John doe and exene were married for 5 years...

mookieb10mookieb10 Posts: 930
edited July 2012 in Given To Fly (live)
Thats funny isnt it? I know this boarders into people personal lives and is only tangentially related to pj... But fuck, imagine touring with your ex wife. It brings a whole new meaning to the bands name...
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  • antti23antti23 Posts: 138
    Well it seems to be working out just fine for them! :)
    Actually met Exene and her assistant in Oslo the night before the show! Had a couple of beers with a friend at a bar terrace and they were sitting at the table right next to us. Chatted a bit about the tour and stuff. Very nice + cool lady!
    Stockholm 2012
    Oslo 2012
    Stockholm 2014
    Oslo 2014
  • EdsonNascimentoEdsonNascimento Posts: 5,525
    Anything about a touring band is completely foreign to most of us, so I can't imagine any of it.

    But, it isn't like this is unique or even the most f'd up situation surrounding a band. I mean Fleetwood Mac was basically a touring orgy with how many times they passed each other around over the years.
    Sorry. The world doesn't work the way you tell it to.
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