Randalls Island poster worth

My friend just found not one but two (!) Randall's Island posters in storage. He was wondering what theyre worth. Anyone have an idea? I looked at espresso beans and it looks around $400? Thanks 


  • MattchewMattchew Posts: 1,345
    Yeah, I believe the average is about $400, some go for around $500.
  • maynardsuxmaynardsux Posts: 1,096
    interested if he decides to sell.....thanks
    '93 Toronto
    '94 Detroit
    '10 Columbus
    '11 Detroit (Eddie solo), Toronto 1 and 2, Ottawa, Hamilton
    '13 London, Pittsburgh, Buffalo
    '14 Detroit
    '16 Ottawa, Toronto 1 and 2, Chicago 1 and 2
    '18 Chicago 1 and 2
    '22 Hamilton, Toronto
  • Also interested.
  • Brane_of_JFKBrane_of_JFK Maryland Posts: 1,901
    I have one available FS/FT
  • Thanks for the info. If he decides to sell I'll let people who pm'ed know. 
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