2 B

Left to our own devices
we're mostly lone souls without an audience
more rewarding to have an ear
and an eye to walk in front of
how much were we each loved as a child?
did someone notice and see?
was there someone who cared?
for, who really knows, without a loving seer,
why are we even alive?!
what's the point of being in the room if no one cares you're present?
sinking into the background
oh, to be visible!
not invisible or replaceable
silent or not, it doesn't feel good to be ignored
better to be observed with love
(that's what we all want)
to be observed with love and approved even
to be seen and encouraged
"So glad you could make it!"
that's what a loving eye does and a loving ear
it hears
perhaps the person with the ears says:
"Wow! that sounds so good!"
Better to be seen and heard
no one wants to be the dark dirt in a cold corner
no one dreams of being the cracked bottom of a chair or
the moldy underside of a rubber door matt...
do they?!
far better to be seen like the first bloom on the gardenia bush
or the butterfly stopping on the fence,
moving wings slowly lifting, lowering, stopping time
for a hushed and still audience
to be seen,
to be observed with attention and delight!
so much better than being
the last paint can fallen behind another on a shelf
or the sandpaper that slipped between two dusty cases
yep, no one wants to be the
unused cup that should have gone to goodwill but is kept out of guilt!
that's not desirable
we'd all rather be that surprising cloud that Looks-Like-Something
people point to those
"Hey, do you see that one?!"
loving eyes
seeing beauty
we all want 2 B that beauty-in-someone's-eyes
we're mostly lone souls without an audience
more rewarding to have an ear
and an eye to walk in front of
how much were we each loved as a child?
did someone notice and see?
was there someone who cared?
for, who really knows, without a loving seer,
why are we even alive?!
what's the point of being in the room if no one cares you're present?
sinking into the background
oh, to be visible!
not invisible or replaceable
silent or not, it doesn't feel good to be ignored
better to be observed with love
(that's what we all want)
to be observed with love and approved even
to be seen and encouraged
"So glad you could make it!"
that's what a loving eye does and a loving ear
it hears
perhaps the person with the ears says:
"Wow! that sounds so good!"
Better to be seen and heard
no one wants to be the dark dirt in a cold corner
no one dreams of being the cracked bottom of a chair or
the moldy underside of a rubber door matt...
do they?!
far better to be seen like the first bloom on the gardenia bush
or the butterfly stopping on the fence,
moving wings slowly lifting, lowering, stopping time
for a hushed and still audience
to be seen,
to be observed with attention and delight!
so much better than being
the last paint can fallen behind another on a shelf
or the sandpaper that slipped between two dusty cases
yep, no one wants to be the
unused cup that should have gone to goodwill but is kept out of guilt!
that's not desirable
we'd all rather be that surprising cloud that Looks-Like-Something
people point to those
"Hey, do you see that one?!"
loving eyes
seeing beauty
we all want 2 B that beauty-in-someone's-eyes
Post edited by Unknown User on
Thanks for reading it Annafalk.