42 years old, 240 pounds

I am going to the first two days of riot fest.
Does anyone want to wager how many mosh pits I can partake of in two days before I faint or am broken?
I have heard of this charitable organization that takes money for walking........walking.........
I would like to start the mosh of dimes. Donate a little to your favorite charity for every mosh pit I enter in 2 days.
or just laugh at the dust of my bones.
Does anyone want to wager how many mosh pits I can partake of in two days before I faint or am broken?
I have heard of this charitable organization that takes money for walking........walking.........
I would like to start the mosh of dimes. Donate a little to your favorite charity for every mosh pit I enter in 2 days.

or just laugh at the dust of my bones.
The worst of times..they don't phase me,
even if I look and act really crazy.
even if I look and act really crazy.
Fuckus rules all
Slow motion 40 yr olds that group hugged after every song.
After I embraced the embracing, had a blast.
I guess we were just all happy to be alive and moving.
even if I look and act really crazy.