#CauseTheWave to #HealEB PJ Fan Movement
UPDATED:January 13, 2015
Share your love on Valentine's Day and help #CauseTheWave to #HealEB!
Wishlist Foundation is sponsoring a global fundraiser event to raise awareness about EB, (Epidermolysis Bullosa), a devastating group of life-threatening skin conditions that affects children from birth and currently without a cure, and funding for EB Research Partnership.
Worcester, MA - http://bit.ly/maebvd
Reading, PA - http://bit.ly/paebvd
Chicago, IL - http://bit.ly/ilebvd
Seattle, WA - http://bit.ly/waebvd
We are seeking Pearl Jam fans interested in organizing an event in their own home town, much like our preparty fundraisers.
As always, the fundraisers will have
- t-shirts, stickers, buttons and more for donation
- raffle items
- auction items
- Pearl Jam menu (where available)
- more things to come...
If you're interested in hosting a fundraiser, please contact us at wishlistfoundation@gmail.com
EB—or Epidermolysis Bullosa—is devastating, and currently without a cure. EB is a group of life-threatening skin conditions that affects children from birth.
An individual with EB lacks a critical protein that binds the layers of skin together. Without this protein, the skin tears apart, blisters and sheers off, leading to severe pain, disfigurement, and wounds that never heal. EB affects the body inside and out. Blisters occur all over the body, as well as in the eyes, mouth, esophagus, and other internal organs. EB causes severe pain, disfigurement, and in too many cases, an early death from an aggressive form of skin cancer. It is estimated that EB affects at least one in every 20,000 births. EB is not specific to any ethnicity or gender. Given that EB affects only 30,000 people in the US, advancing this research relies on the generosity of individuals and corporations.
EB Research Partnership (co-founded by Jill & Eddie Vedder, Jamie & Alex Silver and Heather & Ryan Fullmer) is $5M away from advancing a life-changing treatment and potential cure for EB.
A treatment that would let boys like Mikey and Garrett just be able to be kids without pain and physical limits. A cure that would let Jen take her two master degrees and go to work. A cure based on a methodology that could be applicable to heal 5400 other genetic diseases.
EB Research Project (EBRP)
Website: http://ebresearch.org
Website: http://causethewave.org
December, 2014
From EB Research Partners:
[quote]Garrett Spaulding, an EB ambassador, is helping us spread some very exciting news!! An anonymous donor will give EBRP up to $25,000 to increase our social networks. For every person who "Likes" our Facebook page we'll receive $1.
Join this exciting challenge! Help us reach an additional 25,000 people and receive a $25,000 grant! Share this message with your friends on Facebook and ask them join the movement.
We only have until December 31st to take advantage of this awesome opportunity. Help us #causethewave and #healEB!
Thank YOU for your support over the past year. It is because of our community of supporters that we've raised $2 million this year! Please help us continue to spread the word about EB, and find a cure! Share this post with your friends. Every addition "Like" on our Facebook page is $1. Let's reach $25k! [/quote]
You can #CauseTheWave to #HealEB by liking them on Facebook or following them on Twitter.
LIKE the EB Research Partnership page on Facebook at:
FOLLOW EB Research Partnership on Twitter
October, 2014
In support of #HealEB, EV and Pearl Jam, Wishlist Foundation decided to sponsor a surprise fan activism movement for the St. Paul show, the city where the children's hospital where they are doing major research and work to find a cure for EB is located.
Our goals were:
- Educate fans about EB.
- Instruct and distribute 10,000 gauze bandage wristbands and white tyvek wristbands for the St. Paul Pearl Jam concert
- Motivate fans to wear both gauze bandage wristbands and white tyvek wristbands & raise hand in the air at the beginning of the first encore of the St. Paul PJ show
- Encourage Pearl Jam fans to Facebook, Tweet, Vine and socially post photos of themselves wearing their wristband using #CauseTheWave and #HealEB
We used social media and this video to help get the word out about #CauseTheWave:
We didn't quite reach our goal of 10,000, but we definitely rocked the boat on creating awareness. The executive director of EBRP, Alex, and Jill Vedder got wind of our efforts and came down to the Wishlist Foundation preparty fundraiser and were excited to see what we were up to. The preparty fundraiser was hosted by Tony Doffin and benefited another amazing children's organization called Hope in Grace as well as the Pearl Jam charities. Unfortunately, during the show at the first encore, EV couldn't see the wristbands on the hands raised in St. Paul.
Eddie spoke about EBRP at the St. Paul show - check out the video:
Eddie later mentioned HealEB and the fan efforts at the Milwaukee show.
Check out some photos of fans helping to #CauseTheWave:
December, 2014
We asked Pearl Jam fans to participate in a campaign to wish Eddie Vedder a happy 50th birthday and help #CauseTheWave. There was over 65 videos submitted and 170 wristbands distributed in the US and 78 internationally. We were very grateful to have EB Research Partners and Pearl Jam Activism involved!
If you're on Facebook, check out the #CauseTheWave Pearl Jam Fan Movement group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1550702101816555/
If you're interested in participating, shoot us an email at wishlistfoundation@gmail.com or post here.
(Please don't send PM's, I don't check them regularly. Thanks!)
Share your love on Valentine's Day and help #CauseTheWave to #HealEB!
Wishlist Foundation is sponsoring a global fundraiser event to raise awareness about EB, (Epidermolysis Bullosa), a devastating group of life-threatening skin conditions that affects children from birth and currently without a cure, and funding for EB Research Partnership.
Worcester, MA - http://bit.ly/maebvd
Reading, PA - http://bit.ly/paebvd
Chicago, IL - http://bit.ly/ilebvd
Seattle, WA - http://bit.ly/waebvd
We are seeking Pearl Jam fans interested in organizing an event in their own home town, much like our preparty fundraisers.
As always, the fundraisers will have
- t-shirts, stickers, buttons and more for donation
- raffle items
- auction items
- Pearl Jam menu (where available)
- more things to come...
If you're interested in hosting a fundraiser, please contact us at wishlistfoundation@gmail.com
EB—or Epidermolysis Bullosa—is devastating, and currently without a cure. EB is a group of life-threatening skin conditions that affects children from birth.
An individual with EB lacks a critical protein that binds the layers of skin together. Without this protein, the skin tears apart, blisters and sheers off, leading to severe pain, disfigurement, and wounds that never heal. EB affects the body inside and out. Blisters occur all over the body, as well as in the eyes, mouth, esophagus, and other internal organs. EB causes severe pain, disfigurement, and in too many cases, an early death from an aggressive form of skin cancer. It is estimated that EB affects at least one in every 20,000 births. EB is not specific to any ethnicity or gender. Given that EB affects only 30,000 people in the US, advancing this research relies on the generosity of individuals and corporations.
EB Research Partnership (co-founded by Jill & Eddie Vedder, Jamie & Alex Silver and Heather & Ryan Fullmer) is $5M away from advancing a life-changing treatment and potential cure for EB.
A treatment that would let boys like Mikey and Garrett just be able to be kids without pain and physical limits. A cure that would let Jen take her two master degrees and go to work. A cure based on a methodology that could be applicable to heal 5400 other genetic diseases.
EB Research Project (EBRP)
Website: http://ebresearch.org
Website: http://causethewave.org

December, 2014
From EB Research Partners:
[quote]Garrett Spaulding, an EB ambassador, is helping us spread some very exciting news!! An anonymous donor will give EBRP up to $25,000 to increase our social networks. For every person who "Likes" our Facebook page we'll receive $1.
Join this exciting challenge! Help us reach an additional 25,000 people and receive a $25,000 grant! Share this message with your friends on Facebook and ask them join the movement.
We only have until December 31st to take advantage of this awesome opportunity. Help us #causethewave and #healEB!
Thank YOU for your support over the past year. It is because of our community of supporters that we've raised $2 million this year! Please help us continue to spread the word about EB, and find a cure! Share this post with your friends. Every addition "Like" on our Facebook page is $1. Let's reach $25k! [/quote]

You can #CauseTheWave to #HealEB by liking them on Facebook or following them on Twitter.
LIKE the EB Research Partnership page on Facebook at:
FOLLOW EB Research Partnership on Twitter
October, 2014
In support of #HealEB, EV and Pearl Jam, Wishlist Foundation decided to sponsor a surprise fan activism movement for the St. Paul show, the city where the children's hospital where they are doing major research and work to find a cure for EB is located.
Our goals were:
- Educate fans about EB.
- Instruct and distribute 10,000 gauze bandage wristbands and white tyvek wristbands for the St. Paul Pearl Jam concert
- Motivate fans to wear both gauze bandage wristbands and white tyvek wristbands & raise hand in the air at the beginning of the first encore of the St. Paul PJ show
- Encourage Pearl Jam fans to Facebook, Tweet, Vine and socially post photos of themselves wearing their wristband using #CauseTheWave and #HealEB
We used social media and this video to help get the word out about #CauseTheWave:

We didn't quite reach our goal of 10,000, but we definitely rocked the boat on creating awareness. The executive director of EBRP, Alex, and Jill Vedder got wind of our efforts and came down to the Wishlist Foundation preparty fundraiser and were excited to see what we were up to. The preparty fundraiser was hosted by Tony Doffin and benefited another amazing children's organization called Hope in Grace as well as the Pearl Jam charities. Unfortunately, during the show at the first encore, EV couldn't see the wristbands on the hands raised in St. Paul.
Eddie spoke about EBRP at the St. Paul show - check out the video:

Eddie later mentioned HealEB and the fan efforts at the Milwaukee show.

Check out some photos of fans helping to #CauseTheWave:

December, 2014
We asked Pearl Jam fans to participate in a campaign to wish Eddie Vedder a happy 50th birthday and help #CauseTheWave. There was over 65 videos submitted and 170 wristbands distributed in the US and 78 internationally. We were very grateful to have EB Research Partners and Pearl Jam Activism involved!
If you're on Facebook, check out the #CauseTheWave Pearl Jam Fan Movement group here: https://www.facebook.com/groups/1550702101816555/
If you're interested in participating, shoot us an email at wishlistfoundation@gmail.com or post here.
(Please don't send PM's, I don't check them regularly. Thanks!)
Post edited by Kat on
So, Eddie Vedder, please understand that my family has it's own fight against the world, with my child's disability, and from an accident years ago, my own disability. Good luck towards reaching your goal, I am there in spirit, but must do the leg work in helping causes that hit closer to home.
I myself will do my best to find something to help. Even if it is just volunteering. Though my poor WL people may have second thoughts, since I tried to take on leading with the Denver show, just as my life fell apart.. So.. We'll see what happens, but I truly love seeing people in Ed's position using that stays and place to being awareness to the atrocities in life that we can help and be a part of solving. It is all about working together for the greater good.. So no matter what you are able to offer, even just your time.. It is precious to this cause..
Side note. There is a boy whose parents attend Church with my family. And he has this EB. Until you SEEEEEEEE this stuff it is really un fathomable!! Three years old, can't play, you can barely hold him.. But THE sweetest happiest kid ever!
This is my kind of love...
Even if you feel like just showing up and/or supporting online, it makes a big difference and goes a long way. #HealEB has a lot of advocacy and awareness that still needs to be done and that every person involved matters.
This is my kind of love...
I realize people are so wrapped up in the band that giving to their causes makes sense. But what really makes more sense is that we find a cause near and dear to each of us and focus on helping those causes, the causes that don't make much money and that don't have much help. Those are the causes that need the most help. I think EV has done just fine with EB. But let's not all funnel our money in one direction because we love the man. It should be because we actually care for the cause (but I can tell you have personal experience with EB, so cheers to you!)
You can #CauseTheWave to #HealEB by liking them on Facebook or following them on Twitter.
LIKE the EB Research Partnership page on Facebook at:
FOLLOW EB Research Partnership on Twitter
This is my kind of love...
It's an honor to have the support of EBRP and Pearl Jam Activism on this campaign and you guys have outdone yourselves. We've received over 65 different videos and have distributed almost 200 #CauseTheWave wristbands for Ed's birthday. #EV50
Right now, EB Research Partnership will receive $1 for every new LIKE on their Facebook page, so you can still help them out!
Thanks to Jason Leung for putting this video together and to all the fans who participated.
Happy Birthday, Ed & #CauseTheWave!
This is my kind of love...
Wishlist Foundation is sponsoring a global fundraiser event to raise awareness about EB, (Epidermolysis Bullosa), a devastating group of life-threatening skin conditions that affects children from birth and currently without a cure, and funding for EB Research Partnership.
We are seeking Pearl Jam fans interested in organizing an event in their home town, much like our preparty fundraisers.
As always, the fundraisers will have
- t-shirts, stickers, buttons and more for donation
- raffle items
- auction items
- Pearl Jam menu (where available)
- more things to come...
This will be main global event page, and each city fundraiser will their own event page.
If you're interested in hosting a fundraiser, please contact us immediately here or at wishlistfoundation@gmail.com
Worcester, MA - http://bit.ly/maebvd
Reading, PA - http://bit.ly/paebvd
Chicago, IL - http://bit.ly/ilebvd
Seattle, WA - http://bit.ly/waebvd
This is my kind of love...
This is my kind of love...
Thanks for reading, listening, and caring. It's what makes the world go around
#CauseTheWave #HealEB Worcester Fundraiser
Raffle Item-Passes to the Buterfly Conservancy
Raffle Item: Sam Adams Brewery is donating possible case, and merch. ( I wont know till I pick it up)