What songs (apart from PJ / ED VED after years / decades of listening give the same buzz

in Other Music
Had the iPod on shuffle for months and some songs come on that just never fade,lifetime treasures I guess ,which ones push in your top ten apart from PJ/ ED songs(tipping that would fill most top tens)
No particular order but my ten could be 50 or more but math don't allow it ,so 10 standouts would be
FREE BIRD - Lynard Skynard The live version of this song is timeless ,I find if things are a bit tough in life it is a great friend
13 SOMETIMES - John Butler Trio Love the roller coaster this gives
FADE TO BLACK - Metallica What an intro,big build
WISH YOU WERE HERE - Pink FLOYD Pretty close to perfect
ROCK BOTTOM - UFO. This song for a seventies song is unbelievable,the live version off STRANGERS IN THE NIGHT
STILL REMAINS -Stone Temple Pilots Simply kickarse rock song full of emotion
VELVET MORNING - The Verve Urban hymns is agree at album,love this song
PARADISE CITY - Guns n Roses Absolutely kicks
TIMES OF TROUBLE - Temple Of The Dog speaks for itself
COLD DESSERT - Kings Of Leon A real mood song that works
No way saying greatest songs, though some could be more just songs that touch you low or high like good music does
No particular order but my ten could be 50 or more but math don't allow it ,so 10 standouts would be
FREE BIRD - Lynard Skynard The live version of this song is timeless ,I find if things are a bit tough in life it is a great friend
13 SOMETIMES - John Butler Trio Love the roller coaster this gives
FADE TO BLACK - Metallica What an intro,big build
WISH YOU WERE HERE - Pink FLOYD Pretty close to perfect
ROCK BOTTOM - UFO. This song for a seventies song is unbelievable,the live version off STRANGERS IN THE NIGHT
STILL REMAINS -Stone Temple Pilots Simply kickarse rock song full of emotion
VELVET MORNING - The Verve Urban hymns is agree at album,love this song
PARADISE CITY - Guns n Roses Absolutely kicks
TIMES OF TROUBLE - Temple Of The Dog speaks for itself
COLD DESSERT - Kings Of Leon A real mood song that works
No way saying greatest songs, though some could be more just songs that touch you low or high like good music does
soundgarden- black hole sun
Machine Head - Davidian
Alice In Chains - Would
Stone Temple Pilots - Vasoline
NIN - Wish
Roskilde 2000
I've been a big fan of The Church for more than thirty years. The first Church song I ever heard, "Shadow Cabinet," grabbed me immediately, and it still sounds like Steve Kilbey tapped into the inner recesses of my brain when writing it. [Yeah, I'm a little weird.] And I still stop what I'm doing when iTunes gives me "Hotel Womb" (1988), which I and many other fans would argue is their best song.
My ring tone is Belly, "Full Moon, Empty Heart," which feels recent to me since it's from the '90s, and life hit pause for me while raising children. I could listen to that song all day, every day, no guilt, no shame.
And, yeah, I could say the same of many songs. I'm still blown away by how good "Achtung Baby" is, start to finish, and I still argue that it's the best album of the '90s.
REM -- South Central Rain; Pilgrimage; Fretless; Me in Honey
U2 -- Bad -- the only rock song to cause the hairs on the back of my neck to stand on end, ever.
The Zombies, "She's Not There," and lots and lots of '60s psychedelic pop
David Bowie -- Beauty and the Beast; Fashion; Ashes to Ashes; Changes
Jeff Buckley -- Eternal Life and Last Goodbye (Hallelujah belongs to Leonard Cohen)
I could be here all night making this list.
David Bowie " Heroes"
Curtis Mayfield " Here but I'm Gone"
Led Zeppelin " Down by the Seaside"
Procal Harum " Whiter Shade of Pale"
Jefferson Airplane " I Saw You"
Joy Division " Love Will Tear us Apart"
Black Sabbath " War Pigs"
Michael Jackson " Billie Jean"
Simply Red " I'll Keep Holding On"
Just a few here but so many more
David Bowie " Heroes"
Curtis Mayfield " Here but I'm Gone"
Led Zeppelin " Down by the Seaside"
Procal Harum " Whiter Shade of Pale"
Jefferson Airplane " I Saw You"
Joy Division " Love Will Tear us Apart"
Black Sabbath " War Pigs"
Michael Jackson " Billie Jean"
Simply Red " I'll Keep Holding On"
Just a few here but so many more