Fender or Marshall?

For guitar amplifiers, which do you prefer and why?
I used to be a huge fan of the Fender Deluxe Reverb but lately it's all about the Tweed Deluxe.
Marshall makes some killer, classic amps too.
I used to be a huge fan of the Fender Deluxe Reverb but lately it's all about the Tweed Deluxe.
Marshall makes some killer, classic amps too.
If hope can grow from dirt like me, it can be done. - EV
"Pearl Jam always eases my mind and fires me up at the same time.”-Jeff Hardy
Since I stopped playing electric to focus on bass years ago, I sold most of the guitar gear I had. Now, I have a Fender Super Champ XD that I modified a bit. It suits my needs for now. I have it configured to sound like a Tweed Deluxe and it's making me want to buy or build a clone of the real thing.
Edited to add: The SCXD is not the same as a Tweed Deluxe but the voicing, OD character and touch sensitivity are close on Voice 3. Properly biasing the 6v6s, installing quality tubes and adding a more sensitive speaker go a long way to improve the amps performance.
"Well, you tell him that I don't talk to suckas."
I also really like Marshall amps, particularly the Plexi and the JTM-45. They break up like nobody's business and can get loud, loud, loud. If I owned a Plexi, I'm pretty sure I'd be deaf and the neighbors would be looking for places to disappear my body.
I'm leaning toward the 5E3 Deluxe just because it covers so much ground tonewise. The SCXD comes pretty close but it's limited by the 10" speaker in a small enclosure. It's great at home but if I really crank it up, it can sound a little boxy.
For now, I'm good with what I have but I've really been thinking of building a few amps. Fender and Marshall clones, most likely. Too much going on right now but one day....
I'm no expert but I've serviced and played through probably 15 Deluxe Reverb amps from the mid-60s. They are celebrated for good reason......they are really great amps. For the same money as an original though, I would rather buy a couple reissues.
YMMV, of course.