FS: Black Crowes Mystery tube poster sale

willbarclaywillbarclay Ottawa, Canada Posts: 3,298
I did this a few years ago and the buyers were happy. I have lots of Crowes posters and figured I can let a few go and have fun with it.
I need to clear room in my portfolio anyway

So Here's the deal...

2 random Black Crowes posters per tube. 
I have 3 tubes to sell
One of the tubes will have an Autograped Crowes poster signed by Chris Robinson
$50 per tube plus shipping


  • willbarclaywillbarclay Ottawa, Canada Posts: 3,298
    1 tube sold ... 2 left ...
  • willbarclaywillbarclay Ottawa, Canada Posts: 3,298
    Anyone else interested? I'll lower the price on the last 2 mystery tubes to $45
  • PJamminPJammin Posts: 606
    Hello - thanks for offering up the BC posters. Big fan here as well. Question about the posters in your mystery sale - are the all relatively standard in size (usually like 18 x 24) or are there any odd sized posters. I ask only because some sized posters are a little easier to find frames for. Thanks!
  • willbarclaywillbarclay Ottawa, Canada Posts: 3,298

    Hey, they do actually vary. some are 18x24 and others might be 16x24 - 13x19  etc.

    All still somewhat standard size.

  • tusevuntusevun Posts: 243
    I would be interested in seeing a list of what you have if you would like to sell some. Saw a ton of 05/06 shows and they were the best band playing during that stretch. 
  • willbarclaywillbarclay Ottawa, Canada Posts: 3,298
    edited February 2018
    Post edited by willbarclay on
  • willbarclaywillbarclay Ottawa, Canada Posts: 3,298
    I also have 2 Rich Robinson solo tour posters both autographed by Rich. 18x24
  • dalesterazdalesteraz Phoenix, AZ Posts: 13
    Nice, I already have 5 of those, so I'm not real keen on the mystery tubes, are you interested in selling or trading?
    I changed by not changing at all!
  • willbarclaywillbarclay Ottawa, Canada Posts: 3,298
    I'm open to anything my friend
  • willbarclaywillbarclay Ottawa, Canada Posts: 3,298
    bump ... still have 2 tubes left if anyone is interested.
  • PJamminPJammin Posts: 606
    Is the poster on the far right (in the post above) a poster that you would consider selling on its own? 
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