Trail running movie and Pearl Jam

BTMBTM Posts: 59
Hey all,
In 2006 I came within 300 meters of winning the Western States 100. Unfortunately I collapsed within sight of the finish and had to be helped to and across the finish line. In so doing, I was disqualified and didn't receive an official finish. I attempted the race again in '07,'08, and '09. For various reasons I was unable to finish in any of those attempts. In the summer of 2016, a decade later, I went back with the goal of finishing Western States. My friend, Ethan Newberry (the Ginger Runner), made a film called 'A Decade On.'

My love for Pearl Jam is a strong theme throughout the movie. In fact, I have two friends who both happen to be Seattle musicians. Ben Gibbard (DCFC) and Morgan Henderson (Fleet Foxes), and they both gush over my love of PJ too. Even more interestingly, Ben reached out to Mike McCready and asked him to film a short motivational for me. Though you don't actually see the minute long video that Mike sent, you can see my totally shocked reaction 62 miles into the race, as Ben hands me his phone and shows the video. It gives me chills just writing it.

I'm super proud of this movie, and I hope some of you may enjoy it too.



  • joseph33joseph33 Washington DC Posts: 1,247
    Very good story Brian. Thanks for the inspiration.
  • PJNBPJNB Posts: 13,424
    Wow what a story. I have crashed hard from riding on my bike while training and it is not a fun feeling. I couldn't imagine having it happen after running 100 miles and being in first place in such an elite race. You seem to have a great attitude about the situation and must be satisfied to finally complete the race on your own two feet. Do you plan on doing it again this year?

    I just sent this video to my sister who is aspiring to be an ultramarathoner trail runner. I mentioned your name and she was shocked that I "knew" you(I told her about the PJ forums and that I do not know you lol). She has followed your story over the years and even knew about your stomach issues during the race. She is running in the Boston Marathon coming up and after that she is going to focus on the trail and the ultramarathon. You guys are crazy! lol
  • AO253126AO253126 Posts: 363
    Wow, this looks very cool. I started watching the first couple minutes, but will need to make some time later to finish the rest. I've just started running marathons and trail marathons myself, but I'm relatively clueless when it comes to the elites of the sport. My goal is to one day cue up a single bootleg, maybe Wrigley 2013 if it ever comes out, as I cross the starting line and finish a marathon before the final song ends. Seems like a reach, but who knows? Maybe PJ will do me a solid one day a play a 4.5-5 hour show that I can use as my soundtrack!
  • Great job, Brian! Thanks for sharing your story.
  • RK50065RK50065 Posts: 897
    Brian, this awesome, thanks for sharing! What is your next hundred? (mine is Bighorn)
  • Terje131Terje131 Posts: 8
    Great movie Brian! I also ran WS100 last year and it was great to see you finish!
  • BTMBTM Posts: 59
    Hey thanks for checking this out! That's great to see how many runners there are here, and ultrarunners at that!
  • jmug23jmug23 Posts: 778
    Awesome. I love distance running and PJ so can't wait to watch this later today!!!
  • themessengerthemessenger Posts: 1,320
    Wow, just caught the first few minutes and I'll definitely have to finish it out when I have more time. I love to run, and although nowhere close that distance, I can only imagine the heartbreak of not finishing that year. Much respect and keep on going brother! Thanks for sharing!!!
  • sweetspotsweetspot Posts: 76
    Thanks so much for sharing this Brian. Congrats on your finish! I'm doing Big Sur marathon at the end of this month and your story is a nice boost of inspiration.
  • jmug23jmug23 Posts: 778
    Just finished watching it. Excellent job Brian. The scene of you running around the track with your kids got me choked up. I've done an Ironman and lots of Marathons, but I can't even fathom the mental and physical fortitude it takes to complete that race or any other ultra. Congrats on an amazing accomplishment and the ability to show your kids the power of determination and fortitude. Well done.
  • dcp3ydcp3y Posts: 806
    Epic story! Very inspiring with Brian's persistence. The finish line smile said it all. Well done!
  • BTMBTM Posts: 59
    Thanks for checking this out and for the kind words. Ethan (the Ginger Runner) knocked it out of the park with this movie. He really deserves all the credit in the world and I would encourage everyone to check out his other work on his Ginger Runner YouTube page. He's super talented and is a great dude!

    Happy Birthday, Mike! Thanks for your part in getting me through WS!
  • yellowwhoyellowwho Posts: 1,661

    First I want to say that your story is a great one and very inspirational. Congratulations on getting your buckle. I am a big fan of The Ginger runner and follow all his stuff as well as a fan of all things ultrarunning so I was aware of the filming of your journey to the finish and was patiently waiting for it to be released. It did not disappoint ! Great film and great accomplishment ! When I found out you were a Pearl Jam fan, well, that just put it over the top !! Lol. I also watched Ginger Runner Live after with you and Krissy Moehl and couldn't help but noticing your badass wallpaper in the background. I might have to copy that idea !!

    Next time I'm in Seattle, I'm definitely going to try and visit your store and say hi.

  • Rival178Rival178 Posts: 608
    Wow, very awesome!
  • mwplummwplum Posts: 1,529
    Congratulations Brian! That really brought tears to my eyes. Everything about your journey, perseverance, and dedication was absolutely beautiful and touching. That moment where you crossed the line with your kids was so emotional; I can only imagine what it must have felt like for you! Much love.
    1992-07-21 Vancouver
    1993-9-4 Vancouver
    1996-9-16 Seattle
    1998-7-19 Vancouver, 7-21 Seattle, Memorial Stadium
    2000-11-6 Seattle
    2001-10-22 Seattle
    2002 -12-09 Seattle
    2009-8-17 Manchester, 9-25 Vancouver
    2011-6-16 Seattle (EV), 9-3/4 PJ20, 9-25 Vancouver
    2012-6-27 Amsterdam (#2!)
    2013-11-29 Portland, 12-4 Vancouver, 12-6 Seattle
    2014-AUS - 1-26 Sydney, 1-31 Adelaide, 2-11/12 EV Sydney State Theatre, 2-13 EV Opera House
    2014 - USA - Memphis, Detroit, MOLINE, St. Paul, MILWAUKEE, Denver, 25/26 Bridge School
    2016 - Lexington, Philly x 2, MSG x 2, Quebec City, Ottawa, Toronto x 2, Pemberton, Fenway x 2, Wrigley x 2
    2018 - Seattle x 2, Missoula, Fenway x 2
  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 90,937
    edited April 2017

    Brian competed in Western States in 2006, and to the surprise of most, he took the lead.

    With just 300 meters to go, things took a disastrous turn. That year's race was the second-hottest on recor, and Brian had pushed his body to the limit.

    “My legs were just Jell-O,” he said.

    With the help of his crew, Brian crossed the finish line in first place and was taken to the hospital.

    "I went to the ER there and got scolded by the ER doctor. ‘How could you do this to yourself?,’" Brian said. “It was just in one ear and out the other cause I had won Western States."

    Brian's high came crashing down the next morning, when he found he had been disqualified for not completing the race under his own power.

    After that came three more failed attempts, followed by a much needed break. Brian's journey back to Western States was featured in the new documentary, "A Decade On."

    In 2016, Brian finished the race, thanks to supportive family, friends and pacers, including Death Cab for Cutie frontman Ben Gibbard. Pearl Jam's Mike McCready also reached out.

    “That was almost the biggest motivation at times,” Brian said. “I can’t disappoint Mike McCready.”

    So now that he's earned his buckle, is Brian done with Western States?

    "I can certainly see going back though that pains Andrea every time I say that,” Brian said

    Watch the full documentary below:


    A DECADE ON - Brian Morrison and The Western States 100


    In 2006, a young Seattle ultrarunner, Brian Morrison, attempted his first Western States 100. After running for 18 hours on the second hottest day in the race's history, he found himself in first place as he entered the historic finishing track,. Unfortunately, after using all of his strength to get there, his body gave out within feet of the finish. His crew helped him to his feet which ultimately lead him to not finish under his own power, resulting in a DNF or "Did Not Finish". 10 years later, Brian returned to finally get his coveted Western States 100 buckle.

    Visit Brian's running store, Fleet Feet Seattle, and meet him in person. He's just as kind and open as you can imagine.

    This film was made in part by the incredible support of all of our wonderful Patreon supporters. Feel free to join the crew:

    Be sure to support this and future films by snagging the Director's Commentary track featuring Brian Morrison here:

    The entire Morrison family
    Matt Trappe
    Kimberley Teshima Newberry
    Ben & Morgan
    Scott Jurek
    John Medinger
    Craig Thornley
    The amazing WSER Board, Volunteers & family
    Pearl Jam
    Post edited by demetrios on
  • RiverrunnerRiverrunner Posts: 2,419
    Can't wait to watch the movie.
    The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged by the way it treats its animals. Ghandi
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