MaazMaaz Nothern Germany Posts: 304
In Fall Ben Harper and the innocent criminals are gonna Tour europe with a New Album.

For full Tourdates go to Ben Harpers Website.

Presale starts tomorrow!

Gonna be epic!!
Fuck The Pessimists!

Wuhlheide, Berlin - June 30, 2010
Wuhlheide, Berlin - June 26, 2014

<img style="visibility:hidden;width:0px;height:0px;" border=0 width=0 height=0 src="*xJmx*PTEyOTY3NjcwMjIyMzImcHQ9MTI5Njc2NzE1ODA4NiZwPTU3OTAzMiZkPWdpY2tyLmNvbSZnPTEmbz*yMGUxODJlMTgx/ODM*NTMzYTE2MWM2MWRkZTY5YTQ4MyZvZj*w.gif&quot; /><a href='' title='pimp myspace - Gickr' target='_blank'><img src='' alt='graphic myspace at' ></a><br/><a href='' target='_blank'>Make your own animation</a>


  • tino_11tino_11 Posts: 2,158
    Wow, only on UK date (midweek in London) compared to 8 dates in France and 4 in Germany.

    Maybe I'll catch them next time!
    'F*** the pessimists. F*** 'em.' Eddie Vedder
  • NanouNanou Posts: 191
    Well he's been loved in France since the very beginning so I'm not surprised there are 8 dates there.
    I might go and see him in Paris. It would be my first BH&IC concert.
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