
New to the 10 Club.

JmeiiiJmeiii Posts: 107
I've been a fan of PJ since '91. I remember walking into a record store (remember those?), as I did several times a week. There was a newly released album being played on the stereo system in the store. I didn't know the band, but I loved what I was hearing. I asked the guy behind the counter what it was and he told me that it was this new band out of Seattle called Pearl Jam. All he said after that was "phenomenal". I purchased the album and brought it home. I listened to it constantly and agreed with the clerk at Slipt Disc Records that this band was indeed phenomenal. That was it. I was hooked. It felt so good to have this feeling that I was in on some sort of secret. Obviously, this was not the case, and there were many others that were struck just as I was. I've purchased every album since and continue to be enthusiastic about all of the band's endeavors (I even went to see Singles in the theater simply because of PJ's involvement). However, despite all of this, I have never seen them live, and have just joined the 10 Club (hangs head in shame). Hey, better late than never, I suppose. I've rectified one situation and hope to soon rectify the other. Glad to finally be on board and I look forward to talking with you.
Fenway Park: 8/7/2016
Fenway Park: 9/2/2018
Fenway Park: 9/4/2018


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