’t it?
    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • HughFreakingDillonHughFreakingDillon Winnipeg Posts: 36,483
    excellent opinion piece on comparing current US actions to Nazi Germany (many of these same points have been made by various posters here):

    new album "Cigarettes" out Fall 2024!


  • Halifax2TheMaxHalifax2TheMax Posts: 38,196

    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • tbergstbergs Posts: 9,543

    From that article:

    President Donald Trump said he plans to sign an executive action on Wednesday that would end the administration’s policy of separating migrant families crossing the U.S.-Mexico border, abandoning the president’s previous stance that only Congress can fix the problem.

    “The Republicans want security and insist on security for our country. And we will have that,” Trump said during a meeting at the White House with lawmakers and officials. “At the same time we have compassion and want to keep families together. It’s very important. I’ll be signing something in a little while that’s going to do that.”

    He added that he hopes his action will “matched by legislation.”

    And then below that:

    On Tuesday night, shortly before the AP story broke, Trump attended a $100,000-plus-per-person fundraiser at his hotel in Washington, D.C. Before that, he met with House Republicans at the Capitol, where he sounded off on everything from trade to fighter jets, while only briefly acknowledging the outcry over the situation at the U.S.-Mexico border.

    "We have to take care of these separations,” he said, according to a person in the room, encouraging lawmakers to come up with a legislative fix and recounting that his daughter and adviser, Ivanka Trump, had raised concerns about the policy.

    But behind the scenes, Trump has been paying close attention to the fallout, at times doubling down on the policy and complaining that Democrats are using the issue to sabotage him politically, while also signaling to aides that he wants the issue resolved quickly.

    “It’s the Democrats fault, they won’t give us the votes needed to pass good immigration legislation,” Trump tweeted Wednesday. “They want open borders, which breeds horrible crime. Republicans want security. But I am working on something - it never ends!” The president also retweeted by Darrell Scott, a pastor and Trump supporter, that declared: “Once the mid terms are over, liberals won’t talk about detained or separated illegal immigrant children until 2020. #itsallpolitics.”

    The haves, have not a fucking clue.

    It's a hopeless situation...
  • Ledbetterman10Ledbetterman10 Posts: 16,834
    edited June 2018

    Yeah it "began" the moment he came down that escalator.
    Post edited by Ledbetterman10 on
    2000: Camden 1, 2003: Philly, State College, Camden 1, MSG 2, Hershey, 2004: Reading, 2005: Philly, 2006: Camden 1, 2, East Rutherford 1, 2007: Lollapalooza, 2008: Camden 1, Washington D.C., MSG 1, 2, 2009: Philly 1, 2, 3, 4, 2010: Bristol, MSG 2, 2011: PJ20 1, 2, 2012: Made In America, 2013: Brooklyn 2, Philly 2, 2014: Denver, 2015: Global Citizen Festival, 2016: Philly 2, Fenway 1, 2018: Fenway 1, 2, 2021: Sea. Hear. Now. 2022: Camden, 2024Philly 2

    Pearl Jam bootlegs:
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 48,406
    excellent opinion piece on comparing current US actions to Nazi Germany (many of these same points have been made by various posters here):


    Sadly this is too rational an article for a third of the country to comprehend...
  • Halifax2TheMaxHalifax2TheMax Posts: 38,196
    Words, to this administration, are divorced from any real meaning, except when they're being used as not-so-subtle dog whistles to a racist base. Like so many authoritarian regimes before them, they insist that words can be easily redefined, that history must be erased, and that you can't believe your own lyin' eyes.
    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • Halifax2TheMaxHalifax2TheMax Posts: 38,196
    No one is claiming the Trump administration is marching kids to death camps. And we must always be careful not to overstate the case. But the case here is clear, and it's dire, and it has dangerous historical precedents that we would be foolish and irresponsible to ignore.
    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Posts: 49,871
    edited June 2018
    mcgruff10 said:

    PJ_Soul said:
    mcgruff10 said:
    Smellyman said:
    Leader dehumanizes a people.

    Leader blames those people. (job loss, sucking money from economy, rape, drugs, crime)

    Base starts to believe. (already did really)

    They are the reason for our failure or country declining.

    Get state TV (Fox, Breitbart, etc. , and all radio talk shows) to spew propaganda regardless of facts or reason.

    Base believes they are the reason for their troubles.

    Implement policy that starts rounding them up with declaration from Sessions (Goebbles)

    Get Law Enforcement to comply and that is the right thing to do.

    Put them in camps in cages (or walls with chain link fences)

    Not similar to 1938 at all.

    It s actually not similar at all. This is such a stretch by the left. The only thing similar is that this year also ends in the number 8.
    There are strong similarities. The tactics being used are actually identical in some cases.
    Imo not at all. Actually I see zero similarities to Nazi germany persecuting their own citizens and the u.s. Arresting illegal immigrants at the border. 
    I meant there are strong similarities between Nazi political tactics and Trump admin tactics in general, including taking children away from their parents, period. That specific thing - removing children from the parents and not telling them when or if they'd ever be reunited, and sometimes doing it by telling the parents they were just taking the kid for a bath - is absolutely similar to what Nazis did, all other differences aside. But the other tactics I'm talking about are things like the propaganda tactics (did you see how they called the immigrants an infestation the other day? Sound familiar?), the anti-media tactics, having what amounts to state-sponsored news media, the double-speak: what's true is false, what's false is true, the ICE community raids taking place across the country, the deliberate fear mongering, the deliberate efforts to pit citizens against one another, the political rallies held by the leader after entering office, etc etc etc etc. There are OBJECTIVE similarities between the two regimes. I know this fact makes a lot of American people very uncomfortable, but that doesn't mean the parallels don't clearly exist.
    Post edited by PJ_Soul on
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • tbergstbergs Posts: 9,543
    PJ_Soul said:
    mcgruff10 said:

    PJ_Soul said:
    mcgruff10 said:
    Smellyman said:
    Leader dehumanizes a people.

    Leader blames those people. (job loss, sucking money from economy, rape, drugs, crime)

    Base starts to believe. (already did really)

    They are the reason for our failure or country declining.

    Get state TV (Fox, Breitbart, etc. , and all radio talk shows) to spew propaganda regardless of facts or reason.

    Base believes they are the reason for their troubles.

    Implement policy that starts rounding them up with declaration from Sessions (Goebbles)

    Get Law Enforcement to comply and that is the right thing to do.

    Put them in camps in cages (or walls with chain link fences)

    Not similar to 1938 at all.

    It s actually not similar at all. This is such a stretch by the left. The only thing similar is that this year also ends in the number 8.
    There are strong similarities. The tactics being used are actually identical in some cases.
    Imo not at all. Actually I see zero similarities to Nazi germany persecuting their own citizens and the u.s. Arresting illegal immigrants at the border. 
    I meant there are strong similarities between Nazi political tactics and Trump admin tactics in general, including taking children away from their parents, period. That specific thing - removing children from the parents and not telling them when or if they'd ever be reunited - is absolutely similar to what Nazis did, all other differences aside. But the other tactics I'm talking about are things like the propaganda tactics (did you see how they called the immigrants an infestation the other day? Sound familiar?), the anti-media tactics, having what amounts to state-sponsored news media, the double-speak: what's true is false, what's false is real, the ICE community raids, the deliberate fear mongering, the deliberate efforts to pit citizens against one another, the political rallies held by the leader after entering office, etc etc etc etc. There are OBJECTIVE similarities between the two regimes. I know this fact makes a lot of American people very uncomfortable, but that doesn't mean the parallels don't clearly exist.
    So much truth to all of this and the highlighted especially. These aren't normal political rallies. They're, "praise our great leader" rallies because he is so good and just. Just the other day he made the comment about how his supporters are the smartest people. He continually perpetuates that he and his followers are the more intelligent group. Does that sound familiar to anyone? I don't give a shit if you don't think it compares to Nazism, but it should still be concerning, not awww shucks, he's just saying what he thinks.
    It's a hopeless situation...
  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 48,406
    PJ_Soul said:
    mcgruff10 said:

    PJ_Soul said:
    mcgruff10 said:
    Smellyman said:
    Leader dehumanizes a people.

    Leader blames those people. (job loss, sucking money from economy, rape, drugs, crime)

    Base starts to believe. (already did really)

    They are the reason for our failure or country declining.

    Get state TV (Fox, Breitbart, etc. , and all radio talk shows) to spew propaganda regardless of facts or reason.

    Base believes they are the reason for their troubles.

    Implement policy that starts rounding them up with declaration from Sessions (Goebbles)

    Get Law Enforcement to comply and that is the right thing to do.

    Put them in camps in cages (or walls with chain link fences)

    Not similar to 1938 at all.

    It s actually not similar at all. This is such a stretch by the left. The only thing similar is that this year also ends in the number 8.
    There are strong similarities. The tactics being used are actually identical in some cases.
    Imo not at all. Actually I see zero similarities to Nazi germany persecuting their own citizens and the u.s. Arresting illegal immigrants at the border. 
    I meant there are strong similarities between Nazi political tactics and Trump admin tactics in general, including taking children away from their parents, period. That specific thing - removing children from the parents and not telling them when or if they'd ever be reunited, and sometimes doing it by telling the parents they were just taking the kid for a bath - is absolutely similar to what Nazis did, all other differences aside. But the other tactics I'm talking about are things like the propaganda tactics (did you see how they called the immigrants an infestation the other day? Sound familiar?), the anti-media tactics, having what amounts to state-sponsored news media, the double-speak: what's true is false, what's false is true, the ICE community raids taking place across the country, the deliberate fear mongering, the deliberate efforts to pit citizens against one another, the political rallies held by the leader after entering office, etc etc etc etc. There are OBJECTIVE similarities between the two regimes. I know this fact makes a lot of American people very uncomfortable, but that doesn't mean the parallels don't clearly exist.

    You're wasting your breath. He is a history teacher so he should know all of this already.....
  • BentleyspopBentleyspop Posts: 10,659
    Well now that his church said what he is doing is wrong I guess he'll  put a stop to it......

  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 48,406
    edited June 2018

    State Run Media


    The story received some play on FoxNews.com over the weekend, but then, starting on Monday morning, headlines about it were buried beneath stories about Trump’s ambitions in outer-space, the hat Napoleon wore at the battle of Waterloo, and an allegedly spit-in hamburger at a restaurant in Queens.

    Post edited by The Juggler on
  • Halifax2TheMaxHalifax2TheMax Posts: 38,196
    But my hatred of others is sad. I wonder what hatred I espoused? Compared to separating innocent children from their parents, I'm a saint. I also don't recall telling everyone to just stop it and to fuck off within a couple of posts in a thread. But yea, I'm full of hatred. Team Trumpian Treason in its accusation. Kind of like, "lock her up!" Where are those Hillary indictments, by the way? Oh, we don't need those anymore. Kind of like facts.
    09/15/1998 & 09/16/1998, Mansfield, MA; 08/29/00 08/30/00, Mansfield, MA; 07/02/03, 07/03/03, Mansfield, MA; 09/28/04, 09/29/04, Boston, MA; 09/22/05, Halifax, NS; 05/24/06, 05/25/06, Boston, MA; 07/22/06, 07/23/06, Gorge, WA; 06/27/2008, Hartford; 06/28/08, 06/30/08, Mansfield; 08/18/2009, O2, London, UK; 10/30/09, 10/31/09, Philadelphia, PA; 05/15/10, Hartford, CT; 05/17/10, Boston, MA; 05/20/10, 05/21/10, NY, NY; 06/22/10, Dublin, IRE; 06/23/10, Northern Ireland; 09/03/11, 09/04/11, Alpine Valley, WI; 09/11/11, 09/12/11, Toronto, Ont; 09/14/11, Ottawa, Ont; 09/15/11, Hamilton, Ont; 07/02/2012, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/04/2012 & 07/05/2012, Berlin, Germany; 07/07/2012, Stockholm, Sweden; 09/30/2012, Missoula, MT; 07/16/2013, London, Ont; 07/19/2013, Chicago, IL; 10/15/2013 & 10/16/2013, Worcester, MA; 10/21/2013 & 10/22/2013, Philadelphia, PA; 10/25/2013, Hartford, CT; 11/29/2013, Portland, OR; 11/30/2013, Spokane, WA; 12/04/2013, Vancouver, BC; 12/06/2013, Seattle, WA; 10/03/2014, St. Louis. MO; 10/22/2014, Denver, CO; 10/26/2015, New York, NY; 04/23/2016, New Orleans, LA; 04/28/2016 & 04/29/2016, Philadelphia, PA; 05/01/2016 & 05/02/2016, New York, NY; 05/08/2016, Ottawa, Ont.; 05/10/2016 & 05/12/2016, Toronto, Ont.; 08/05/2016 & 08/07/2016, Boston, MA; 08/20/2016 & 08/22/2016, Chicago, IL; 07/01/2018, Prague, Czech Republic; 07/03/2018, Krakow, Poland; 07/05/2018, Berlin, Germany; 09/02/2018 & 09/04/2018, Boston, MA; 09/08/2022, Toronto, Ont; 09/11/2022, New York, NY; 09/14/2022, Camden, NJ; 09/02/2023, St. Paul, MN; 05/04/2024 & 05/06/2024, Vancouver, BC; 05/10/2024, Portland, OR;

    Libtardaplorable©. And proud of it.

  • The JugglerThe Juggler Posts: 48,406
  • BentleyspopBentleyspop Posts: 10,659
    American Airlines doing the right thing.....

  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 29,134
    You can bet your bottom dollar that he will make it seem like he swooped in to save the kids by putting a stop to his own polocy , what a disgusting American he is and to think he's the face that the rest of the world knows is representing me or you !!! Not my president he needs to be impeached or resign along with his whole administration ! 
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
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