Americans in Europe?

Give me some reviews?
Are/did you have a BLAST?
How were the sights? The people? The food? The drink?
Was it the time of your life?
Would you do it again?
How were the venues?
How were the shows?
DO NOT tell me your 10club number and where your seats were located...
Give me some reviews?
Are/did you have a BLAST?
How were the sights? The people? The food? The drink?
Was it the time of your life?
Would you do it again?
How were the venues?
How were the shows?
DO NOT tell me your 10club number and where your seats were located...
Take me piece by piece.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Post edited by Unknown User on
I belive all 10c are/was standing
Thanks for giving me the directive to tell you about my I don't have to work!
Amsterdam was great....had a great time...both shows were great, but the 2nd one was the best! The venue was brand new, and it had a vey modern look to it. The venue was located right next to the Ajax (Soccer) Stadium a/k/a the Amsterdam Arena, as well as a huge cinema, and the Henekin Music hall.
Sights were nice....Canals are very soothing..we took a 1 hour canal cruise, which was a great way to get a preview of other sites we wanted to see. Visited the Anne Frank House...very somber vibe, obviously. Some chick kept talking on her cell phone during the tour of the house, but I kept my mouth shut! Van Gogh museum was interesting...not a huge art fan, but was nice to have a look at so many of his originals.
One of the tv channels ran commercials for phone sex, and the women in the commercials were topless....gotta love the free peeks!
Food was ok.....the city was full of argentine steakhouses for some odd reason. For breakfast, we had waffles and the huge pancakes popular in Amsterdam. Had schnitzel for dinner our first night there.
I thought it was a local tradition, but my wife got mad when I suggested we go Dutch on the meals! :?
We strolled through the redlight district...what a weird scene....women standing in a small storefront window, trying to lure you in for some play for pay. One young fella seemed to be causing a small scene by doing too much window shopping....I assume they have ways to stop that!
The 10C gathering was a lot of fun...nice to meet 10C members from across the globe..and a few people seemed to be from other planets too!
My only complaint:
Diet coke cost more than beer in Amsterdam!
A large diet coke (probably 22oz) cost over $7.....very difficult expensive to feed my addiction there!
Here's what I posted on the "Play Minnesota" thread...sorry its so long...
...finally back from Europe (we sat on the tarmac for 2 hours in Amsterdam...and I'm 99% sure we were an inch away from getting our flight cancelled, but here we are, back home in MN)...
As you might have guessed, the Amsterdam shows were unbelievable. I'll try to give you an idea of our experience over there, but I'll also try to be fair. I know the tendency when reviewing shows is inherently flawed; you overrate the shows that you were at and out of those shows, you overrate the shows where your favorite songs were played, or where you had the best seats etc. Suffice it to say, its a flawed process to describe a show you saw, especially a PJ one, and a PJ one overseas at that.
But with that handicap, I'll do my best to relay what we saw in Amsterdam last week.
Amsterdam is a very walkable city, and my wife and I are walkers on vacation. No matter where we go, we prefer to hoof it (if possible and within reason). Without fail, we've found so many special little nooks or bars or restaurants just by walking around a given place. Amsterdam in particular, where every block or canal or "straat" has an amazing little darkly lit bar with even better food, is a city you can walk; the entire city center area can be walked in about 5 hours.
Still fighting jet lag in our second day, we got up and walked to the Van Gogh Museum. The morning was windy and rainy and very, very fall-like, which we did not expect. Thankfully, Hannah (wife) had us pack a water-resistant windbreaker, so we were prepared. On our way to the museum, we stopped and had great coffee, croissants and "broodjes" (sandwiches), and any concern I had about being cold or jet lagged started to drift away. We get to the museum and it was fantastic; my wife is an art grad, so I think she appreciated it more than I did.
As we were walking out of the museum and past the "I Am Amsterdam" sign (from the Amstel Light commercials
So we continued our walk past great little canal houses, past antique shops, past the coolest antiquarian "boekenhandels" (book shops), nearly getting killed by 10,000 bicyclists, trams, taxis and other tourists along the way. Down cobbled streets (straats!) and through the wind and rain, we plodded along, taking in what was quickly turning into a very cool city. The whole town just as a feel to it: the people are beautiful and extremely friendly. I made more friends trying to speak broken Dutch (and getting playfully laughed at) than I ever have anywhere else.
Eventually, we get to the "leidseplein" area, which is kind of the trendy bar district just south of the city centre. As we turn a corner, I look up the street, and see a guy who looks very familiar. Weirdly familiar, like those circumstances where you see someone's face totally out of context and it throws you for a moment. Like seeing a high school teacher at the grocery store
I look at Hannah and say, "remember how I said we were going to see someone? That's Matt Cameron right across the street..." With him was his son Ray, who all tour, has been playing drums on "The Fixer" or guitar on "Rockin' In The Free World." Matt eventually came toward us, and I think he knew the look on our faces (happiness? awe? creepy stalkers? Haha), because he stopped and smiled. We told him we were sorry to bother him, but we came from Minnesota to see the band and we were big fans. He said "naw naw its totally cool. That's awesome you guys came so far to see us, want a picture?" So Ray snapped some photos of us with Matt and we shook their hands. Ray told us they were going to the Heineken Experience (which, given that Ray is like, what, 14?, may have been what Ed was talking about when he mentioned the bad influence this city was possibly having on all of their kids who were along
I won't bore you with the details of the rest of our trip (we went to Amsterdam, Holland; Brussels, Belgium; Bonn, Germany and Cologne, Germany), but we had an amazing time.
As for the shows...what can I say that hasn't been said already? Night 1 was great, but Night 2 was unreal. Un-fucking-real. I'll try to bolster my credibility here as a reviewer and tell you that Night 2's setlist, while amazing, wouldn't have been my absolute first choice as a setlist. There are plenty of other songs I would have liked to have heard, but fuck, I'm in Europe...seeing Pearl whatever the fuck you guys want.
But despite any substitutions I may or may not have made to either of the set lists, Night 2 was a weird combination of the sound at the Ziggo Dome (fucking great), the crowd around us (the 2nd night, we had lots of "PJ Magic Bus" fans who were rocking out), and the pacing of the set list that made the show very special. The show had a vibe and feel and flow to it that I haven't experienced at a PJ show before (no I wasn't high
In particular, the pacing is probably a big factor making Night 2 so amazing. For example, some nights, the set lists feel like Ed really wants certain songs to fit in certain places. I've noticed that they'll sandwich "Fixer" or "Amongst The Waves" with "Do the Evolution" and "Spin The Black Circle" or something like that, almost as if Ed really wants "Fixer" to be that up-tempo rocker that it really isn't. I think its a great song actually (moreso live than anything), but it just doesn't fit with their up-tempo stuff. It can dampen the pace of a show when they do that. But on Night 2, nothing was forced, everything was paced very well, and each song, whether or not my favorite, melted right into the next one. The band's energy was reflected well in the setlist and that reverberated back through the crowd.
And maybe that was the difference with these shows. The crowd's energy and the band's energy were very much in sync. Couple that with two very nice setlists (despite my comments about the Night 2 set list, it was still a top 3 set list I've seen), and you have the makings of some very epic shows (in the true meaning of that word, "epic"
A good example of what I'm talking about is what happened after we met Matt. After taking a photo and chatting with him and Ray, we walked up the street and stopped at a fruit market. Inside the store, "Vs." was being played and the counter was being staffed by a curly-haired local kid. There was a line of people, including a bald (presumably) American guy (he spoke with an American accent, but I'm guessing). We were ecstatic after our encounter and once we realized what was playing in the store, we told the worker who we just met (PJMC!). He literally stopped working, slammed his hands on the counter and said "oh my gosssssh! That's incredible! I can't wait for the shows! Are you going? I cannot fucking wait!"...all in front of the line of fruit-buyers. The bald American nodded to us, and said something like "yeah, I've met him before too." Haha...nothing like an American PJ fan to one up you, right? But that experience kind of encapsulates the Euro PJ tour: the raw excitement of some kid working his day job, just dying for the show at night, and completely prepared to bare his fan-soul to perfect strangers on a chance meeting. It was crazy in the coolest fucking way.
I know I'm gushing a bit here, but I really don't know how to say it. Both shows were amazing and I truly do believe they were some of PJ's best in recent years. I don't think I can speculate as to just how historically great they were (although others have done that for me), but personally, I think at the end of my show-going days, these 2 shows will be right at the top of my list, in terms of best shows. They were that good and that special. And "special" is about the best word I can use to describe our time seeing these shows and seeing Europe.
See? Told you it was long...
2003-06-16 St. Paul
2006-06-26 St. Paul
2007-08-05 Chicago
2009-08-23 Chicago
2009-08-28 San Francisco
2010-05-01 NOLA (Jazz Fest)
2011-07-02 EV Minneapolis
2011-09-03 PJ20
2011-09-04 PJ20
2011-09-17 Winnipeg
2012-06-26 Amsterdam
2012-06-27 Amsterdam
2013-07-19 Wrigley
2013-11-21 San Diego
2013-11-23 Los Angeles
2013-11-24 Los Angeles
2014-07-08 Leeds, UK
2014-07-11 Milton Keynes, UK
2014-10-09 Lincoln
2014-10-19 St. Paul
2014-10-20 Milwaukee
2016-08-20 Wrigley 1
2016-08-22 Wrigley 2
2018-06-18 London 1
2018-08-18 Wrigley 1
2018-08-20 Wrigley 2
2022-09-16 Nashville
2023-08-31 St. Paul
2023-09-02 St. Paul
2023-09-05 Chicago 1
2024-08-31 Wrigley 2
2024-09-15 Fenway 1
2024-09-27 Ohana 1
2024-09-29 Ohana 2
Those are EXACTLY what I was looking for...
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
Each and EVERY setlist I have looked at so far...
No questions asked
No doubt about it
These setlists make Alpine look like a joke......
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
I visited this museum when I was 16, stoned out of my head on the hash cakes I'd eaten for breakfast. One of his self -portraits caused me to throw a whitey and get out of there as fast as I could. Pretty much my first real experience of 'art'.
So I'm assuming your Penn & the Plate Guy is Teller
Had a fantastic time in Europe. My wife & I visited Amsterdam
Very quick review. I'm on 5hrs of sleep after 30hrs ( door to door ) travel :crazy:
Amsterdam......... "Can't be said enough"..............
Old Town Prague is now my favorite place in in world I've been too
Very, very, affordable place to drink
Berlin just reminded me too much of NYC. Prague blew it out of the water
I've met the most "AMAZING, HELPFUL , WONDERFUL, CARING" people from all over the world on this trip.
And I'll never forget it.
What You Giving
I suggest you step out on your Porch.
Run away my son. See it all. Oh, See the World!
Hey Speedy,
I totally agree....Both Alpine shows totally way over rated...Great experience meeting fans and the museum was my highlights at both Alpine shows...Also, meeting Rodman was kickass...
From where I sit...
Just reading the setlists over the last 2 weeks...
NOT having gone to 1 show over in Europe....
On paper...
Stockholm was the CLUNKER setlist of the tour.....
Just my opinion...
Till there aint nothing left worth taking away from me.....
What does that mean? The weakest?
The shows were great, night 2 was magic..
I met some great people from the board at the shows and at the pre-party .. Everyone is so great, me and Leeze just had a fucking blast
The food and the mustard in Germany is outstanding!! I just got home last night and I find myself wondering what the hell I am going to eat today.. I need to find a German bakery around here ASAP!!!
Abrn Hlls '98 - Clarkston 2 '03 - Grd Rpds '06 - Abrn Hlls '06 - Clvd '10 - PJ20 - Berlin 1+2 '12 - Wrigley '13 - Pitt '13- buff '13- Philly 1+2 '13 - Seattle '13
The bread in Germany is amazing. I love that country.
And I want to say that every single American I met during the last couple of days in Germany has been awesome. I don't know if the two guys (Josh + ?) and Steve (nooo, that's not Steve, that's Alan!
Oh well, and Pearl Jam - you are more than welcome to visit Europe anytime again
Hope that'll be soon! If anything, I think we've once again proven how much we love our PJ over here on this side of the pond
sights in prague were amazing, berlin felt like home minus all of t he things i hate about home.
met so many brothers from faraway lands
not once did i hear the language of the country i was in being spoken on the floor at the show
joe's party hat is awesome (its jeff from nyc by the way, i was with my buddy kartik)- i hope you're outta the doghouse
its jsut an experience that can't really be summed into words. everyone should do a eurotour, EVERYONE. its totally different than taking off a week and doing a boston>nyc>philly swing
you make connections, real connections
i mean
just amazing
do it
do it
Agree. 100%. If you can swing it, catch a Euro tour. Its so completely different from anything else you've done.
Real connections...for instance, apparently there's a plate guy out there who looks just like me...
2003-06-16 St. Paul
2006-06-26 St. Paul
2007-08-05 Chicago
2009-08-23 Chicago
2009-08-28 San Francisco
2010-05-01 NOLA (Jazz Fest)
2011-07-02 EV Minneapolis
2011-09-03 PJ20
2011-09-04 PJ20
2011-09-17 Winnipeg
2012-06-26 Amsterdam
2012-06-27 Amsterdam
2013-07-19 Wrigley
2013-11-21 San Diego
2013-11-23 Los Angeles
2013-11-24 Los Angeles
2014-07-08 Leeds, UK
2014-07-11 Milton Keynes, UK
2014-10-09 Lincoln
2014-10-19 St. Paul
2014-10-20 Milwaukee
2016-08-20 Wrigley 1
2016-08-22 Wrigley 2
2018-06-18 London 1
2018-08-18 Wrigley 1
2018-08-20 Wrigley 2
2022-09-16 Nashville
2023-08-31 St. Paul
2023-09-02 St. Paul
2023-09-05 Chicago 1
2024-08-31 Wrigley 2
2024-09-15 Fenway 1
2024-09-27 Ohana 1
2024-09-29 Ohana 2
I'm sure you'll be seeing me & my Party Hat somewhere down the road
What You Giving
I suggest you step out on your Porch.
Run away my son. See it all. Oh, See the World!
Joe! We saw your hat practically everywhere
My wife dragged me out of Yaams at midnight or else I would have stayed till 4 :problem: .
I still had a blast meeting everyone I could
What You Giving
I suggest you step out on your Porch.
Run away my son. See it all. Oh, See the World!
Seeing 2 great shows in a foreign city (amsterdam), meeting and bonding with other fans, and then scampering-off to Manchester to experience the Stone Roses with 70,000 crazy Manchurians will be difficult to ever top!
-Tom Waits-
Everybody should believe in something...I believe i'll have another drink - anonymous -
Ah that's just drunk talk, sweet beautiful drunk talk.
-Barney Gumble-
If you would have asked me whether I would have chosen either city to be a primary destination vacation for the wife and I, i would have said no. Boy would I have been wrong.
Berlin. One of the most interesting historical and diverse cities I have ever been to. Besides all the people we met being truly lovely and wonderful there was so much to city. First of all the city is enormous. We spent two full days touring and did not even come close to seeing everything we wanted (first time that has happened with us)... East Berlin was suprisingly the more vibrant and interesting section to review... all the gallaries and restaurants and window shopping and museums were overwhelming. Since it's really a portion of the city that has been rebuilt over just the last twenty years, it's amazing to see how far the sprawl has gone... It's like NY, without having the limitation of size and half the population.
The most striking part for us (we are jewish) was the jewish museaum and the amazing metaphors and exhibits that really brought out a lot of emotions for us. My wife had a natural aversion to going but after we left said she would have missed out on so much.
Came to the preparty late but was so happy to see many new and old friends. Oh and there was a concert
Stockholm was exactly the opposite for me. Old world charm, old world beauty and the nicest people the world has bestowed upon us. The palace, city hall, the wassa museum and the olde town were the highlights for me as we walked for days again and ate our faces off... Went to two amazing dinners (oh I forgot to say, that I had the best meal I ever had in Berlin)... The islands laid in with the beautiful architecture made it a place wher I used over 300 pictures in 3 dsays.
Oh and the concert was great... Had GA seats and preferred to hang in the back with the best crew of European types I can imagine (you know who you are)... Such fun having room to dance... My wife now realizes what a big freak I am
Anyway so glad I did it and will do iit again.
I'm really glad you enjoyed your travels.
To everyone else in this thread, I'm glad you also had a good time. It's a nice enough place, this Europe of ours.
The setlist may not have the wow-factor of some other shows, in terms of rare songs and things like that, but it was a damn good show.
OMG!!! HI!!!!! hahaahah