
Need some help/info on the 7" singles please

ekwiptekwipt Vancouver Posts: 477
Hoping some of you experts can help me with the song versions on the 7"s that just went up for sale. Basically just want to buy the 7"s with B-sides that aren't on the studio albums or Lost Dogs. I think I remember reading that the version of Down on the I Am Mine single differs from the version that appeared on Lost Dogs? I know Soon Forget on the Light Years single is a live version but can't remember if the B-side on Nothing As It Seems was live or just the standard album version? etc etc. Really appreciate any help you can give. Thanks :-)


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    Pretty sure the b-sides are the same as LD. NAIS has the standard LP version of Insignificance.

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    I believe the studio cuts on the singles from Binaural differ from the album versions. I believe BOB was brought in to clean them up after Tchad Blake's album mixes were sub par. 
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    If you look on wikipedia Insignificance on the single is Tchad's mix.  On the full album it is Brendan's mix.  Actually Pearl Jam's discography on Wikipedia has decent information on what versions were used for the singles.

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