**Quebec City Fanviews Here**



  • oldermanolderman Posts: 1,765
    and to think that i had regretted ordering this show due to travel hassels. not anymore. pj rocked the pepsi and then some!!
    Down the street you can hear her scream youre a disgrace
    As she slams the door in his drunken face
    And now he stands outside
    And all the neighbours start to gossip and drool
    He cries oh, girl you must be mad,
    What happened to the sweet love you and me had?
    Against the door he leans and starts a scene,
    And his tears fall and burn the garden green
  • PJ20PJ20 Miami, FL Posts: 94
    votegirl wrote:
    We had 323XXX and we were in the 10th?12th? row! We are still in Quebec about to take the 9 hour trek home back to Boston. We took some amazing pictures though...we will be posting them either tonight or sometime tomorrow. Something to look forward to!

    Great show! I was very excited about the seats! Quebec City is a beautiful place! Catch you all when we get back!

    9 hours?? Damn. I would hate to drive with you. I did it in about 6 last night. Hope you are safe.

    I had 236XXX and was the last in the 7th row (on Stone's side). I have never been so close, or on the floor really, and it was a great experience. When you are that close you are part of the performance rather than just listening to it (which isn't bad either). Definatly a lot of jumping around and rocking out.

    The reason the set was short was because Ed was tired. Appearently he and U2 (or at least Bono) stayed up until 5am "talking about the world's problems." When they came out for the 2nd encore he promised the next time he comes back he will go to sleep before 5am.

    Before the 2nd encore they put out the Uke but then took it away. I have a feeling that they were going to play a lot more but just didn't. (I don't have the setlist or anything - just from what went on.)

    4 covers is a lot: The American in Me, Crazy Mary, I Believe in Miracles and Fuckin' Up. Out of 26 songs, I would love to hear more of their own. But I cannot complain.

    The American in Me - It sounded good. Real rocking tune. It did strike me as being completely out of place. You are in a French speaking city in Canada with a small fan club turnout.

    I Believe in Miracles - This version was a little faster than I have heard - especially compared to the Benaroya version. He talked about Johnny Ramone on this song and before Man of the Hour.

    Ed apologized for losing the NHL franchise and said "Fuck the Colorado Avalanche". He guessed that Quebec wasn't too "corporate" enough to keep the franchise. Blah.

    The Man of the Hour, I Am Mine and Footsteps part was the best, IMO. It seemed to fit the sort of laid back, tired motif and they pulled it off. Ed said that "last night" (i.e., Toronto) it was some guy's birthday and he wanted them to play Footsteps. They didn't play it in Toronto so they played it now and hoped it was there or would get a copy or something.

    I don't know what the tag on Betterman was. TSIS says it was Save It for Later but I don't think so. At least it wasn't the chorus part "Save it for later - don't runaway...." so I am not sure.

    The crowd was cool. Lots of people wearing old Pearl Jam stuff from the tours. That's not just the 10C. People seemed to be having a good time. As I was driving up there, there was something on Quebec City's English radio station about the concert. She called Pearl Jam one of the "great indie bands" which I thought was strange. But they seemed primed for the concert. All except directing traffic when the show was over...

    I know nothing about the mike going through the floor. I wasn't close enough.

    Oh! And one more thing. During Betterman after the first verse Ed had the crowd sing the chorus. Then the crowd went completely nuts. They were screaming and clapping sooooooooo loudly that Ed was taking aback and couldn't do his "Oh Oh Oh". They will still cheering when he sang it! That was impressive.

    That's all for now. Godspeed.
  • rockin' crowds are so beautiful. :o Especially in smaller arenas. And the Colisée Pepsi is certainly one of them smaller, more intimate venues. It is also...dare i say....old school. Whereas the Bell Center in Montreal is humongous, impersonal and undeniably high tech, it really feels like you're back in the 70's when you get through the Colisée Pepsi's front doors. These walls and seats are filled with history and you feel right at home, in there. Might i say it was fitting that i'd have my best Pearl Jam experience ever in that arena. What a beautiful night i had. 7th row, dead center, with a great view of the stage.... A GREAT performance by Sleater-Kinney (so cute, these girls :D ) and an EVEN GREATER performance by our own favourite band Pearl Jam. Stone and Jeff seemed to be a bit withdrawn, to me, though. Must have been because they had partied all night, the night before, with Bono and the other guys from U2 (as Eddie said during their performance). But i was glad to see Jeff slowly get out of the slumber during Rearviewmirror and then literally get loose during Fuckin' Up. It was so great to see him jump on Matt Cameron's drum stage and not only smile, but BEAM as he was playing...with that big grin on his face that makes you smile back. Mikey certainly put on a show throughout the entire performance. He seemed in a great mood, smiling and looking around at the people. At some point, he threw a guitar pick around to where me and my brother were. I didn't see it because i was looking at Eddie, i think...but my brother did and then i noticed him and a bunch of other people frantically looking for it on the floor. Well guess what...my brother was the one who found it, picked it up, grabbed my hand and put it in its palm. I told him that he should keep it because he was the one who found it, but he said that i was a much bigger Pearl Jam fan that he was and that i deserved it (i love my brother :D ). I guess that'll make for a little souvenir. :o

    What i great night i had. I was in bliss...and still am. I was in love with everything, yesterday night...the place, the bands, the crowd, music and life itself...hehe. Thank you all fellow jammers for making such a great crowd....thank you Pearl Jam for putting on such a great show despite the rough night you had before...THANKS FOR PLAYING FAITHFULL!!

    "Never again will we be men
    if our eyes empty themselves of their memory"

    Literal translation of a few lines from one of my favourite poems by Gaston Miron
  • I haven't seen any pics form the show, anyone know if any were posted?

  • GreyRedGirlGreyRedGirl Comber, Ontario Posts: 35
    Bluwapadoo, that's quite a memory you have. I love these detailed accounts of Pearl Jam shows I could not attend. It sounds like you had a great time and the show in general sounds stunning. ^_^
  • Allô à tous!

    J'étais à Qc hier soir avec ma soeur et on a vraiment trippé! J'ai eu des frissons, surtout pendant "State of love and trust" et "Green disease"...Et pas mal tout le long du show finalement!

    J'ai trouvé bizarre qu'ils jouent les lumières grandes ouvertes, mais j'ai aimé ça pareil, car ça rendait l'atmosphère plus intime, comme si on les voyait jammer dans leur local, ouin, le Colisée s'est transformé en un grand local full éclairé!!!

    WOW! Ils jouent leurs tunes presque intégralement! Ça faisait trois fois que je les voyais et c'est toujours aussi palpitant! Dommage qu'il ne restait plus de chandails bleus pour filles...(J'avoue que leur marchandise ne me plaisait pas tellement).

    Autre chose, la sécurité! Je n'en revenais pas, je me suis fait revirer de bord à cause que mes jumelles étaient trop grosses!!!!! J'ai réussi à les rentrer quand même par une autre porte (de justesse...), mais c'était pas mal zélé comme procédures...

    En tout cas, mon coeur chante Pearl Jam depuis hier soir et j'ai acheté le show sur leur site, ils sont trop bons, et pros!!!

    Bye et au prochain show!
  • Yeah, the security at the show was ridiculous. They wouldn't let people in with poster tubes, but high end digital cameras, no problem!
  • Yeah, the poster tube thing is ridiculous. I went to Hamilton and it was the same thing there. And to top it all off, some ass hole threw their beer cup in my direction and damaged my show poster. I WAS PISSED OFF!

    Say, does anyone have a picture of what the show poster looked like for Quebec City..... usually they're up by now on eBay but there's not one yet.
  • What a treat! Seeing the Ottawa and Quebec City shows with 2 entirely different setlists!!!

    As I said before, Quebec City fans are some of the best you'll see. They love their music and love to party...and the colisee, a classic venue.

    I'm glad I made the trip back home.
  • Talk about a loud show!!

    Floor GG, thanks Ten Club those were the best tickets i've ever had, i'll be back later with some reviews, but i'm just exhausted and can't wait to get naked and throw myself in the shower...
    "L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
    -Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • mcgruff10mcgruff10 New Jersey Posts: 28,762
    just wondering...was there a lot of empty seats toward the back and on the sides or was the place more or less filled up? thanks.
    I'll ride the wave where it takes me......
  • MissingG wrote:
    I haven't seen any pics form the show, anyone know if any were posted?


    Here are some of mines ...

  • yes, it was more of less full....they were still plugging the show at 7:30 on the local radio station. It looked like a screw up with tickets though beside Mike there was a whole free row and at the back as well.
  • AstirdAstird Posts: 168
    This was my last show of 7 and it was awesome!!! I knew there wasn't a huge fanclub turnout, but 2nd row in front of Mike was a sweet surprise. They made the long drive from Toronto and the dissapointing show there WAY worth it. The guys looked and sounded great. It was also nice to see so many Quebec people in the front.
  • BysTanDeR wrote:
    rockin' crowds are so beautiful. :o Especially in smaller arenas. And the Colisée Pepsi is certainly one of them smaller, more intimate venues. It is also...dare i say....old school.

    I agree with you that the Colisée is old school (built in the 70s), but that's not the kind of place i'd call "intimate". This building has 15000 or 18000 seats (not sure), way bigger than some other venues on this tour. Yeah i know, the show was not sold out....but i'm sure it was awesome. I still kick my ass cause i took the decision to go to the Montreal show only...it was easier for me cause i live there, but Quebec city is my hometown and you can be sure that if the show had been on a weekend evening, i would have been in the crowd!!

    Anyways....i miss the Nordiques!
    "My brain's like an iPod without earphones—the music's just in there, going, all the time." -Eddie Vedder
  • exolstice wrote:
    Yeah, the security at the show was ridiculous. They wouldn't let people in with poster tubes, but high end digital cameras, no problem!

    Really? That's odd because we had no problem getting a poster tube into the show. The security guy even looked inside the tube and then said ok. But come to think of it, I didn't see any others...

    Anyway, it was a really great show! A few surprises - Sometimes, American In Me, Footsteps. The show was a little shorter than I would have liked but I can't complain because it was really high-energy and fun. Also, being in the FRONT ROW for the first time was pretty sweet! I took a butt-load of pictures and I'll get them up as soon as I can.

    I didn't see the mic stand go *through* the stage like some have claimed. Ed did slam it down pretty hard, but I think I was too close to see if it actually went through :)

    Some guy to the left of me got Ed's harmonica after Footsteps and someone to the right of me got an (intact!) tambourine that Jeff threw. Then, during Crazy Mary, Ed passed around his wine bottle along the front row. Just before it got to me, someone drained the last of it. So, I just managed to hold it for a few seconds trying to read the gold writing all over the bottle. But, then security quickly snatched the bottle away from me before I had a chance to really make anything of it. They were pretty intent on getting that bottle back out the crowd. Damn! I was really hoping I could keep it.

    All in all, a great night and my third show so far on this tour. It still can't top Ottawa (of which we were listening to on the way to and from QC).

    Another thing worth mentioning is that we stayed in old Quebec and it is definitely one of the most beautiful cities in Canada. I just wish I had more time to stay and check it out, but I'll be back for sure.
    I'd wait for an angel, but I won't hold my breath - ev
  • What a great show!! I was third row CENTER, clear view!! It was just awesome!! best show of the 9 I have seen in the past few years!!

    The crowd was loud, Eddie seems very happy to be there. He said that they had the chance to see a bit of the city under the rain today and it was very beautiful! He was moving alot tonight, went to see a couple of times the people a little bit behind the stage...

    Mike was on fire as always, Jeff was very into it at the end, jumping and turning around on himself!! At one point he broke a string, gave it to his tech and came back to the mike without his bass and start singing and jumping and dancing!! He was sooo funny!! It was the first time that I have the chance to see Jeff in such a good mood!!
    And Stone, well...it was Stone pure and simple!!Oh and he cut his bearb off!;)

    It was just the perfect night:) First I got the last green hoodie at the stand i went, and my friend got the other last one and the other stand :D Then we got to our seats, and it was just unbeleivebly close to the stage!!! I was just out of my mind!! Best seats i ever got and im #159xxx. THANX TEN CLUB!!!

    The show was a little short, but very powerfull:)

    AND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today, i met Mike in the street near the Chateau Frontenac!:) He was very nice, we took a pic with him and we shakes his hand:)

    What a great way to end this little 3 shows tour for me:)

    Thank you Pearl Jam!:)
    1998-08-20 Montreal, 1998-08-22 Barrie, 2000-10-04 Montreal, 2003-06-29 Montreal, 2003-06-28 Toronto, 2004-09-28 Boston, 2005-09-20, Quebec City, 2005-09-16 Ottawa, 2005-09-15 Montreal, 2006-05-09 Toronto, 2006-05-10 Toronto, 2006-05-12 Albany, 2008-06-27 Hartford, 2008-06-30 Mansfield.
  • TheBlob wrote:
    I agree with you that the Colisée is old school (built in the 70s), but that's not the kind of place i'd call "intimate". This building has 15000 or 18000 seats (not sure), way bigger than some other venues on this tour. Yeah i know, the show was not sold out....but i'm sure it was awesome. I still kick my ass cause i took the decision to go to the Montreal show only...it was easier for me cause i live there, but Quebec city is my hometown and you can be sure that if the show had been on a weekend evening, i would have been in the crowd!!

    Anyways....i miss the Nordiques!

    Crois moi. Après avoir vécu le spectacle à Montréal dans la 29ième rangée dans l'amphithéatre gigantesque du Centre Bell, j'trouvais que c'était pas mal plus intimiste au colisée dans la 7ième rangée et dans une salle visiblement pas mal plus petite.
    "Never again will we be men
    if our eyes empty themselves of their memory"

    Literal translation of a few lines from one of my favourite poems by Gaston Miron
  • googoo Posts: 226
    MaryePearl wrote:

    The show was a little short, but very powerfull:)

    Why are the shows getting ever shorter? It's kinda starting to worry me......
  • JaneNYJaneNY Posts: 4,438
    9th row center here (me and my daughter) - wow. I am so high from this. Never been that close. Someone posted not that many 10 club members there, but I think we made up with enthusiasm, what we might have lacked in quantity - lots of energy on the floor. From what people are writing, it looks like many of us on the floor either hadn't been on the floor or hadn't been this close before, which was certainly going to make for a pumped up floor crowd. I wanted to make the most of every minute! And what a set list. Dead Man Walking, Footsteps, (opened with Sometimes), American in Me, Blood (probably my favorite Pj song ever), nice to hear Fuckin Up, haven't heard it this tour. It was a long drive for us - we drove from Toronto, which meant we had to get up and get ourselves on the road by 8:30am to make it, but it was so worth it. Ed was so funny talking about staying up late - he didn't act tired!

    All I can say is thank you Pearl Jam, and thank you Ten Club. And because of PJ I got to check out Quebec City - what a nice place.
    R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
    R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
    R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
  • MaryePearl wrote:
    What a great show!! I was third row CENTER, clear view!! It was just awesome!! best show of the 9 I have seen in the past few years!!

    The crowd was loud, Eddie seems very happy to be there. He said that they had the chance to see a bit of the city under the rain today and it was very beautiful! He was moving alot tonight, went to see a couple of times the people a little bit behind the stage...

    Mike was on fire as always, Jeff was very into it at the end, jumping and turning around on himself!! At one point he broke a string, gave it to his tech and came back to the mike without his bass and start singing and jumping and dancing!! He was sooo funny!! It was the first time that I have the chance to see Jeff in such a good mood!!
    And Stone, well...it was Stone pure and simple!!Oh and he cut his bearb off!;)

    It was just the perfect night:) First I got the last green hoodie at the stand i went, and my friend got the other last one and the other stand :D Then we got to our seats, and it was just unbeleivebly close to the stage!!! I was just out of my mind!! Best seats i ever got and im #159xxx. THANX TEN CLUB!!!

    The show was a little short, but very powerfull:)

    AND!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Today, i met Mike in the street near the Chateau Frontenac!:) He was very nice, we took a pic with him and we shakes his hand:)

    What a great way to end this little 3 shows tour for me:)

    Thank you Pearl Jam!:)

    Hiiiiiii Marie!

    nothing more to say

    but here's the pics, poulette ;)


    "Pearl Jam are not just a band, they are a choice, and if you make that choice, you become one of the few lucky people on this planet to have your life enriched by the greatest gift that music ever gave" -- substitute

    To 10c; "Your PJ tshirt should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady." - bionicamy

    Pearl Jam is the Boxer. We're just happy to be the bag -- Aaron Cunningham,Fanviews '98
  • chainchain Montreal Posts: 336
    2nd row (BB) seats 33 and 34 tonight... cool surprise.

    This show had a better energy than the one in Montreal... but then again... i'm not sure...

    This Quebec city show was special... seeing all those quebequers in front with me!!
    1 thing to mention... just in front of me was a guy that had a bigger 10C number than me... (!?) that was strange... but then again the guy at the ticket boot was so out of it!

    So here it is: At our left (seats 31 or 32, BB) was a guy taking pictures... my buddy talked to him and said he'd give us is photos... but i seem to have lost is e-mail... If you see this message e-mail me trough this forum!!! My buddy was the long haired blonde guy... I had a Rizzla black t-shirt...

    Thanks to you and thanks to PJ for another amazing show!!!

    P.S.: Highlights?... Insignificance... Rearviewmirror... footsteps.. and the guy in front of me having the wine bottle in is hands for about 3 seconds...
    Toronto 96-09-21 / Montreal 98-08-20
    Barrie 98-08-22 / Montreal 00-10-04 / Montreal 03-06-29
    Montreal 05-09-15 / Quebec 05-09-20 / Montreal 11-09-07
    Worcester 13-10-15 / Denver 14-10-22 / Quebec 16-05-05
    Ottawa 16-05-08 / Ottawa 20-03-20 / Quebec 20-03-22
  • chain wrote:
    and the guy in front of me having the wine bottle in is hands for about 3 seconds...

    I think I was that guy :(
    I'd wait for an angel, but I won't hold my breath - ev
  • kenny olavkenny olav Posts: 3,319
    Bluwapadoo wrote:
    9 hours?? Damn. I would hate to drive with you. I did it in about 6 last night. Hope you are safe.

    Nevermind her. I was the one who drove her, and we got back in about 7 1/2 hours, including stopping for lunch. She was thinking 9 hours because the trip on the way up was 9 hours in total (as predicted by Mapquest) since we stayed in Burlington, VT monday night.

    actually it was about 4 hours to Burlington and 4 hours to QC.

  • Kenny Olav wrote:
    Nevermind her. I was the one who drive her, and we got back in about 7 1/2 hours, including stopping for lunch. She was thinking 9 hours because the trip on the way up was 9 hours in total (as predicted by Mapquest) since we stayed in Burlington, VT monday night.

    only disappointment of this show is not having the chance to meet you guys, hope you enjoy your stay :)
    "L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
    -Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • FitPearl wrote:
    Hiiiiiii Marie!

    nothing more to say

    but here's the pics, poulette ;)



    fuck i'm on the internet now :D

    Donc c'é de toi que je viens de recevoir toutes ces photos là, merci, je suis en train de les placer en ce moment!!!! :D
    "L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
    -Jean-Jacques Rousseau
  • Damn, I wish they had played this setlist at one of the shows that I went to! Hell, I wish I had gone to this show, cause it looks like I would had great seats too!
    Man, I saw 4 shows, and all I wanted to hear was Footsteps! Lucky bastards (in the nicest possible way)!!!
    Plus you guys got Sometimes, Faithfull (I did see this one in Kitchener, aweseome eh?), The Amerikan in Me, State of Love and Trust (damn!), and Fuckin' Up...I really am jealous!
    I'm sure it was an amazing night. So many damn boots to buy now, so little money...

    "Six million dollars we turned down, to prevent our song to be sung by a cock" E.V. - San Diego, June 5, 2003
  • FitPearl wrote:
    Hiiiiiii Marie!

    nothing more to say

    but here's the pics, poulette ;)



    Hey....nice picture of you guys with Mikey. :)

    So the band spent the day following the show in Québec City, then? Visiting, perhaps.
    "Never again will we be men
    if our eyes empty themselves of their memory"

    Literal translation of a few lines from one of my favourite poems by Gaston Miron
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