Generation X - New NatGeo Documentary

Anyone watching this new documentary series? Generation X - Narrated by Christian Slater
Episode 1 - Alternative Goes Mainstream
Caught this in the opening's there for a second.. haha

Born Between 1961 and 1982 - Congrats You're In!
Raised in an era of economic and social disruption, gen X became the ultimate disruptors. From hip-hop to indie films to bloggers, gen X-ers have learned it, lived it and taken the idea of disruption as far as it will go.
Episode 1 - Alternative Goes Mainstream
Caught this in the opening's there for a second.. haha

Born Between 1961 and 1982 - Congrats You're In!
Raised in an era of economic and social disruption, gen X became the ultimate disruptors. From hip-hop to indie films to bloggers, gen X-ers have learned it, lived it and taken the idea of disruption as far as it will go.

"The heart and mind are the true lens of the camera." - Yusuf Karsh
Tattooed Dissident!
even if I look and act really crazy.
- Christopher McCandless
I feel like that is too large of a generation. I'm 37 and in the same generation as a 55 year old? Nah....
Tattooed Dissident!
If your parents were from the WWII generation then you're a BABY BOOMER -- the BOOM was births after the War... If your a child of those children then you're a Gen X'er.... The kids of Gen X'ers are Millennial Generation or Generation Y... like it to not...haha
my parent was born before that, but I was born in the mid-70s...I'm still a Gen X'er.
- Christopher McCandless
I'm not entirely sure why the classification of 'generation' matters though.