My computer has been downloading 24/7, recently

MSnider44MSnider44 San Diego Posts: 746
edited January 2012 in Other Music


  • SO....whats good on that list.....
  • for years ive made it a priority to download every single album in every years list. this year is no exception
  • pjl44pjl44 Posts: 10,041
    for years ive made it a priority to download every single album in every years list. this year is no exception

    Yikes...that's an expensive roll of the dice. Well, unless you're using Spotify or the like.
  • for years ive made it a priority to download every single album in every years list. this year is no exception
    I do the same... I have Rhapsody...

    Not feeling love for everything...

    Butr great discoveries so far...
  • Of The AggieOf The Aggie The ATX Posts: 1,541
    Like I've mentioned in another thread, I don't listen much to anything new, but wow, I've only heard of 8 of the artists on that lists and have probably only heard a song from one or two of them.

    But then again, I'm guessing this list isn't suppose to be about anything people have heard of. If it were, Foo Fighters Wasting Light and R.E.M.'s Collapse Into Now would be in the top 5.
  • LiftedLifted Posts: 1,836
    a lot of snubs on that list. no wilco, no antlers, no roots, no thurston moore, gillian welch....pitchfork is silly.
  • DewieCoxDewieCox Posts: 11,431
    Went through that list a month or so ago and sampled every band on there that I'd never heard and youtubed some samples. I think I made it through about 3 songs(from 3 different band) total. and pretty often I would click on another tune or 2 to see if I was missing anything. All I found out is that I shouldn't go off of Pitchfork's recommendations.
  • LiftedLifted Posts: 1,836
    DewieCox wrote:
    Went through that list a month or so ago and sampled every band on there that I'd never heard and youtubed some samples. I think I made it through about 3 songs(from 3 different band) total. and pretty often I would click on another tune or 2 to see if I was missing anything. All I found out is that I shouldn't go off of Pitchfork's recommendations.

    pitchfork seems to go out of their way to promote weird music that no one really likes. along with music that might seem ironic coming from them (i.e. drake, beyonce), because we all know how much the new-age hipster loves irony.

    their love of electronic type music on that site is what turns me off the most. i guess there is a market for everything, but really, who listens to that stuff? it's gotta be a very small and select demographic. i would think.
  • guess this is where i differ from most on this board. our other music section is so bland. You go on Radiohead message boards and its electronic music, and pop music, folk music, off the radar artists, house etc...

    I dont think pitchforks list is bland at all. How many of the artists in the 50 listed albums were or are talked on here, or are talked about nationally?

    So many cool and different sounds? I love rock music in the traditional sense, i love the sound of a guitar but this is what i was getting at in that Rock music just spun its wheels thread. there are so many amazing artists out there right now, and many of them are so far removed from that guitar based world and i like that. Give me rock music, but in additional give me some experimental music, some music that challenges me.

    Pitchforks list has some interesting releases and i sort of am jealous of folks listening to these bands for the first time. Youve got Sepalcures cool electronic music. Colin Stetsons avante garde jazz, you've got some great r and b with The Weeknd and Frank Ocean. Youve got a mainstream album like Beyonces new one next to a etheral, "ohh and ahh" album by Julianne Barwick made up of her tweaking and looping her voice, Clams Casino one of the more interesting hip hop producers out there had a crazy mixtape, youve got Danny Brown a bizaare rapper who has a strange rapping voice and opens with a line about Squidward, Shabazz Palaces takes hip hop to the extreme with drugged out and psychedelic sounds that is one of the strangest hip hop albums ive ever heard. M83's double album that sounds 80's inspired complete with synths. And James Blake album thats made up of a few sparse instruments and a few basic words and phrases that somehow makes one of the best albums of the year.

    thats far from cookie cutter or basic or cliched lists of albums. This list includes most if not all of my favorites of 2011.
  • Lifted wrote:
    DewieCox wrote:
    Went through that list a month or so ago and sampled every band on there that I'd never heard and youtubed some samples. I think I made it through about 3 songs(from 3 different band) total. and pretty often I would click on another tune or 2 to see if I was missing anything. All I found out is that I shouldn't go off of Pitchfork's recommendations.

    pitchfork seems to go out of their way to promote weird music that no one really likes. along with music that might seem ironic coming from them (i.e. drake, beyonce), because we all know how much the new-age hipster loves irony.

    their love of electronic type music on that site is what turns me off the most. i guess there is a market for everything, but really, who listens to that stuff? it's gotta be a very small and select demographic. i would think.

    i think this is incorrect. the beyonce album was on multiple indie/hipster websites, and pitchfork streamed beyonces new album and regular feature news about her. when she releases a video, they stream it, as do Stereogum for example. Drake also was featured on multiple indie websites. It may seem odd or contrarian but they've been fans of drake for years. His last album made their 2010 list. Their inclusion on the lists wasnt accidental. they and i enjoy these artists.

    And do they really go out of their way to promote wierd music no one likes? So you think the oddball and strange choices on the list are bands no one listens to? Do yourself a favor. When the new year starts, and Pitchfork gets running again, follow the "best new music" section of their site. The best new music tag is given to any album they recommend their readers check out. When an album gets that stamp of approval, log onto What.Cd a torrent site and look at the top 10 torrents. I guarantee you that album will be in that list.

    also yur statement about electronic music was kind of silly to be honest. you really think what you said was true? Im sure this year you heard mention of the word dubstep right? well thats a form of electronic and it had a breakout year.

    i think electronic music is pretty damn exciting right now. Burial, Four Tet, Sepalcure, oneohtrix point never, the field, SBTRKT. i can see how people may not like it, but to say its strange music and or music no one listens to is odd to me.
  • Like I've mentioned in another thread, I don't listen much to anything new, but wow, I've only heard of 8 of the artists on that lists and have probably only heard a song from one or two of them.

    But then again, I'm guessing this list isn't suppose to be about anything people have heard of. If it were, Foo Fighters Wasting Light and R.E.M.'s Collapse Into Now would be in the top 5.

    thats part of the awesomeness of a year end list. Its fun to see albums and bands we love place high on lists, but its equally fun to check out an album to see what the fuss is about because it was placed on a list. I love discovering new bands and sounds. I just think there is so much more out there in terms of music other than what you are gonna hear on your local alt rock station.
  • I have to say...

    Loving M83... Shabazz Palaces... Bon Iver newest and Youth Lagoon...

    Not loving James Blake but I am going to try again...

    Fucked Up deserved to be #1 as it was on Spin... that album is extraodinary...
  • Lifted wrote:
    a lot of snubs on that list. no wilco, no antlers, no roots, no thurston moore, gillian welch....pitchfork is silly.

    to be fair, and i love every single artist you listed, how many lists did any of these artists appear on this year? just because bands you love didnt place on their list doesnt mean they are silly, because as i said, 90 percent of the lists i saw didnt include any of the albums by the artists you listed. I think paste may have had a few of these on their list. the roots one could be explained by the simple fact that their album was released in december, a time when most if not all the best albums lists had already been written and posted.
  • LiftedLifted Posts: 1,836
    Lifted wrote:
    DewieCox wrote:
    Went through that list a month or so ago and sampled every band on there that I'd never heard and youtubed some samples. I think I made it through about 3 songs(from 3 different band) total. and pretty often I would click on another tune or 2 to see if I was missing anything. All I found out is that I shouldn't go off of Pitchfork's recommendations.

    pitchfork seems to go out of their way to promote weird music that no one really likes. along with music that might seem ironic coming from them (i.e. drake, beyonce), because we all know how much the new-age hipster loves irony.

    their love of electronic type music on that site is what turns me off the most. i guess there is a market for everything, but really, who listens to that stuff? it's gotta be a very small and select demographic. i would think.

    i think this is incorrect. the beyonce album was on multiple indie/hipster websites, and pitchfork streamed beyonces new album and regular feature news about her. when she releases a video, they stream it, as do Stereogum for example. Drake also was featured on multiple indie websites. It may seem odd or contrarian but they've been fans of drake for years. His last album made their 2010 list. Their inclusion on the lists wasnt accidental. they and i enjoy these artists.

    And do they really go out of their way to promote wierd music no one likes? So you think the oddball and strange choices on the list are bands no one listens to? Do yourself a favor. When the new year starts, and Pitchfork gets running again, follow the "best new music" section of their site. The best new music tag is given to any album they recommend their readers check out. When an album gets that stamp of approval, log onto What.Cd a torrent site and look at the top 10 torrents. I guarantee you that album will be in that list.

    also yur statement about electronic music was kind of silly to be honest. you really think what you said was true? Im sure this year you heard mention of the word dubstep right? well thats a form of electronic and it had a breakout year.

    i think electronic music is pretty damn exciting right now. Burial, Four Tet, Sepalcure, oneohtrix point never, the field, SBTRKT. i can see how people may not like it, but to say its strange music and or music no one listens to is odd to me.

    just making a passing statement to express my distaste for electronic music. you're more than welcome to listen to and enjoy it. are you really trying to tell me that i'm wrong that electronic music appeals to a very small and limited demographic? you made my point already by noting that none of it is discussed here. there's really nothing to argue about.

    as for my beyonce and drake comment....what are you trying to say? i made a half-joking comment that pitchfork throws them in there because 'hipsters love irony'. and you are trying to dispute that by telling me all of the other indie websites that promote these people? again, i think you made my point for me.

    you're more than welcome to come here and post. just as welcome as anyone else who is in the ten club, but honestly, why do you even bother? you have stated numerous times how disconnected you feel from everyone else and their music taste on this board. just seems kind of silly to me.
  • im not really following you. You may have said it half jokingly but its hard to read sarcasm via the internet, especially when no attempt is made to say its in irony and or a joke. I took what you wrote to mean, pitchfork loves beyonce and drake because hipsters arent supposed to like that sort of music. I pointed out that all the other sites, hipster sites like that music as well, and that theyve supported them for years. Not really sure what your point is.

    you certainly are free to listen to the music that appeals to you and to not listen to music that disagrees with you. but i just took your comment about electronic music as an indictment against that type of music and their fan base. To then render that audience as small and insignificant was also another thing that surprised me. What music scene isnt select and small these days? unless you are gaga or adele you aint raking in the millions of dollars lets face it. Electronic music was huge news this year. Skrillex and dubstep were on major magazines and talked about everywhere, and their influence could be felt in the music world as well. I think its naive in 2011 to suggest that electronic music is a select demographic. Its no less a select demographic than those who like Bright Eyes, or pearl Jam, or Bon Iver, or whoever.

    lastly, i dont think the fact that a musical scene or movement isnt discussed on this board, has any meaning in terms of its importance or its non importance. There are alot of other subforums on this board i enjoy. Other music isnt the only forum here to like or dislike. i find alot of the music in pitchforks top 50 exciting, as do alot of other folks. these arent no name artists. alot of them have been raved about and loved all year. i just found it sort of disappointing few if any were talked about on this board. Forget electronic music, how about destroyer, or Girls, or M83, well there was one for m83 recently.

    i dont think my music taste is better than anyone. i just think its cool, and interesting and mind expanding to listen to music that isnt "normal" or whatever. I think too often we all stick to our favorite genre of music and refuse to experiment into other genres and sounds. thats sort of my problem with the Other Music posts in general. many complain about the lack of good music nowadays or that the 90s were so much better than the 2000's. All im trying to express is, theres good music in the past, and good music currently.
  • LiftedLifted Posts: 1,836
    im not really following you. You may have said it half jokingly but its hard to read sarcasm via the internet, especially when no attempt is made to say its in irony and or a joke. I took what you wrote to mean, pitchfork loves beyonce and drake because hipsters arent supposed to like that sort of music. I pointed out that all the other sites, hipster sites like that music as well, and that theyve supported them for years. Not really sure what your point is.

    you certainly are free to listen to the music that appeals to you and to not listen to music that disagrees with you. but i just took your comment about electronic music as an indictment against that type of music and their fan base. To then render that audience as small and insignificant was also another thing that surprised me. What music scene isnt select and small these days? unless you are gaga or adele you aint raking in the millions of dollars lets face it. Electronic music was huge news this year. Skrillex and dubstep were on major magazines and talked about everywhere, and their influence could be felt in the music world as well. I think its naive in 2011 to suggest that electronic music is a select demographic. Its no less a select demographic than those who like Bright Eyes, or pearl Jam, or Bon Iver, or whoever.

    lastly, i dont think the fact that a musical scene or movement isnt discussed on this board, has any meaning in terms of its importance or its non importance. There are alot of other subforums on this board i enjoy. Other music isnt the only forum here to like or dislike. i find alot of the music in pitchforks top 50 exciting, as do alot of other folks. these arent no name artists. alot of them have been raved about and loved all year. i just found it sort of disappointing few if any were talked about on this board. Forget electronic music, how about destroyer, or Girls, or M83, well there was one for m83 recently.

    i dont think my music taste is better than anyone. i just think its cool, and interesting and mind expanding to listen to music that isnt "normal" or whatever. I think too often we all stick to our favorite genre of music and refuse to experiment into other genres and sounds. thats sort of my problem with the Other Music posts in general. many complain about the lack of good music nowadays or that the 90s were so much better than the 2000's. All im trying to express is, theres good music in the past, and good music currently.

    i get your point. i was just adding to what dewie cox said about never having heard many of the top 50, and then not liking the stuff they checked out. like i said, just making a half-joking, somewhat sarcastic comment about the pitchfork top 50. most jokes holds some bit of truth which is why they are funny. mine clearly wasn't that well thought out, and probably wasn't very funny either. but as you illustrated by agreeing with me about hipsters listening to drake and beyonce, there is a bit of truth in what i said. i'm not saying that music-heads who are listening to pop music are all doing it just to be ironic. but it is kind of ironic, and it's a well known stereotype that hipsters love irony. clearly i was playing off on that.

    anyway, i'm not trying to get into an intellectual debate on the landscape of alternative music. i actually like a lot of the albums on that list. like i said, i don't care for most electronic music...but yeah, kurt vile, destroyer, kate bush, m83, bill callahan, fucked up, atlas sound, girls, pj harvey. certainly some albums i've really enjoyed. and admittedly some stuff i haven't listened to that i might like as well. it's more so with some of the inclusions and exclusions on the list that has me scratching my head. lets be honest, the list reads more like someones personal favorite list than a best of the year list by an established website. it's really all over the place. i'm not trying to deny the artistic integrity of anyone who made the list, just saying that it's very strange. kinda makes you wonder who they are writing for.
  • because this list is made up of much of my own top 50, maybe thats why i take it so personally. but yeah. its one websites opinion. there are many albums that made the list that maybe shouldnt have deserved it, and some that didnt make the list that should be on there. but going off your point awhile ago, you listed a bunch of bands, antlers, wilco, roots etc... and i made the point that few if any publications this year listed those bands on their top 50. i took your posts as being critical of pitchfork for not including those bands and albums and my main point was, pitchfork and most every other magazine woud be a target for you, not just this one list. Spin includes the Roots and Gillian welch but leaves off other albums you loved "no wilco, no antlers, np no thurston moore". Rolling stone has wilco, but leaves off every other album you mentioned was missing on this list. I just took your comments as being overly critical of pitchfork, when their exclusion of these artists was actually in line with most of the other publications this year.

    also, im not sure how this list reads as a personal top albums list as opposed to an established magazines list? what does an established publications best of list include? What does this one have that an established one wouldnt? or vice versa? As i said, i spent most of the year, looking at websites for recommendations on albums in 2011 to check out, throughout this year. pitchfork was one of them. Yes, some items on their list were never praised by them during the year. But most if not all were given the best new music stamp of approval upon their original review. So to me, this list is typical of pitchfork. every album they loved during this year, and all the bands they hyped are on this list.

    you mentioned the all over the place nature of the list as a reason why it was a strange list. my whole point in this thread and elsewhere is this: we are inundated with music currently. every website and publication hypes and promotes bands and albums on an almost daily basis. new music is coming out of the woodwork at every opportunity. I think few people these days get stuck in a specific genre. Most people seem to like some pop, some rock, some house, some electronic, some metal, some hip hop, some country etc... Look at most peoples ipods. they are filled with varyng genres and artists from across the spectrum. i think with this awareness of the vastness and expansiveness of most peoples listening habits, any list worth anything would include a list of artists spanning the gamut from genre to genre. Yeah I listened to some Bon Iver this year, and Adele, some Head and the Heart, some Das Racist, some james blake.

    you seem to be implying this list was deliberately provocative, in order to what, increase traffic, to promote discussion, to make hipsters and non hipsters argue? All im saying is, the list reads pretty much exactly like their coverage of music this year. They covered all these artists. And have in years past.

    was every album i loved on this list? no. do i agree with everything they listed? no. but i think its probably a way better gauge of what was hip and in and listened to by alot of people than say RS's or Spins lists.
  • additionally pitchforks willingness to champion an unknown band over an established band is i think one of their strongest assets. i think alot of people when they read best of lists, want to see big names, or albums they loved, and scratch their heads at the inclusion of say Colin Stetson or Sepalcure who didnt get as much press as say Foo Fighters or Bon Iver. I dont think that discounts the list though or makes it amateur. My guess is alot of people HAVENT heard alot of these bands, but that doesnt change the fact that they might indeed be the best albums of 2011. These are all personal best of lists. RS's is. Spin's is. Pastes' list is. All chosen by the staff. The opinion of the publication. either you throw them out and say its crap, or you agree or disagree, or you learn something and try out the albums you may not have heard of for the hell of it. whatever you do, thats fine. i just think, its quite common for alot of people to see a list like pitchforks and rage at the screen because it doesnt contain familiar names, and includes alot of new, experimental, and varying genres. i think that scares alot of people. people find their sweet spot in music and dont want to change it. If i like 60's rock and roll, it may be hard for me to move outside that, if i really like it, to try anything else that isnt 60's rock, because it doesnt sound like dylan or the beatles or the stones. ive always been one to like a varying array. i dig gregorian chant music, and like mastadon. i like dylan and beyonce. i like kanye and bruce springsteen. i like arcade fire and adele. i like hendrix and dr dre. i like bright eyes and john lennon. etc...
  • for years ive made it a priority to download every single album in every years list. this year is no exception
    I do the same... I have Rhapsody...

    Not feeling love for everything...

    Butr great discoveries so far...

    Does rhapsody allow you to download, or just stream? Thanks.
  • for years ive made it a priority to download every single album in every years list. this year is no exception
    I do the same... I have Rhapsody...

    Not feeling love for everything...

    Butr great discoveries so far...

    Does rhapsody allow you to download, or just stream? Thanks.
    Both... But download on thei system...
  • guess this is where i differ from most on this board. our other music section is so bland.
    thats far from cookie cutter or basic or cliched lists of albums. This list includes most if not all of my favorites of 2011.

    :?: You're calling this board's taste bland, but your music choices are just a copy/paste of Pitchfork's flavor of the month. :?:
  • cowboypjfancowboypjfan Posts: 2,453
    Here's a link to several top ten lists from this year: ... IXuq8qM%3D
  • LiftedLifted Posts: 1,836
    crazypjfan wrote:
    Here's a link to several top ten lists from this year: ... IXuq8qM%3D

    clearly i haven't been keeping up to date with new music this year. those lists include more albums/artists i've never heard of than any year i can think of in recent history. haha. foot in mouth.
  • guess this is where i differ from most on this board. our other music section is so bland.
    thats far from cookie cutter or basic or cliched lists of albums. This list includes most if not all of my favorites of 2011.

    :?: You're calling this board's taste bland, but your music choices are just a copy/paste of Pitchfork's flavor of the month. :?:

    9 times out of 10 if pitchfork recommends something, i end up liking it. i trust their taste. And you clearly havent listened to or seen their list this year. i spent much of yesterday diatribing that pitchforks list was extremly diverse. I dont think diverse equals bland, so im not really following your point. bland to me is sticking to one type of music, and sticking to that only. A list that includes bon iver, shabazz palaces, m83, wild flag, drake, toro y moi, colin stetson, SBTRKT, Liturgy, etc... that runs that gamut from indie folk to 80's synth rock, to riot grrl supergroups, avantegarde jazz, to hipster metal to electronic. that aint bland friend. Its funny people talk about pitchfork having a flavor of the month or a style they like. They may have a style they like, but those who take time to actually read the list, can learn they like alot of things, and its varied. how is avantegarde jazz and riot grrl supergrounps and 80's synth a typical or bland choice? this board has only talked about a few of these bands. You ever see a SBTRKT thread? Wild flag? Shabazz Palaces?
  • guess this is where i differ from most on this board. our other music section is so bland.
    thats far from cookie cutter or basic or cliched lists of albums. This list includes most if not all of my favorites of 2011.

    :?: You're calling this board's taste bland, but your music choices are just a copy/paste of Pitchfork's flavor of the month. :?:

    9 times out of 10 if pitchfork recommends something, i end up liking it. how is avantegarde jazz and riot grrl supergrounps and 80's synth a typical or bland choice?

    Because lemmings have more personality.
  • :?: You're calling this board's taste bland, but your music choices are just a copy/paste of Pitchfork's flavor of the month. :?:[/quote]

    9 times out of 10 if pitchfork recommends something, i end up liking it. how is avantegarde jazz and riot grrl supergrounps and 80's synth a typical or bland choice?[/quote]

    Because lemmings have more personality.[/qu

    Have i ever said anything youve ever agreed with. Personally when i picture you, i picture your avatar. A grumpy old man. You have anything better to do than to find my posts and respond to them? Get a life
  • Well someone's gotta call it like they see it. And why such a personal knock on Jack Elam?
  • LiftedLifted Posts: 1,836
    i forgot to even mention that my morning jacket did not make the pitchfork top 50 this year. talk about drinking the haterade. :lol:
  • LiftedLifted Posts: 1,836
    Personally when i picture you, i picture your avatar. A grumpy old man. You have anything better to do than to find my posts and respond to them? Get a life

    haha. i've thought the same thing a few times. i have to be honest, i didn't know who Jack Elam was. i'm glad mookey revealed that to us. i just got the lowdown on wiki. was never much of a western fan....(love the movie tombstone though) maybe that's why.
  • MSnider44MSnider44 San Diego Posts: 746
    Fucked Up "David Comes To Life" is ridiculously good. Listening to the whole album as I write this.
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