UK supermarket to sell vinyl

The new Iron Maiden LP is going to be sold in selected stores of the biggest supermarket chain in the UK and they may stock more vinyl in the future. Good news or bad news?
Personally not liking this news. When supermarkets started selling cheap cds it really hurt record stores and killed many off. This vinyl revival nonsense means everyone's trying to cash in. Vinyl is getting ridiculously expensive, lots of delays, too many reissues. Theres also too much competition when trying to buy on eBay now - people without a clue paying stupid money making it really unaccessible. Can't be the only one who feels like this. It use to be an affordable hobby , not any more.
Personally not liking this news. When supermarkets started selling cheap cds it really hurt record stores and killed many off. This vinyl revival nonsense means everyone's trying to cash in. Vinyl is getting ridiculously expensive, lots of delays, too many reissues. Theres also too much competition when trying to buy on eBay now - people without a clue paying stupid money making it really unaccessible. Can't be the only one who feels like this. It use to be an affordable hobby , not any more.
Post edited by FR181798 on
As for prices.... I would think that increased competition amongst sellers would lower prices. So far that hasn't been the case, but I think that is just growing pains. If vinyl sales level off and stay stable, I think we'll see prices drop because of this kind of competition. Will some record stores close if chain stores are selling records? Probably.... the not-so-great ones. The good independent records stores will stay (any good record store I know is always buzzing). And that is good for the consumers IMO.
I don't think that supermarkets selling CDs is what killed record stores btw. I think that more had to do with music piracy and mp3s.
Yeah, the prices do seem to just be going up and up.... this could have to do with the extreme lack of competition among the manufacturers I suppose. Perhaps we need more presses to open up so that they are fighting for clients instead of warding them off due to too much demand. But I don't really know what these presses are charging, and how much the sellers are marking it up. Anyone know this??
It's not all bad. I find fantastic deals too, and those are the most gratifying purchases, for both new and used.