FS Pearl Jam Vinyl- Vault 4, Uke Songs, L10L and some 45s

mace1229mace1229 Posts: 9,583
edited February 2018 in Lost Dogs
Decided I don't need to keep duplicates of vinyl. All are duplicates for me and therefore sealed and never played.
Never tried to sell my vinyl before, but thought selling my duplicates would help pay for a trip back to Wrigley.
Tried to base prices a little cheaper than what I saw on Discogs and that was for opened and used condition.
These are all sealed and mint

All sealed and new

Vault 4 Mt Baker  $110 
Eddie Vedder Ukulele Songs $125 -Sealed with Booklet
Live on 10 Legs, Sealed $70 - I didn't even know there was more than 1 version of this until a few months ago. All I know is I ordered this as soon as it was available and was shipped from Europe, took months to arrive. Actually have a duplicate because it was lost in the mail for about 3 months (literally) and 10c sent a replacement :)
Backspacer (4 available) $25

Singles: All singles appear mint, were duplicates from mystery boxes and never played. None came sealed except Longing to Belong
1999 - Strangest Tribe/Drifing $15
2004 - Someday at Christmas/Betterman $10
2013 - 99 Problems $15
Fixer/Supersonic White - $10
Longing to Belong (sealed) - $15
Take all 5 45s for $50

Shipping for Lp's are $5, shipping for 45s are $3. Will gladly combine an LP and 45 into 1 shipping for $5.

Thanks for looking!
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