Too Young for Slipknot

Beyond loving Grunge I was also a child of 80's metal. Before I found PJ, Nirvana and all the great music the 90's gave us I was very much into Pantera, Metallica, Slayer and the such. My kids have grown up hearing that style of music in the car just as much as they have heard PJ basically. My oldest daughter found and loved Metal early on and I have been taking her to shows since she was about 7 (she is 15 now). Now my just barely turned 4 year old (his b-day was last Thursday) on his own through listening to the radio in the car has gone the same route. His favorite band is Slipknot by a mile. I think it has to do with the masks why he got hooked on them. That kid is on youtube watching all the live shows and all of their videos and has been begging me to take him to go see them for the last few months. This morning Slipknot announced they are coming at the end of August along with Lamb of God and a few other bands to the outdoor amphitheater here in Phoenix. Am I crazy for actually thinking of taking him so young to a show like that? I am a vet at taking kids to these types of shows and know how to keep them safe (we will be at the back of the lawn) and how to keep their hearing protected but never did one this young want to go to a show like this. Surprisingly my wife green lighted it since she knows he loves them (he begs her to put them on the TV or her phone constantly also). Im pretty sure this will happen but am curious if I am nuts or others have taken one so young to a show like this.
Tom Brady & Donald Trump, BFF's
Fuckus rules all
Fuckus rules all
Post edited by Amongst the Ani on
I will make sure if I do take the little guy he is the coolest slipknot fan at the show. A custom made t-shirt that says Lil Maggot on it with some blue hair maybe. Non permanent of course.
Fuckus rules all
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
I have been taking my kids to shows since they were young,and you know what,they grew up just fine and have a greater appreciation for the arts.My youngest(19)still goes with us to certain festivals,like Welcome to Rockville in Jacksonville Fl.Shes also looking forward to seeing Slipknot in April as am I.
Warning,as the get older they no longer want the blanket in the back.Now it's crowd surfing and jamming in the pit.Lol
Scott,you sound like a crotchety old man right now.
I've never been fond of seeing toddlers at rock shows. I have a 10 year old and if she liked PJ, I would wait until she was about 13 before considering letting her go to a concert like that.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1
Fuckus rules all
He's not talking about the pit.Hes in the back of a venue on the lawn.Like a rockin day in the park.And fyi some pretty awesome dad/daughter bonding.You should think about taking your daughter to a show you both would enjoy.Its great pics and memories that really last.I try to still do 1 a year at least with my daughter.This year,Def Leppard/Kiss show.
And Lamb of God? My husband would give his eye teeth.
2016: Lexington and Wrigley 1