"It Can Happen To You":a lame short story I wrote

The Pearl Jam Pond Stories
« It Can Happen To You »
*Two pond frogs turned into pets, Damien and Steve in the year 2013 standing in a terrarium before the TV* The Crazy Interviews Show is on. The TV host : « we have with us today economist and philosopher John McMurtry. Tell us in short Mr. McMurtry what does your book « Understanding War » state?
In very short it names as sole enemies of human kind 4 elements and forces : disease, poverty, destruction of the environment and war. We understand that if things go on as they do soon our planet will be depleted and our world as we know it will be destroyed… » Steve tunes down the volume…Damien gives him a particular look.
Steve : What is the matter?
Damien : *alarmed* It gets destroyed …our world as we know it gets destroyed!
Steve : So?
Damien : Well sooner or later it’ll reach us.
Steve : Duh…not in this lifetime.
Damien : How so?
Steve : I’m certain we’re safe.
Damien : What about the others?
Steve : What? *irritated and aloof* What do they need?
Damien : We’re sick and poor!!!
Steve : no we’re not.
Damien : yes we are…we’re sick for not caring and poor in information!
Steve : stay calm…we need to stay calm. What is it we could do better anyway?
Damien : Right now with our wounds not much. We’re both sick from the owner’s neglect.
Steve : at least the owner left the TV on…so then what do we do?
Damien : I guess we’ll do nothing
Steve : we’re doing a lot…we’re pacifists.
Damien : we weren’t provoked….it’s easy !..
Steve : True!...should we search provocation?
Damien : No…that would be lame and stupid
Steve : and stupid…
Damien : I said that!
Steve : Well it’s important : it would be stupid.
*a year later Damien and Steve alone in front of a scene of the destroyed world*
Damien : I told you so!
Steve : I know
Damien :What will we do now? yell for help? Turn back time? *sob*
Steve : Now,now don’t cry…we’ve lived happily many years…there’s an end to everything.
Damien :Oh I know what we can do!
Steve : what?
Damien : we could pray!
Steve : Doh. No.
Damien : Why not?. Don’t you know? Where two or more gather in Jesus’ name He is there amongst them. It’s in the Bible!
Steve : Really ? where?
Damien : Matthew 18:20
Steve : oh…ok…I’ll say Our Father once and then you once.
Damien : ok.
At the end of the prayers a torch lights up and a path to flourishing land reveals itself before them.
Damien : There’s a way out…see? I told you!
Steve :Haha! We’re safe…I was worried for a bit…let’s sing!
The End : two pond frogs shown on TV…a man watches from prison…Damien : we survived…Steve : yey…we survived the frog butcher and the destruction of the environment, disease and poverty…and we won the war against war…Yey ! :fp:
« It Can Happen To You »
*Two pond frogs turned into pets, Damien and Steve in the year 2013 standing in a terrarium before the TV* The Crazy Interviews Show is on. The TV host : « we have with us today economist and philosopher John McMurtry. Tell us in short Mr. McMurtry what does your book « Understanding War » state?
In very short it names as sole enemies of human kind 4 elements and forces : disease, poverty, destruction of the environment and war. We understand that if things go on as they do soon our planet will be depleted and our world as we know it will be destroyed… » Steve tunes down the volume…Damien gives him a particular look.
Steve : What is the matter?
Damien : *alarmed* It gets destroyed …our world as we know it gets destroyed!
Steve : So?
Damien : Well sooner or later it’ll reach us.
Steve : Duh…not in this lifetime.
Damien : How so?
Steve : I’m certain we’re safe.
Damien : What about the others?
Steve : What? *irritated and aloof* What do they need?
Damien : We’re sick and poor!!!
Steve : no we’re not.
Damien : yes we are…we’re sick for not caring and poor in information!
Steve : stay calm…we need to stay calm. What is it we could do better anyway?
Damien : Right now with our wounds not much. We’re both sick from the owner’s neglect.
Steve : at least the owner left the TV on…so then what do we do?
Damien : I guess we’ll do nothing
Steve : we’re doing a lot…we’re pacifists.
Damien : we weren’t provoked….it’s easy !..
Steve : True!...should we search provocation?
Damien : No…that would be lame and stupid
Steve : and stupid…
Damien : I said that!
Steve : Well it’s important : it would be stupid.
*a year later Damien and Steve alone in front of a scene of the destroyed world*
Damien : I told you so!
Steve : I know
Damien :What will we do now? yell for help? Turn back time? *sob*
Steve : Now,now don’t cry…we’ve lived happily many years…there’s an end to everything.
Damien :Oh I know what we can do!
Steve : what?
Damien : we could pray!
Steve : Doh. No.
Damien : Why not?. Don’t you know? Where two or more gather in Jesus’ name He is there amongst them. It’s in the Bible!
Steve : Really ? where?
Damien : Matthew 18:20
Steve : oh…ok…I’ll say Our Father once and then you once.
Damien : ok.
At the end of the prayers a torch lights up and a path to flourishing land reveals itself before them.
Damien : There’s a way out…see? I told you!
Steve :Haha! We’re safe…I was worried for a bit…let’s sing!
The End : two pond frogs shown on TV…a man watches from prison…Damien : we survived…Steve : yey…we survived the frog butcher and the destruction of the environment, disease and poverty…and we won the war against war…Yey ! :fp:
Winston Churchill: 'If you're going through hell, keep going.'
Post edited by IT237515 on
That is hysterical. I have had aquariums and terrariums as a hobby.
I always wondered what my fish were thinking about. I stare at them and they stare back at me. Now, I have some idea.
"Sick from the owner's neglect"...