How old were you when each album came out?



  • Whow! Keep the faith. Hope all things work out for you. Epic post. Thank you for sharing.

    41 Ten came out and changed my life for the better. Loosened up. Six more shows scheduled for this tour.

    epic post time, i think

    i was 12 in '91. I definitely remember that for a good while i liked Temple of the Dog much more than Ten. the vid for Alive was on MTV constantly, but it was so anti-MTV in it's basicness; no concept, no theme, no story or bad actors, just B&W band in front of a crazed crowd, climbing stuff jumping around, with a live version of the song to go with. And this was their first single!! Took me a while to get it still, it wasn't as big a Rawk sound as some of the other bands of the era. Evenflow got me a little closer....I had the cassette before Jeremy hit, that's for certain. Was already entranced by that time; Release, Black, Oceans, Porch....unbelievable. There is something in that album that is so wrapped into my soul.... I also remember losing that cassette at my first high school football game, freshman year of high school, fall of 92. Fell out of my jacket pocket under the bleachers....gone. Bought another....beginning the cycle of giving PJ lots of money.

    Vs...wore it out, especially RVM, but really the whole thing. Sat up taping Atlanta '94, sat up taping MTV awards 93 with uncle Neil....etc....Tried to get tix at age 15 for Ann Arbor 94 (nothingman premiered), NOPE. Tried to get tix thru the newspaper lottery (try that again 10 club, holy bejesus!) for Detroit Masonic Temple 94, nope. Gave up hope i would ever see this band live.

    Vitalogy...i didn't quite get for awhile. a long while. People who complain about Lightning Bolt's production, well at the time that would have been me for Vitalogy. The guitars sound WAY different, having lived thru the first two albums. Ed's voice is really really ragged. There are interludes. I knew Immortality crushed me. I remember writing a long long poem to myself directly inspired by the "How?" after 'holier than thou". But anyways....

    No Code. My favorite. I remember getting this CD, surely right after release or the day of, and plunking down in my room with the headphones...Hail Hail almost deafened me for life! I had picked up the Who You Are/Habit single, and couldn't make since of it; it didn't sound anything like Vitalogy! (just when you figure things out....). Anyways, i connected immediately upon listening to this one, and it was constantly playing for probably a year and a half. I remember that my first day of commuting to college, age 17 now, was about a week after getting this CD, and the two things together let me know that life was changing...and that it felt pretty damn cool. If Ten is written on my heart, this one is sewn on my sleeve, i guess.

    Yield...the first thing was hearing Given to Fly on the radio, month before the album came out. It sounded so wide and beautiful, in a way that nothing quite had since the first album. But it was still so different than that also. Yield is so solid in so many ways, and i listened to it a ton, and it felt like there was some new strength in the band, even while i was fully realizing that they would never again be everyone's favorite band. I love Jack Irons, btw. Oh, and got to see my 1st PJ show on this tour. Very last row of the upper deck, almost behind the stage, McCready's side, Detroit '98, Cheap Trick opening. A fan climbed onstage, and Ed told security to back off, then proceeded to make fun of the guy's horrible mullet. Asked for scissors, cut the back off. Cheers, Ed. Oh and i spent half the show being impressed with nothing more then Matt Cameron's power that he brought to Daughter and a couple others, very specifically. I had probably spent weeks wondering how they would sound with him behind the kit.

    Binaural....i was definitely underwhelmed...i remember loving loving loving Grievance as played on Letterman. The album sorta sounds bad....still does. Saw them again on this tour, better seats same building, 1st row upper deck dead center stage. Almost fell over the rail jumping around screaming to Fuckin' Up. I might have sang louder at this show then any other show in my life, and i certainly miss being as uninhibited as i was for those couple hours. I was 21.

    Riot Act. I was 24. Married. Saw two shows at the ol'DTE/formerly Pine Knob. First show, band was pissed because season ticket holders got a whole lot of the 10C seats, hence adding a 2nd Detroit show (those were the days!!). I was out on the hill anyways, so it was all the same to me. Ed's monologue's from these two shows are both pretty great, especially the one about Sheryl Crow & Big Boy, but i suppose also the one about Ukelele's and Pot smokers. Great shows, but the band didn't quite have the same fire, so thought I. I still think the band is far more connected to the crowds now, starting maybe in '06 or '09, then they were '00-'04. So glad that they are on such a high level now...

    Avacado...27, 1st time dad (son age 2, named after someone familiar to people who like a band named Pearl Jam). Loved this album for quite awhile, but it faded. Life Wasted and Marker i thought especially were strong lyrics for Ed. Severed Hand was a straight forward rock song that sort of felt like it could have been on VS. Again, saw the Detroit stop, where i was hit with a crushing migraine right before show time. (i get 'em a lot, but this one was beyond horrible). I only made it thru the main set, missed two long encores (check the setlist) missed McCready running thru the crowd, missed the 2nd time Kick Out the Jams was played in the US. Still, Insignificance, Long Road and RVM stood out as 3 of the greatest live music performances i've heard from any band. i still remember my (now ex-)wife saying to me that she was literally speechless after RVM, and she was only a mild fan of the band. MMJ was probably the best opener they've ever had, also. Also, should be noted that when Imagine in Cornice was released a year later, i blew off work, drove an hour and a half out of my way, changed clothes in my car, then enjoyed the one-day showing in theater, with a bunch of other lunatics who brought signs, screamed, cheered, etc. That movie is underrated amongst us PJ'ers.

    Backspacer...i thought the '06 tours really brought this band back to a strong place, connected to the fanbase like never before really. Backspacer held up fine for me in that space. 30 years old, kid #2 had arrived, finally owned my 1st home. My son was 5, sang along to some PJ tunes with me (including WWS, which was weird, but he liked it alot!!). I still say this is a strong little album, tho it's not getting respect currently. Force of Nature is a really underrated song, and one of my favorites of the last few albums. I'm hoping that BS get's plenty of love on the upcoming tours, and that it's not swept aside, like Riot Act has been. For the first time i traveled for a show, for this tour. Cleveland '10. Easily my favorite PJ show i've seen. Immortality Porch Go The Real Me Black Indifference. All were top-top-notch versions, i couldn't have asked for more from this show. I remember reading fanviews, and there was a lot of "meh, crowd wasn't into it" but screw that, the band sounded great, and the show had a flow to it. Listen to the boot. Had really decent seats, for the first and last time....because...

    LB....34. Divorced. Losing my home. Starting anew. Still raising my 2 kids. Trying to figure it all out. My wife had the 10C # in her name (mix up when she bought me a membership as a xmas present back in '02-ish) and so that # is long gone. But Anyways! I feel it's a strong release, and so far it's my favorite since Yield. Yellow Moon and Pendulum, MYM and Father's Son, Sirens and Swallowed Whole.....idk. I'm digging it. Ed and Mike both sound better then they have in more then a decade, and the band is quite obviously excited about branching out a bit. All of the interviews give the impression that they are thoroughly confident with these songs, and they should be. Thought about traveling for a show, changed mind, didn't try for 10C seats, regretted it. Was hoping to find a GA for Pitt on here, but haven't come across one, so guess not. Have fun you sons-of-bitches.....I predict greatness.

    thus concludes "this was my life"

    thanks pj
    Hold On
  • SVRDhand13SVRDhand13 Posts: 26,126
    Very interesting post OP. I was 5 when Ten came out, 27 now. I associate learning to drive with Riot Act.
    severed hand thirteen
    2006: Gorge 7/23 2008: Hartford 6/27 Beacon 7/1 2009: Spectrum 10/30-31
    2010: Newark 5/18 MSG 5/20-21 2011: PJ20 9/3-4 2012: Made In America 9/2
    2013: Brooklyn 10/18-19 Philly 10/21-22 Hartford 10/25 2014: ACL10/12
    2015: NYC 9/23 2016: Tampa 4/11 Philly 4/28-29 MSG 5/1-2 Fenway 8/5+8/7
    2017: RRHoF 4/7   2018: Fenway 9/2+9/4   2021: Sea Hear Now 9/18 
    2022: MSG 9/11  2024: MSG 9/3-4 Philly 9/7+9/9 Fenway 9/15+9/17
  • aurynsdadaurynsdad Posts: 863
    Ten - 15 really, I was only 15???
    Vs. - 17 Holy crap I was young when I saw them on that tour!
    Vitalogy - 18 I remember putting the little vinyl for Spin the Black Circle on the record player at UC Berkeley's library
    No Code - 20
    Yield - 22
    Binaural - 24 Around this time I kind of was a dormant fan
    Riot Act - 26 Woke me back up
    S/T - 30 Really was feeling this one a lot and dug the packaging
    Backspacer - 33
    Lightning Bolt - 37 The first album of theirs that came out after I had kids
    10/31/93 Berkeley (Baba!) • 10/1/94 Bridge School • 9/16/96 Seattle (In My Tree!) • 10/19/96 & 10/20/96 B. School (Alt Corduroy & Alt Porch!) • 10/25/03 B. School • 6/1/03 Mtnview (Crazy Mary! You Are!) • 11/29/13 Portland (All Those Yesterdays! Even Flow!) • 10/25/14 Bridge School (Rain! Fuckin Up! TOTD!) • 5/13/22 Oakland (had to leave early, but W.M.A.! Immortality!) • 5/13/24 Sacramento (Light Years! Picture in a Frame!) • 5/25/24 Bottle Rock (Last Kiss! Maybe It’s Time w/Bradley Cooper!)
  • katelliskatellis Posts: 521
    edited June 2015
    Post edited by katellis on
  • Ten - 9 years
    Vs. - 11 years
    Vitalogy - 12 years
    No Code - 14 years
    Yield - 16 years
    Binaural - 18 years
    Riot Act - 20 years
    Pearl Jam - 24 years
    Backspacer - 27 years
    Lightning Bolt - 30 years (5 days before my birthday !!!) :lol:

    12/02/2005 - Sao Paulo, Brazil
    12/03/2005 - Sao Paulo, Brazil
    11/04/2011 - Sao Paulo, Brazil
    03/31/2013 - Sao Paulo, Brazil
    10/12/2013 - Buffalo, United States Of America
    05/05/2016 - Québec City, Canada
    09/02/2018 - Boston, United States Of America

  • Ten - 13
    Vs. - 15
    Vitalogy - 16
    No Code - 18
    Yield - 19
    Binaural - 21
    Riot Act - 24
    S/T - 27
    Backspacer - 31
    Lightning Bolt - 35

    i got ten as a christmas gift from my mom in 91 (interesting since the OP had it come the same way). she said the guy at the record store said it good. every other album i had on the day it came out. it's weird to look at this; i can't quite explain why...
    "...what a different life had i not found this love with you..."
  • BinFrogBinFrog Posts: 7,305
    I love SQL:

    Album: Ten, Release Date: Aug 27 1991, Years Old: 15, Months Old: 180, Days Old: 5496
    Album: VS, Release Date: Oct 19 1993, Years Old: 17, Months Old: 206, Days Old: 6280
    Album: Vitalogy, Release Date: Dec 6 1994, Years Old: 18, Months Old: 220, Days Old: 6693
    Album: No Code, Release Date: Aug 27 1996, Years Old: 20, Months Old: 240, Days Old: 7323
    Album: Yield, Release Date: Feb 3 1998, Years Old: 21, Months Old: 258, Days Old: 7848
    Album: Binaural, Release Date: May 16 2000, Years Old: 23, Months Old: 285, Days Old: 8681
    Album: Riot Act, Release Date: Nov 12 2002, Years Old: 26, Months Old: 315, Days Old: 9591
    Album: Avocado, Release Date: May 2 2006, Years Old: 29, Months Old: 357, Days Old: 10858
    Album: Backspacer, Release Date: Sep 20 2009, Years Old: 33, Months Old: 397, Days Old: 12095
    Album: Lightning Bolt, Release Date: Oct 15 2013, Years Old: 37, Months Old: 446, Days Old: 13581
    Bright eyed kid: "Wow Typo Man, you're the best!"
    Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
  • Last-12-ExitLast-12-Exit Posts: 8,661
    BinFrog wrote:
    I love SQL:

    Album: Ten, Release Date: Aug 27 1991, Years Old: 15, Months Old: 180, Days Old: 5496
    Album: VS, Release Date: Oct 19 1993, Years Old: 17, Months Old: 206, Days Old: 6280
    Album: Vitalogy, Release Date: Dec 6 1994, Years Old: 18, Months Old: 220, Days Old: 6693
    Album: No Code, Release Date: Aug 27 1996, Years Old: 20, Months Old: 240, Days Old: 7323
    Album: Yield, Release Date: Feb 3 1998, Years Old: 21, Months Old: 258, Days Old: 7848
    Album: Binaural, Release Date: May 16 2000, Years Old: 23, Months Old: 285, Days Old: 8681
    Album: Riot Act, Release Date: Nov 12 2002, Years Old: 26, Months Old: 315, Days Old: 9591
    Album: Avocado, Release Date: May 2 2006, Years Old: 29, Months Old: 357, Days Old: 10858
    Album: Backspacer, Release Date: Sep 20 2009, Years Old: 33, Months Old: 397, Days Old: 12095
    Album: Lightning Bolt, Release Date: Oct 15 2013, Years Old: 37, Months Old: 446, Days Old: 13581
    your the only one to actually answer the question correctly!
  • BinFrogBinFrog Posts: 7,305
    your the only one to actually answer the question correctly!

    What do I win???
    Bright eyed kid: "Wow Typo Man, you're the best!"
    Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
  • GirlLovesPJGirlLovesPJ Posts: 1,080
    Wilds wrote:
    Ten - 17
    Vs. - 19
    Vitalogy - 20
    No Code - 22
    Yield - 24
    Binaural - 26
    Riot Act - 28
    S/T - 32
    Backspacer - 35
    Lightning Bolt -39

    This. :)
    2012: Philadelphia, Atlanta
    2013: Sao Paulo, Buenos Aires, Chicago, Worcester 1 & 2, Brooklyn 1 & 2, Philadelphia 1 & 2, Hartford, Baltimore
    2014: Oslo, Gdynia, Leeds, Cincinnati, St. Paul, Milwaukee
    2015: New York City, Mexico City
    2016: Miami, Columbia, New York City 2, Quebec City, Chicago 2
    2018: Seattle 1 & 2, Boston 1 & 2
    2022: New York City 2, Camden
    2023: St. Paul 1 & 2, Chicago 2, Austin 1 & 2
    2024: Vancouver 1 & 2, Las Vegas 1 & 2
  • youngsteryoungster Posts: 6,576
    Vs- 11
    No Code- 14
    Yield- 16
    Binaural- 18
    Riot Act - 20
    Avocado - 24
    Backspacer - 27
    Lightning Bolt - 31
    He who forgets will be destined to remember.

    9/29/04 Boston, 6/28/08 Mansfield, 8/23/09 Chicago, 5/15/10 Hartford
    5/17/10 Boston, 10/15/13 Worcester, 10/16/13 Worcester, 10/25/13 Hartford
    8/5/16 Fenway, 8/7/16 Fenway
    EV Solo: 6/16/11 Boston, 6/18/11 Hartford,
  • LukinzLukinz Posts: 386
    gbpat54 wrote:
    I'm pretty much the same age as most members of the band.... :) so I guess that would be
    Ten - 26
    Vs. - 28
    Vitalogy - 29
    No Code - 31
    Yield - 33
    Binaural - 35
    Riot Act - 37
    S/T - 41
    Backspacer - 44
    Lightning Bolt - 48

    It is strange to look back at the different times of your life in relationship of the release year of the band's albums :o
    I'm so fucking OLD ! :lol:

    I'm in the geezer boat as well.

    28 for Ten. 50 now.
    2003: Madison Square Garden 1
    2006: East Rutherford 1, East Rutherford 2
    2008: Madison Square Garden 2
    2010: Newark
    2013: Brooklyn 2 GA
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Posts: 49,870
    Ten - 14
    Vs. - 16
    Vitalogy - 18
    No Code - 20
    Yield - 21
    Binaural - 24
    Riot Act - 26
    Pearl Jam - 30
    Backspacer - 33
    Lightning Bolt - 37

    ...... :shock:
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • Ten - 7
    Vs - 9
    Vitalogy - 10
    No Code - 12
    Yield - 13
    Binaural - 15
    Riot Act - 18
    Pearl Jam - 21
    Backspacer - 25
    Lightning Bolt - 29
    "Come take my hand, and let yourself rely.
    Don't hold your breath, don't close your eyes.
    I've learned to breath and I've learned to fly.
    I've learned to see and I know I'm going higher."
  • Ten - 14
    Vs. - 16
    Vitalogy - 18
    No Code - 19
    Yield - 21
    Binaural - 23
    Riot Act - 25
    S/T - 29
    Backspacer - 32
    Lightning Bolt - 36
    ... I am not in the business of being liked anymore ...

  • LukinzLukinz Posts: 386
    BinFrog wrote:
    I love SQL:

    Album: Ten, Release Date: Aug 27 1991, Years Old: 15, Months Old: 180, Days Old: 5496
    Album: VS, Release Date: Oct 19 1993, Years Old: 17, Months Old: 206, Days Old: 6280
    Album: Vitalogy, Release Date: Dec 6 1994, Years Old: 18, Months Old: 220, Days Old: 6693
    Album: No Code, Release Date: Aug 27 1996, Years Old: 20, Months Old: 240, Days Old: 7323
    Album: Yield, Release Date: Feb 3 1998, Years Old: 21, Months Old: 258, Days Old: 7848
    Album: Binaural, Release Date: May 16 2000, Years Old: 23, Months Old: 285, Days Old: 8681
    Album: Riot Act, Release Date: Nov 12 2002, Years Old: 26, Months Old: 315, Days Old: 9591
    Album: Avocado, Release Date: May 2 2006, Years Old: 29, Months Old: 357, Days Old: 10858
    Album: Backspacer, Release Date: Sep 20 2009, Years Old: 33, Months Old: 397, Days Old: 12095
    Album: Lightning Bolt, Release Date: Oct 15 2013, Years Old: 37, Months Old: 446, Days Old: 13581

    Nerd! lol. :lol::lol::lol:
    2003: Madison Square Garden 1
    2006: East Rutherford 1, East Rutherford 2
    2008: Madison Square Garden 2
    2010: Newark
    2013: Brooklyn 2 GA
  • BinFrogBinFrog Posts: 7,305
    Lukinz wrote:
    BinFrog wrote:
    I love SQL:

    Album: Ten, Release Date: Aug 27 1991, Years Old: 15, Months Old: 180, Days Old: 5496
    Album: VS, Release Date: Oct 19 1993, Years Old: 17, Months Old: 206, Days Old: 6280
    Album: Vitalogy, Release Date: Dec 6 1994, Years Old: 18, Months Old: 220, Days Old: 6693
    Album: No Code, Release Date: Aug 27 1996, Years Old: 20, Months Old: 240, Days Old: 7323
    Album: Yield, Release Date: Feb 3 1998, Years Old: 21, Months Old: 258, Days Old: 7848
    Album: Binaural, Release Date: May 16 2000, Years Old: 23, Months Old: 285, Days Old: 8681
    Album: Riot Act, Release Date: Nov 12 2002, Years Old: 26, Months Old: 315, Days Old: 9591
    Album: Avocado, Release Date: May 2 2006, Years Old: 29, Months Old: 357, Days Old: 10858
    Album: Backspacer, Release Date: Sep 20 2009, Years Old: 33, Months Old: 397, Days Old: 12095
    Album: Lightning Bolt, Release Date: Oct 15 2013, Years Old: 37, Months Old: 446, Days Old: 13581

    Nerd! lol. :lol::lol::lol:

    And don't you forget it
    Bright eyed kid: "Wow Typo Man, you're the best!"
    Typo Man: "Thanks kidz, but remembir, stay in skool!"
  • Jerome230Jerome230 Posts: 903
    Ten - 14 - Mommy bought me at Target.
    VS - 16 - Mom drove me to the local record store (didn't have my DL yet).
    Vitalogy - 17 (Went at midnight in a severe thunderstorm, bought the vinyl a week earlier at Borders!)
    No Code - 19 (1st week of college, midnight release)
    Yield - 20 (Worked at a record store got the pre-release a week early!)
    Binaural - 22 (Midnight release, working in corporate hell)
    Riot Act - 25 (Midnight release, bought at Wal-Mart :()
    S/T - 29 (Ten Club special edition shipped)
    Backspacer - 32 (Ten Club special edition shipped - I miss midnight releases!)
    Lightning Bolt - 36 (Ten Club Vinyl - probably purchase the CD at a later date)

    Lost Dogs - 26 - Vinyl Bought at Amoeba records in San Fran! (CD release...Amazon?)
    Benaroya Hall - 27 (Concert - 26) (Vinyl through Ten Club $30!)
    First concert? September 13, 1995 - Phoenix (18) - Still have the silver cd bootleg!!!
    Last Concert? PJ 20 - Alpine, WI (34)

    This is FUN!
    Ten - 14
    Vs. - 16
    Vitalogy - 18
    No Code - 19
    Yield - 21
    Binaural - 23
    Riot Act - 25
    S/T - 29
    Backspacer - 32
    Lightning Bolt - 36

    Yay, two same-agers! :D
    Ed...buddy...pal...stay true to your word and play Boise again.

    Seattle, 12.7.93
    Salt Lake, 6.21.98
    Mountain View, 10.30.99
    Mountain View, 10.31.99
    Boise, 11.3.00
    Portland, 9.26.09
  • Ezo5000 wrote:

    Exact same as the above for me...
  • CTD10CTD10 Posts: 351
    ten - 9
    vs - 11
    vitalogy - 12 ....the year I really took notice, and have been my favorite band ever since :)
    no code - 14
    yield - 16
    binaural - 18
    riot act- 20
    pearl jam - 24
    backspacer - 27
    lightning bolt - 31
  • CTD10CTD10 Posts: 351
    Ten - 9 years
    Vs. - 11 years
    Vitalogy - 12 years
    No Code - 14 years
    Yield - 16 years
    Binaural - 18 years
    Riot Act - 20 years
    Pearl Jam - 24 years
    Backspacer - 27 years
    Lightning Bolt - 30 years (5 days before my birthday !!!) :lol:[/quote

    a 1982 friend... haha
  • Ten - 16
    Vs. - 18
    Vitalogy - 19
    No Code - 21
    Yield - 23
    Binaural - 25
    Riot Act - 27
    S/T - 31
    Backspacer - 34
    Lightning Bolt - 38
    I am the artist formally known as "Cameron4President"....
    1998: Va Beach VA
    2000: Va Beach VA, Columbia MD
    2003: Raleigh NC, Bristow VA
    2008: Washington DC
    2009: Philly 3
    2010: Bristow VA
    2013: Baltimore MD, Charlottesville VA, Charlotte NC
    2014: Cincinnati, OH
    2016: Hampton, VA, Raleigh, NC
  • Jerome230 wrote:
    Ten - 14 - Mommy bought me at Target.
    VS - 16 - Mom drove me to the local record store (didn't have my DL yet).
    Vitalogy - 17 (Went at midnight in a severe thunderstorm, bought the vinyl a week earlier at Borders!)
    No Code - 19 (1st week of college, midnight release)
    Yield - 20 (Worked at a record store got the pre-release a week early!)
    Binaural - 22 (Midnight release, working in corporate hell)
    Riot Act - 25 (Midnight release, bought at Wal-Mart :()
    S/T - 29 (Ten Club special edition shipped)
    Backspacer - 32 (Ten Club special edition shipped - I miss midnight releases!)
    Lightning Bolt - 36 (Ten Club Vinyl - probably purchase the CD at a later date)

    Lost Dogs - 26 - Vinyl Bought at Amoeba records in San Fran! (CD release...Amazon?)
    Benaroya Hall - 27 (Concert - 26) (Vinyl through Ten Club $30!)
    First concert? September 13, 1995 - Phoenix (18) - Still have the silver cd bootleg!!!
    Last Concert? PJ 20 - Alpine, WI (34)

    This is FUN!
    Ten - 14
    Vs. - 16
    Vitalogy - 18
    No Code - 19
    Yield - 21
    Binaural - 23
    Riot Act - 25
    S/T - 29
    Backspacer - 32
    Lightning Bolt - 36

    Yay, two same-agers! :D

    November 3rd, 1976
    ... I am not in the business of being liked anymore ...

  • 17 when ten came out. Still had a cassette player. Went cd with VS. :lol:
  • PJ_SoulPJ_Soul Posts: 49,870
    Jerome230 wrote:
    Ten - 14 - Mommy bought me at Target.
    VS - 16 - Mom drove me to the local record store (didn't have my DL yet).
    Vitalogy - 17 (Went at midnight in a severe thunderstorm, bought the vinyl a week earlier at Borders!)
    No Code - 19 (1st week of college, midnight release)
    Yield - 20 (Worked at a record store got the pre-release a week early!)
    Binaural - 22 (Midnight release, working in corporate hell)
    Riot Act - 25 (Midnight release, bought at Wal-Mart :()
    S/T - 29 (Ten Club special edition shipped)
    Backspacer - 32 (Ten Club special edition shipped - I miss midnight releases!)
    Lightning Bolt - 36 (Ten Club Vinyl - probably purchase the CD at a later date)

    Lost Dogs - 26 - Vinyl Bought at Amoeba records in San Fran! (CD release...Amazon?)
    Benaroya Hall - 27 (Concert - 26) (Vinyl through Ten Club $30!)
    First concert? September 13, 1995 - Phoenix (18) - Still have the silver cd bootleg!!!
    Last Concert? PJ 20 - Alpine, WI (34)

    This is FUN!
    Ten - 14
    Vs. - 16
    Vitalogy - 18
    No Code - 19
    Yield - 21
    Binaural - 23
    Riot Act - 25
    S/T - 29
    Backspacer - 32
    Lightning Bolt - 36

    Yay, two same-agers! :D

    November 3rd, 1976
    We're Year of the Dragon. :D
    With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be careful. Strive to be happy. ~ Desiderata
  • I was a year old when Ten came out... :oops:
    2013: Worcester 2, Brooklyn 1, Brooklyn 2, Hartford
    2015: Global Citizen Festival
    2016: Philly 1, Philly 2, MSG 1, MSG 2, Fenway 2
    2018: Fenway 1, Fenway 2
    2024: MSG 2, Philly 1, Philly 2, Fenway 1, Fenway 2
  • Ten - 18
    Vs. - 20
    Vitalogy - 21
    No Code - 23
    Yield - 24
    Binaural - 27
    Riot Act - 29
    S/T - 33
    Backspacer - 36
    Lightning Bolt -40
    11.18.1997 - OAKLAND, CALIFORNIA
    06.06.2003 - LAS VEGAS, NEVADA
    10.22.2003 - SEATTLE, WASHINGTON
    09.28.2004 - BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS
    09.29.2004 - BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS
    11.25.2005 - BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA
    11.26.2005 - BUENOS AIRES, ARGENTINA
    07.07.2006 - SAN DIEGO, CALIFORNIA
    10.01.2014 - CINCINNATI, OHIO
    09.15.2023 - FORT WORTH, TEXAS
    Ten - 17
    Vs - 19
    Vitalogy - 20
    No Code - 22
    Yield - 23
    Binaural - 25
    Riot Act - 28
    Avocado - 31
    Backspacer - 35
    LB - 39
    Let's say knowledge is a tree, yeah.
    It's growing up just like me.
  • oysterjaroysterjar Posts: 1,235
    Gibson wrote:
    I'm Stephen Flow's age.

    I'm Gibson's age

    Wind this thing up.

  • Ten.... 29

    LB.... 52

    I don't feel like doing the math for the in betweens...
    1996: Randall's Island I, Hartford
    1998: MSG I, Hartford
    2000: Jones Beach I
    2003: Albany, MSG II, Mansfield II & III, Homdel
    2004: Boston (VFC) I & II
    2006: Albany, Hartford, Boston I and E. Rutherford I
    2008: MSG I & II, Hartford, Mansfield II (saw BostonLou in the FRONT ROW!!) EV-NYC II
    2010: Hartford
    2013 Worcester II, Hartford
    2016 Fenway I
    2018 Wrigley II, Fenway II
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