I think STONE should sing more!!! at least 1 or 2 a show

rollingstone423rollingstone423 Posts: 485
edited May 2006 in Given To Fly (live)
I just love when Stone sings- i think he should get a song a gig, maybe 2- Who's with me on this?

8/25/00NY, 9/1/00NJ, 4/30/03NY, 7/2&3/03MSG, 7/14/03NJ, 10/13/04 EdW/Boss, 9/24&25/05 St Johns, 5/13/06CT, 5/27&28/06NJ, 6/1/06NJ, 6/3/06NJ, 6/24/06 OH, 7/15-16/06CA, Lolla07, DC, MSGx2, MA1, ED SOLO NYC1&2!
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  • I agree. It would give Ed a chance to save his voice a little and I'd love to hear Pearl Jam play some songs off of Bayleaf.
    - Justin

    You think the Slayer tour is out, or what?

    "Finally! I get to save the earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows." -- Al Gore.
  • soulsingingsoulsinging Posts: 13,202
    if they played bayleaf songs i guess that might change things. i was thinking "he only has 2 songs in the entire pearl jam catalogue."
  • keeponrockinkeeponrockin Posts: 7,446
    I don't own Bayleaf, but I love Mankind and Don't Gimme No Lip, so I'm all for it.
    Believe me, when I was growin up, I thought the worst thing you could turn out to be was normal, So I say freaks in the most complementary way. Here's a song by a fellow freak - E.V
  • if they played bayleaf songs i guess that might change things. i was thinking "he only has 2 songs in the entire pearl jam catalogue."

    As I've said many times since Saturday, I nearly shot myself through the roof when I heard Don't Gimme No Lip at the Q. I had to listen to it 6 times today. Easily the best concert I've ever attended.

    Anyway, yeah, I'm thinking Bayleaf stuff would be fecking awesome with Pearl Jam putting their spin on them.
    - Justin

    You think the Slayer tour is out, or what?

    "Finally! I get to save the earth with deadly lasers instead of deadly slide shows." -- Al Gore.
  • MeddleDealMeddleDeal Posts: 2,547
    how about a back-to-back Stoney peformance of Don't Gimmie No Lip INTO Mankind?! :eek: talk about freakin' out if THAT ever happens!! :D

    and YES damnit! Stone should sing MORE! It seems to me that Eddie likes it when Stone sings. :) And WHOA?! about him singing Bayleaf songs?! why not?! That album is truly a gem and I think everyone should at least listen to it and give it a try:D
    ~*STONEY PONY all the WAY!*~
    "For the world, not for the war"-Neil Finn
  • I mean- the 2 songs that he does are amazing- maybe he does a cover or 2 to prevent so much repeating? I was singin Don't Gimme No Lip in the airport flying to St Johns on the Canadian tour and the first night Stone did it- unreal!! I was so fuckin psyched- really want to get some more in Camden, Meadowlands- every fuckin show. what would be a good cover for him?

    8/25/00NY, 9/1/00NJ, 4/30/03NY, 7/2&3/03MSG, 7/14/03NJ, 10/13/04 EdW/Boss, 9/24&25/05 St Johns, 5/13/06CT, 5/27&28/06NJ, 6/1/06NJ, 6/3/06NJ, 6/24/06 OH, 7/15-16/06CA, Lolla07, DC, MSGx2, MA1, ED SOLO NYC1&2!
  • Gremmie95Gremmie95 Posts: 749
    Let 'em sing! He cracked me the fuck up in Cleveland. Wooooooohhooooo!
  • JD SalJD Sal Posts: 790
    I just love when Stone sings- i think he should get a song a gig, maybe 2- Who's with me on this?

    At least 1 or 2 a show?

    How many should he sing? Geez, this isn't the Beatles.
    "If no one sees you, you're not here at all"
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