1/95 DC 7/95 Chicago Tor Tol Cha 96 AlpV I II Chi St L KC 98 BSB I II 99 Phx Vegas Fresno SBern 00 BSB I II 01 (met ed) Vegas Phx Fargo St. Paul Chicago Alpine V Indy Col Virg Phi I II MSG I II (got on DVD!) 03 Calg 05 Clev Vegas LA I II SBar 06 Lon Dus Cop Nij Bel 07 Phi I II DC MSG I II Har BOS I II 08, LA3/4, SD '09, MSG I II '10, Missoula, London ONT, Wrigley, SD, LA1/2, Portland. Wrigley '16 I and II.
I have 2 tickets available for the 10/31 show if anyone is interested. Id like to get $150 for the pair or 75 each if they get split up. I hate to see these tickets go to waste and Id like to give another 10C member a chance to go . PM me if you are interested ...
As a result of Hurricane Sandy, my buddy is unable to make the trip to Las Vegas for the shows. We couldn't be more bummed. I will be there for both nights, travelling from Boston.
As a result I have a single in Sec. 104, row E (fifth row, floor). This was purchased via StubHub, so he paid over face/fees for the ticket. Not trying to make a buck here, just trying to recoup some of his money and get the ticket into good hands. You'll be sitting next to me.
PM me your best offer. At 3 PM EST the ticket will be sold. Payment via PayPal.
ISO a pair of tix to EV 10/31. We get into town early AM on 10/31 and hope to find a pair of Tix to the show as we didnt win the fan club lottery this time. Looking to pay face. Please PM me if you have some extras. Can meet you at the venue or earlier in the day.
Tickets available right now on Ticketmaster for 10/31 show.
Also, was browsing Stubhub and there are tons of tickets there as well, below face value in some cases... Stubhub fees will take it over face, but not by much.
Hope this means the brokers are stuck with tickets and have to unload.
My sister got really sick and had to cancel, my flight leaves in a few hours and I now have spare for night one. It is sec 203 row c. The ticket was purchased on stubhub, pm me and we can discuss price. i can meet you at the venue and exchange ticket for payment there.
So I bit the bullet and upgraded my seats via Stubhub...now I have two tickets available for 10/31 Section 302 Row B seats 11 & 12. I will be leaving kind of early in the morning tomorrow, pm me if interested.
I have a pair of tickets in section 303, Row G. $150 for the pair... can meet at the pre-party or venue! please email me at <!-- e --><a href="mailto:amish.morjaria@gmail.com">amish.morjaria@gmail.com</a><!-- e --> if you want them!
Still looking for a single ticket for night 2. Email <!-- e --><a href="mailto:karicorbitt@gmail.com">karicorbitt@gmail.com</a><!-- e --> if u have an extra please.
Seeking a single ticket for 11/1. Any luck for a single for night 2? E-mail: <!-- e --><a href="mailto:Mikal98765@gmail.com">Mikal98765@gmail.com</a><!-- e -->.
Got stuck in Jersey for Sandy cleanup and my Father wants to go badly anyway. Wish I could have made it :(
"It's as comfortable as can be. But when you're on stage playing with Neil, well -- it's one thing to be at the zoo and watch an animal pace around its cage. It's another to be in the cage with him." -Eddie Vedder
I am looking for 2 10c tickets for night 1.
Please PM.
I will be in Vegas and at the 10C Will Call ticket pickup looking for anyone's extras so we could meet...
PM me.
Here is the pre-party thread. Please let me know if you'll be joining us!
"3 days, not a fuckin second longer..."
Ticket Found! See you all in Las Vegas!
4-10-08 santa barbara
As a result of Hurricane Sandy, my buddy is unable to make the trip to Las Vegas for the shows. We couldn't be more bummed. I will be there for both nights, travelling from Boston.
As a result I have a single in Sec. 104, row E (fifth row, floor). This was purchased via StubHub, so he paid over face/fees for the ticket. Not trying to make a buck here, just trying to recoup some of his money and get the ticket into good hands. You'll be sitting next to me.
PM me your best offer. At 3 PM EST the ticket will be sold. Payment via PayPal.
Please don't hesitate if you have any questions.
Please PM me if you want to make the trade I can Meet you early at the ticket pickup.
Thanks !
Please PM if you can help.
but I trust the community will help me out.
Also, was browsing Stubhub and there are tons of tickets there as well, below face value in some cases... Stubhub fees will take it over face, but not by much.
Hope this means the brokers are stuck with tickets and have to unload.
Please PM.
PM me if interested.
I have one available for tonight, 10/31. Let me know!
Below face is fine, i just would hate to see the ticket go to waste.
Got stuck in Jersey for Sandy cleanup and my Father wants to go badly anyway. Wish I could have made it :(
Face value ($172)
Only selling as pair.
Please PM contact info if interested.