The People Speak: The Film - Ed's pic

edited September 2008 in The Porch
Go to the third row of pictures, there is a picture of Ed Vedder's performance.

The People Speak is a documentary inspired by Howard Zinn’s book, A People’s History of the United States and from the book he co-authored with Anthony Arnove, Voices of a People’s History. These are the voices of resistance in U.S. history – resistance to injustice, to war. Voices that can inspire viewers to recognize the power ordinary people have to change the course of history. These are also the voices that are excluded from traditional histories. Some voices are obscure, some famous and you will hear them express ideas that are excluded from the orthodox histories.

The film brings together accomplished performers like Marisa Tomei, Josh Brolin, Viggo Mortensen, Sandra Oh and Eddie Vedder, to re-create the emotional impact of these moments in history. These slices of life are woven together with historical footage, music and narrations from Ben Affleck and Howard Zinn and together, become a film record of what makes our democracy come alive and why civil disobedience needs to be a defining characteristic of Americans. By presenting these amazing people from our past, we will inspire a new generation to act.

Songs performed by Vedder:
Bob Dylan, “Masters of War” (1963)“
Here’s to the State of Mississippi” (2006 rewrite of a Phil Ochs song by Tim Robbins)
“No More” (2008)
Let's say knowledge is a tree, yeah.
It's growing up just like me.
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Cool thanks for the link - very interesting site.
  • Thanks. The film looks really interesting.
  • Does anyone know when exactly this film is coming out? I've been hearing about it forever it seems.
  • demetriosdemetrios Posts: 94,279
    thanks for the link! :)
  • shareshare Posts: 551
    I went to see Howard Zinn at the TIFF

    with Chris Moore, Matt Damon, Viggo Mortensen, Josh Brolin, Marisa Tomei and Anthony Arnove also on stage for discussion

    the movie is not finished yet - we saw two 10 minutes clips of a work in progress

    in those 20 minutes I laughed, cried and was humbled beyond words - the power of what is being shown on screen is absolutely overwhelming

    I have the utmost respect for everybody that was on that stage

    I was so impressed by what everybody had to say and the way that they said it and I feel incredibly lucky to have been there

    I can't wait for the movie to come out - these stories of humanity and bravery and admission are something powerful that we all need to hear- not just to set it straight but to realize that we are all the same throughout time, we suffer the same, we think the same and we should all share the same hope for change

    it was an enhancing experience - and an important experience and I think that when this does come out it will start wheels turning
    we're all sentient snowflakes
    I'm a number that doesn't count
    the nothing ventured - the nothing feigned
  • TiaMijaTiaMija Posts: 597
    Great man, great book, looks like it will be a great film!

    You can make a donation on the site to help them finish it.
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