Well... My experience started the night befor. We went to the Sheraton Hotel to see if we could just say Hi! to the band... Suddenly we were sitting at the bar section and Jeff appeared... I was petrified. I wanted a picture of him but I couldn't move. Anyway I was so excited to see him just a few meters away that it didn't matter at all... But then Mike was there and I picked my Benaroya cd and asked him for an autograph... He's such a gentleman! I took a picture of him too, I just couldn't believe it
The next day it was a very long day. When we finally got into the stadium it was hot as hell, and like half an hour later the crowd came running towards us. We stayed sit for 10 more minutes, then they started pushing us, I was 2nd row, between Eddie and Stone. It's the first time I really felt like a stamp
Mudhoney... God, unbelievable. They were really amazing... Too bad that not so many people in Chile knows them well (that's my impression)... But really really awesome.
Then PJ... I was already a stamp by then. I couldn't believe what I was watching... Wating for them for so long and thre they were, playing for us. I shouted every song and the rain was very appropiate, considering that what it looks like fog is in fact steam from our bodies. We were sweaty as hell, but it didn't matter.
Butn I have to say this... and I know most of you will hate me, but I left a little bit dissapointed. Even though the concert was great, the setlist was short, and the songs... God I wanted so much them to play songs as SOLT or Once... I felt bad when I got home, and I wasn't the only one. My friend felt that way too. I was happy to finally see them performing live, but I felt something was missing... something we found in the 2nd concert
The crowd was awesome, the pushing issue was a little bit disturbing but it was totally comprehensible. We laughed a lot while we waited for Mudhoney to play (chilean typical humour )... It was definitely a really nice experience
Great ordeal after having waited for over 12 hours to see them play without counting the my travel time from Colombia. I hope the weather in Bs As is a bit better in order to have a longer setlist.
I have never really understood people that think a show was great or not great simply by reading the setlist. It's all about the atmosphere...the energy...the connection betwen the band and the crowd.
No shit! These people have waited 15 years for PJ to come down there! I can't imagine what the energy must've been like.
It was one night wonderful. Almost 15 years hoping this moment and the day finally arrived. A dream come true. The SPECTACULAR band, the BRILLIANT sound and the BEST atmosphere. It was the happiest day of my life, that night I cried, I shouted and I sang each one of the songs. Thanks PEARL JAM to make our dreams reality. Here in Chile we will be waiting for them with the open arms.
Yep I Cried! Estaba Demasiado Emocionada- impactada- en la nube!....con ALIVE uf!...
I Nol Vi Da Ble
Gracias A Antonio Por tus Hombros y aguante!!! te kiero.
Gracias Pearl Jam Por El Festival De Emociones...aunke Falto Porch :( , pero en la próxima....
A bit surprised to read a few people saying they were a bit dissapointed - yeah the set was maybe a bit shorter than usual but I thought it was solid as ever - and no doubt there were no surprises because they were keen to play as many of the 'hits' as possible since they've never played in Chile before.
I'm just glad I got to be there - my first gig since 2000 when they last played in England and I took a 45 hour bus ride from Puno in Peru to make it there in time.
Also got sold a fake ticket to begin with so I was just relieved as hell to be there.
Awesome feeling when the first vocal of 'Release' kicks in - always thought that was the perfect opener ever since the Atlanta show they broadcast a decade ago.
This one was eclipsed by the two in Buenos Aires though - they were just incredible and the Argentinian fans are the best I've ever heard - check out the downloads if you were'nt there - there can't have been a single person in the arena not singing along to the tail-off at the end of 'Black'.
Sorry for posting this more than a week after the show but my english isn't very good so I had to give myself the time to make understandable everything that I wanted to say.
For this show I wasn't in the field, I was in one of the sides of the venue, where the seats are, I couldn't see much of the band because I was so far away and the screens didn't work that night, but the sound was awesome. Although I was very far from the band my emotion was huge. When Release started I don't think there was a single person in the audience who wasn't touched, lots of people had tears in their eyes. I couldn't believe that I was watching them live! The rain made the show a mystic experience. It was a night that I'll never forget because was the fist one. The strength and the intensity of our voices was unbelievable. That night had so many emotions that now when I listen the bootleg all those feelings come back. For me it was a dream come true. I was a little jealous of the people in the field because they were all jumping and where I was I couldn't move much because of the seats, but I had a complete view of the venue, it looked wonderful.
My favorite moments were when they played Small Town, Alive (with the entire crowd screaming yeah!) Eddie letting us sing a little bit of Better Man, Mike playing his Even Flow solo on the floor, Eddie sliding on the wet floor and saying "SANTIAGO ON THE VOCALS" after Even Flow and "Good Voices in Chile" after Jeremy and promising to us that it won't be so long until they come back. I hope they keep their promise.
It has passed one month since Pearl Jam was here, and has been innumerable times that I have revised the songs of the bootleg, the emosión continues here. They were two incredible nights, full of force and companionship, of communication and music.
The best shows ever!
I have listened the others bootlegs of latinoamerica, and i have verified that here the music is lived of heart, we celebrate with desire, we sing and are grateful.
I hope that you guys return soon, hope that more bands that still do not think of coming, encourage to present to the Latin-American public.
Here, the rock will never die.
Thanks to the band, thanks to all people how made it possible.
It has passed one month since Pearl Jam was here, and has been innumerable times that I have revised the songs of the bootleg, the emosión continues here. They were two incredible nights, full of force and companionship, of communication and music.
The best shows ever!
I have listened the others bootlegs of latinoamerica, and i have verified that here the music is lived of heart, we celebrate with desire, we sing and are grateful.
I hope that you guys return soon, hope that more bands that still do not think of coming, encourage to present to the Latin-American public.
Here, the rock will never die.
Thanks to the band, thanks to all people how made it possible.
Welcome and I agree with everything that you said.
I can't believe that it was five weeks ago... exactly five weeks ago, we were all singing our hearts out, to the band we love... awesome
I can't wait till they come back, and I can't wait for the new album, and I can't wait for my freaking xmas single either lol... but above all, I know that nothing will surpass the emotion, the joy, the pure excitement of being there that night, the first time ever, watching them come on stage and listening to the first notes of Release... it'll be engraved in our hearts forever.
Thank you, guys. From the bottom of our hearts. You rocked our world.
"So, Russell, what is it that you love about music?"
"To begin with... everything" --- Almost Famous
Well, I´m going to write in english although we speak in the same language...just to evitate understanding problems...
I´ve just listened to this show...It sounds incredible and with some special parts as Release, Black and Better Man...
congratulations to all who were there...what a reception for PEARL JAM!!!
I am listening to this show for the first time....damn, it's been a long time since I have heard Ed ask if everyone was okay in the crowd....and that there is help out on both sides....and to take care of your neighbors......then rocks the fuck out to Do The Evolution!!! Holy shit.....you guys must have been rocking your asses off!!!! The band sounds great.....but I'm only on DTE.....so I may post more about it after I finish the show.
The next day it was a very long day. When we finally got into the stadium it was hot as hell, and like half an hour later the crowd came running towards us. We stayed sit for 10 more minutes, then they started pushing us, I was 2nd row, between Eddie and Stone. It's the first time I really felt like a stamp
Mudhoney... God, unbelievable. They were really amazing... Too bad that not so many people in Chile knows them well (that's my impression)... But really really awesome.
Then PJ... I was already a stamp by then. I couldn't believe what I was watching... Wating for them for so long and thre they were, playing for us. I shouted every song and the rain was very appropiate, considering that what it looks like fog is in fact steam from our bodies. We were sweaty as hell, but it didn't matter.
Butn I have to say this... and I know most of you will hate me, but I left a little bit dissapointed. Even though the concert was great, the setlist was short, and the songs... God I wanted so much them to play songs as SOLT or Once... I felt bad when I got home, and I wasn't the only one. My friend felt that way too. I was happy to finally see them performing live, but I felt something was missing... something we found in the 2nd concert
The crowd was awesome, the pushing issue was a little bit disturbing but it was totally comprehensible. We laughed a lot while we waited for Mudhoney to play (chilean typical humour
See you guys in Buenos Aires!!!
No shit! These people have waited 15 years for PJ to come down there! I can't imagine what the energy must've been like.
With much love from Chile,
I Nol Vi Da Ble
Gracias A Antonio Por tus Hombros y aguante!!! te kiero.
Gracias Pearl Jam Por El Festival De Emociones...aunke Falto Porch :( , pero en la próxima....
todavía no lo creo.....
I'm just glad I got to be there - my first gig since 2000 when they last played in England and I took a 45 hour bus ride from Puno in Peru to make it there in time.
Also got sold a fake ticket to begin with so I was just relieved as hell to be there.
Awesome feeling when the first vocal of 'Release' kicks in - always thought that was the perfect opener ever since the Atlanta show they broadcast a decade ago.
This one was eclipsed by the two in Buenos Aires though - they were just incredible and the Argentinian fans are the best I've ever heard - check out the downloads if you were'nt there - there can't have been a single person in the arena not singing along to the tail-off at the end of 'Black'.
No words!!!
The first show in S.A. ever!!!!!
22/11/2005 http://radio.shared.cl:8000
26/11/2005 http://www.fmrockandpop.com/v2/vivo_ba.htm "puuuuuuur chaaaaammm"
03/12/2005 http://aovivo.terra.com.br/tvterra/pearljam/index.htm
y escuchando bien, definitivamente la primera fecha en santiago es la mejor
la gente canta mas que en todas las fechas que menciono
el 22 las versiones de release, small town, even flow, black, alive, not for you ni que decir de baba o riley son muy buenas
ahora me falta brasil
22.11.05 Santiago
23.11.05 Santiago
11.06.08 West Palm Beach
i dont remeber how many times i cried
it was the 2 shortest hours of my life
For this show I wasn't in the field, I was in one of the sides of the venue, where the seats are, I couldn't see much of the band because I was so far away and the screens didn't work that night, but the sound was awesome. Although I was very far from the band my emotion was huge. When Release started I don't think there was a single person in the audience who wasn't touched, lots of people had tears in their eyes. I couldn't believe that I was watching them live! The rain made the show a mystic experience. It was a night that I'll never forget because was the fist one. The strength and the intensity of our voices was unbelievable. That night had so many emotions that now when I listen the bootleg all those feelings come back. For me it was a dream come true. I was a little jealous of the people in the field because they were all jumping and where I was I couldn't move much because of the seats, but I had a complete view of the venue, it looked wonderful.
My favorite moments were when they played Small Town, Alive (with the entire crowd screaming yeah!) Eddie letting us sing a little bit of Better Man, Mike playing his Even Flow solo on the floor, Eddie sliding on the wet floor and saying "SANTIAGO ON THE VOCALS" after Even Flow and "Good Voices in Chile" after Jeremy and promising to us that it won't be so long until they come back. I hope they keep their promise.
The best shows ever!
I have listened the others bootlegs of latinoamerica, and i have verified that here the music is lived of heart, we celebrate with desire, we sing and are grateful.
I hope that you guys return soon, hope that more bands that still do not think of coming, encourage to present to the Latin-American public.
Here, the rock will never die.
Thanks to the band, thanks to all people how made it possible.
I can't wait till they come back, and I can't wait for the new album, and I can't wait for my freaking xmas single either lol... but above all, I know that nothing will surpass the emotion, the joy, the pure excitement of being there that night, the first time ever, watching them come on stage and listening to the first notes of Release... it'll be engraved in our hearts forever.
Thank you, guys. From the bottom of our hearts. You rocked our world.
"To begin with... everything" --- Almost Famous
Santiago, Chile:
Upcoming... New York, MSG, 05/02/2016!
I´ve just listened to this show...It sounds incredible and with some special parts as Release, Black and Better Man...
congratulations to all who were there...what a reception for PEARL JAM!!!
Saludos desde Argentina