Girls Kickin' Ass

Salma Hayek-Once Upon a Time in Mexico
Geena Davis-Long Kiss Goodnight
What are some of your favorite examples?

Geena Davis-Long Kiss Goodnight

What are some of your favorite examples?
Post edited by OffSheGoes35 on
Man o man. a nice Jewish girl who can kick ass.Yes please!
Don't forget the lil bad ass Hit- Girl
Warning: Minefield of swear words in this one.
Ripley (Sigourney Weaver) in Alien should have OG status.
Oh, and how about this one:
Saoirse Ronan in Hanna
Mo'ne Davis
Thank you!
My #1 actress crush of the past decade. I'd show True Detective but it's NSFW.
The discovery of a new hominin species is making headlines around the world this week but what many people don't realize is that the excavation team that uncovered this historic find was made up of six daring women scientists! The fossils were found at the bottom of a cave system in South Africa; one of the scientists, Marina Elliott, said that their collection and removal involved "some of the most difficult and dangerous conditions ever encountered in the search for human origins.” Thanks to the dedication of these six women, people everywhere will have the opportunity to gain new insight into the development of our species.