Collectionzz Mystery Tube Swaps... once the mystery gets solved.



  • Received mine today in Toronto.

    West Palm Beach 2008

    New York 2010 Night 1 Soto

    PM me if interested in a trade.



  • carbon436carbon436 Posts: 352
    Atlanta 2012 Munk One & Rogers Charlottesville 2013. I have both already.
  • Received mine today in Toronto.

    West Palm Beach 2008

    New York 2010 Night 1 Soto

    PM me if interested in a trade.



    Neither are 'scratch and dent'
  • wwsuicidewwsuicide Posts: 1,373
    Open to trades.
  • Chris1401Chris1401 Posts: 354
    I was able to snag a scratch and dent today as part of the flash sale. Also got this which is a mixed message I guess...

    “To those that were able to get one of the tubes, given some of the "big gun" posters were already claimed from the main sale, we also decided to add 5 setlists to this batch of posters. There will be roughly a 1/5 chance of getting one in addition to your poster. We hope you enjoy, and as always, there will be plenty more to come from Collectionzz.”
  • E-G-A-GE-G-A-G Posts: 240
    I got the Nijmegen 2007 poster. Not what I was hoping for... so if anybody wants it, let's talk.
  • 2008 Virginia Beach Klausen here...  Open to anything...
  • hihobibohihobibo Tampa, FL Posts: 1,116
     Swan was mint, lion and gorilla were S&Dent, but one was a bonus in the tube, as I only ordered one. Willing to trade lion. Keeping the other two that I never saw before. 
  • cp3iversoncp3iverson Posts: 8,702
    What show is the swan from
  • hihobibohihobibo Tampa, FL Posts: 1,116
    What show is the swan from
    Aug 17 2009 Manchester 
  • PP193448PP193448 Here Posts: 4,282
    edited January 2018
    Got 2 regular mystery tubes
    Italy 2006 (butterfly)
    San Francisco 2006 (Army jacket) + promo poster from 2009 Berlin
    I would do trade not just for poster, or cash if someone is looking for these.  Plus I’ve got plenty other posters to add if trade is one sided.
    Post edited by PP193448 on
    2006 Clev,Pitt; 2008 NY MSGx2; 2010 Columbus; 2012 Missoula; 2013 Phoenix,Vancouver,Seattle; 2014 Cincy; 2016 Lex, Wrigley 1&2; 2018 Wrigley 1&2; 2022 Louisville
  • VedderMTLVedderMTL Montreal, Canada Posts: 1,401
    I don't have facebook. Has Anyone checked the group site to see if the crackerjack was claimed? Or the signed EV poster? My 3 tubes should arrive this week. Can't wait
    Buddy the Vedder signed showed up yesterday. 
  • willbarclaywillbarclay Ottawa, Canada Posts: 3,298

    VedderMTL said:
    I don't have facebook. Has Anyone checked the group site to see if the crackerjack was claimed? Or the signed EV poster? My 3 tubes should arrive this week. Can't wait
    Buddy the Vedder signed showed up yesterday. 

    Darn it !! Thanks for the update though. Mine should arrive in Ottawa any day now.
  • VedderMTLVedderMTL Montreal, Canada Posts: 1,401
    Montreal checking in !
  • willbarclaywillbarclay Ottawa, Canada Posts: 3,298

    Nice score my friend

    Jesus I hope I don't get a Calgary clown

  • F Me In The BrainF Me In The Brain this knows everybody from other commets Posts: 31,610
    That is such a great poster!
    The love he receives is the love that is saved
  • iO letsgoiO letsgo Posts: 187
    Open to trades, PM me
    LA ‘13 is mystery
    Sao Paolo ‘13 is scratch/dent (smudge)

  • Nice score my friend

    Jesus I hope I don't get a Calgary clown

    I can send you one if you'd like!
  • willbarclaywillbarclay Ottawa, Canada Posts: 3,298

    Nice score my friend

    Jesus I hope I don't get a Calgary clown

    I can send you one if you'd like!

    Bahaha ... thanks for the offer. I have enough nightmares as it is without that thing being in my house.
  • PillowPantsPillowPants Posts: 4,877


    These are the three I received. Open to any trades or selling them. 
  • jjflashjjflash Posts: 4,995
    VedderMTL said:
    Montreal checking in !
    Nice score!
  • gvilliangvillian Clarks Summit, PA Posts: 143
    Offering up the following for trade from my last 2 mystery poster buys (got my share of non-US pieces):
    2005 Calgary (green with hockey goalie)
    2006 Melbourne (Godzilla)
    2006 European Liberation (Bush/Newman mashup)
    2012 Isle of Wright 

    2006 PJ Tour Methane 
  • willbarclaywillbarclay Ottawa, Canada Posts: 3,298
    Has the Chief shown his face yet?
  • Has the Chief shown his face yet?
    Yes, yesterday
  • willbarclaywillbarclay Ottawa, Canada Posts: 3,298
    darn it again !! what is left out there?
  • darn it again !! what is left out there?
  • DW139059DW139059 Posts: 363

    Heres my mystery tube!  Not one I was looking for, but I'm warming up to it...  Would trade for a Raleigh 2003...
    Charlotte '96
    Raleigh '03
    Charlotte '13
    Cincinnati '14
    Greenville '16, Columbia '16
    Nashville '22
  • willbarclaywillbarclay Ottawa, Canada Posts: 3,298
    darn it again !! what is left out there?
    With my name all over it!!
  • sak300zxsak300zx Posts: 720
    darn it again !! what is left out there?
    I have heard rumblings McClown has been spotted
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