We arrived in Québec City at around 5h, went for our tickets (my guess was 9th row, and McCready00 guessed 6th row), we got row GG, before we were done counting the alphabet, we realized we were 7th freaking row. What a start.
- Show start with Sometimes, the band seems tired or drunk but the atmosphere is making up for a sweaty night.
- The crowd was loud, at some point we noticed that the building was shaking, and the olé olé chants beats the one in Montreal
- Eddie planned this mic smashing a long time ahead, it was funny to see him wait for the guys to end the song so he could smash the mic into the stage, priceless .
- Jeff bass got a problem at some point so he just left it to his roadie and start jumping around like mad, going to his mic and just jumping and waiting for another bass to come.
- Yellow Ledbetter lyrics were changed and i couldn't hear much of what he was saying, but one part was audible, was something like : "i don't know what else to say, so fuck it anyway" or something like this .
- Before the show, at around 7h20, Mike interview was being played on the radio, and he said they're expecting to start another tour next year, and they would like to start it in.... TORONTO.
- This same radio, 98,1 CHOI will play the entire show later this week, http://www.choiradiox.com/ , i think it's friday, at midnight...
- Happy i've heard Footsteps, Sometimes and Faithfull, i hope they'll come back to Québec City cause this place have the potential to be a regular Pearl Jam stop, with this arena filled you can only imagine the noise this crowd would generate, it was loud and dirty in Québec...
- Hello to those nice girls we hung out with after the show, and thanks for the pic they're amazing...
"L'homme est né libre, et partout il est dans les fers"
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
only disappointment of this show is not having the chance to meet you guys, hope you enjoy your stay
i know man! i didn't have any time the week before we left to get online and try to figure out a meetup. when we got to the show, we looked around for Maya outside of the arena before they opened the doors and then we looked inside too, since we figured you'd have seats on the floor probably close to us. where did you end up sitting? we were row B (12th row) over on the right side (Stone's side).
Nevermind her. I was the one who drove her, and we got back in about 7 1/2 hours, including stopping for lunch. She was thinking 9 hours because the trip on the way up was 9 hours in total (as predicted by Mapquest) since we stayed in Burlington, VT monday night.
actually it was about 4 hours to Burlington and 4 hours to QC.
Sorry, dude. I didn't mean it as a slight. 9 hours seemed long to me. 7.5 is about right. I will admit to going 90mph in Canada though - unless there are cops on the board - then I heard a guy who went 90mph in Canada after the concert. Hope you had a good time. As long as you are safe - that's what matter. The moose crossing signs always crack me up. I also want to point out that you would not believe the amount of traffic heading into Boston at 5am!
Btw, during Yellow Ledbetter, Eddie did change the words. At one point he says "I promise to get sleep the next time" or something to that effect. He must have really been feeling it.
90mph? I think I saw you haha. We stuck to a more sedate 70, which actually felt pretty good, and got us from Toronto to Quebec C. in about 8 hours.
Did anyone think Ed was going to try a backflip at one point? He got up on something as was looking behind him, with his back to us, and just looked like he wanted to backflip, and then just kind of jumped backward and up and out. I was hoping he wouldn't try a backflip - the results might have been scary!
R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Sorry, dude. I didn't mean it as a slight. 9 hours seemed long to me. 7.5 is about right. I will admit to going 90mph in Canada though - unless there are cops on the board - then I heard a guy who went 90mph in Canada after the concert. Hope you had a good time. As long as you are safe - that's what matter. The moose crossing signs always crack me up. I also want to point out that you would not believe the amount of traffic heading into Boston at 5am!
Btw, during Yellow Ledbetter, Eddie did change the words. At one point he says "I promise to get sleep the next time" or something to that effect. He must have really been feeling it.
All in all, it was good times!
haha. don't worry about it. i was actually erked by her, cause she kept telling everyone up there that it was a 9 hour drive without explaining that we took a detour to stop in Burlington. but she really wasn't aware that Burlington was a bit out of the way. so i just felt like correcting her now.
i was going about 75 the whole trip. the worst part was getting thru boston, as you know.
i was going about 75 the whole trip. the worst part was getting thru boston, as you know.
For us the worst part was getting out of Toronto and then past Montreal. It took us 40 minutes to cover about 10 miles of the Don Valley Parkway, and then at least another 40-45 getting through Montreal during early rush hour.
R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
For us the worst part was getting out of Toronto and then past Montreal. It took us 40 minutes to cover about 10 miles of the Don Valley Parkway, and then at least another 40-45 getting through Montreal during early rush hour.
Yeah traffic there is busy..especially during rush hour..
Montreal is bad but not as bad as Toronto..Everytime I go..doesn't matter what time of day...it always seems to be rush hour bumber to bumber traffic..8am noon 5pm 10pm ..sucks
- Hello to those nice girls we hung out with after the show, and thanks for the pic they're amazing...
haha jem sens visée là
jte retourne le compliment!
and hey everyone, I forgot;
i grabed eddie's guitar pick
"Pearl Jam are not just a band, they are a choice, and if you make that choice, you become one of the few lucky people on this planet to have your life enriched by the greatest gift that music ever gave" -- substitute
To 10c; "Your PJ tshirt should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady." - bionicamy
Pearl Jam is the Boxer. We're just happy to be the bag -- Aaron Cunningham,Fanviews '98
Like everyone else in 10C, I couldn't believe my seats. I'm so glad I chose Quebec City as my only show for this tour (although Ottawa or Saskatoon or the Gorge may have been better shows). I'm just glad I chose QC over Montreal.
My fiance was really hoping they'd open with Sometimes, and fuckin' a, they did. It was the first time I had seen them open with it, her 2nd time.
I always love hearing both DTE and Save You right at the beginning. Overall, the set list was not totally what I'd prefer, but they still deliver Alive, Small Town, Corduroy, Better Man, Crazy Mary and all those standards with such passon, I can't complain.
I noticed Mike's guitar was a bit too low in the mix. Unfortunately, that was never corrected. Stone's guitar still crashed its way thru Faithful, Last Exit and everything else, so not a total loss. Ed sounded great. Matt added a nice touch going into the final choruses of Insignificance and also got a tricky little jam going during Even Flow. Jeff and Boom did their thing and it was a good sound overall.
Hmmm...we got Footsteps too. Nice. One of these days, I want to hear Indifference though.
What else...
Well, Mike played Danzig's 'Mother' with Sleater-Kinney... how much did that ROCK!?
OK, now I gotta talk about SK, cause I had never seen them before and I didn't know they were going to rock that much. I had heard one of their songs years ago - You're No Rock and Roll Fun - and thought it was just OK. It didn't inspire me to check out more stuff, even though I knew they had been touring with PJ before. but after seeing them Tuesday night, I'm a believer. such energy and quirkiness and coolness. i understand some don't like the high pitched vocals, but i'm a guy who can't go a week without listening to Rush or Queensryche.
Well, Mike played Danzig's 'Mother' with Sleater-Kinney... how much did that ROCK!?
Yeah it did a LOT. These gals have really grown on me - I saw them 5 times on this tour, and decided it was time to give something back and bought their CD and it sounds good.
Wish we'd run into each other Kenny - I think we were very close to where you were sitting! (I can't really go to the pre-show bars cause I had my 11 year old with me)
Nature note: Hundreds of Canada geese just flew overhead this minute.
R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
On a eu fu fun!!!!!! floor row J seat 4-5
I had my Quebec flag!!!!!
Great show..it felt..intimate...Montreal and Quebec..are the greatest singing crowd!!!!!!!
J'ai tripper au boutte!!!!!
ceux qui était au show, il y avait du monde en crissepour la belle gueule!
The beerstands were crowded!!!!
TAnx Quebec city!!!!
and downside to...the Quebec PD...I gota210$ dollar ticket for screaming "DO THE EVOLUTION" in the basse ville of Quebec...
On a eu fu fun!!!!!! floor row J seat 4-5
I had my Quebec flag!!!!!
Great show..it felt..intimate...Montreal and Quebec..are the greatest singing crowd!!!!!!!
J'ai tripper au boutte!!!!!
ceux qui était au show, il y avait du monde en crissepour la belle gueule!
The beerstands were crowded!!!!
TAnx Quebec city!!!!
and downside to...the Quebec PD...I gota210$ dollar ticket for screaming "DO THE EVOLUTION" in the basse ville of Quebec...
On a eu fu fun!!!!!! floor row J seat 4-5
I had my Quebec flag!!!!!
Great show..it felt..intimate...Montreal and Quebec..are the greatest singing crowd!!!!!!!
J'ai tripper au boutte!!!!!
ceux qui était au show, il y avait du monde en crissepour la belle gueule!
The beerstands were crowded!!!!
TAnx Quebec city!!!!
and downside to...the Quebec PD...I gota210$ dollar ticket for screaming "DO THE EVOLUTION" in the basse ville of Quebec...
3 shows. totally different. member 323xxx
Montreal with my girlfriend. Super time, I was jumping all over the place.
Ottawa with my son, again, what a great night, long show.
Québec with a friend, 11th row stones side. Totally blew me away.
Thank-you PJ and 10 c.
One complaint. Fucking security. Especially Mr. Williams, with his American Arrogant Attitude. (sorry neighbourghs) This guy was full of it, and on top, he works for Pearl Jam.
Our seats were the last two seats on the edge. There was this line on the floor, and if we stepped on it, this guy would pop up, and push us back in the row. Total crap. Hey, were just fucking dancing and having a good time.
If being on the floor his staying in line like fucking sheeps, I'd rather be in the sides.
And if some security prick, comes from another country, to work, he should at least know the language. Osti denfoiré.
Anyone interested in trading some of the shows? I'm hoping to check out quite a few concerts and have so far, Ottawa and both St. Johns shows. Ottawa was the longest set and damned amazing and St. Johns closed the tour so there is a lot of energy and Betterman has a 2 minute crowd solo to start which will give the average PJ fan shivers. Give me a shout to macass5@HOTMAIL.com . cheers.
We arrived in Québec City at around 5h, went for our tickets (my guess was 9th row, and McCready00 guessed 6th row), we got row GG, before we were done counting the alphabet, we realized we were 7th freaking row. What a start.
- Show start with Sometimes, the band seems tired or drunk but the atmosphere is making up for a sweaty night.
- The crowd was loud, at some point we noticed that the building was shaking, and the olé olé chants beats the one in Montreal
- Eddie planned this mic smashing a long time ahead, it was funny to see him wait for the guys to end the song so he could smash the mic into the stage, priceless
- Jeff bass got a problem at some point so he just left it to his roadie and start jumping around like mad, going to his mic and just jumping and waiting for another bass to come.
- Yellow Ledbetter lyrics were changed and i couldn't hear much of what he was saying, but one part was audible, was something like : "i don't know what else to say, so fuck it anyway" or something like this
- Before the show, at around 7h20, Mike interview was being played on the radio, and he said they're expecting to start another tour next year, and they would like to start it in.... TORONTO.
- This same radio, 98,1 CHOI will play the entire show later this week, http://www.choiradiox.com/ , i think it's friday, at midnight...
- Happy i've heard Footsteps, Sometimes and Faithfull, i hope they'll come back to Québec City cause this place have the potential to be a regular Pearl Jam stop, with this arena filled you can only imagine the noise this crowd would generate, it was loud and dirty in Québec...
- Hello to those nice girls we hung out with after the show, and thanks for the pic they're amazing...
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
This guy was next to us
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
i know man! i didn't have any time the week before we left to get online and try to figure out a meetup. when we got to the show, we looked around for Maya outside of the arena before they opened the doors and then we looked inside too, since we figured you'd have seats on the floor probably close to us. where did you end up sitting? we were row B (12th row) over on the right side (Stone's side).
i remember seeing that guy. he wasn't all that far from us, so i guess we were pretty close.
i see your post above now. row GG. yup. fairly close.
Sorry, dude. I didn't mean it as a slight. 9 hours seemed long to me. 7.5 is about right. I will admit to going 90mph in Canada though - unless there are cops on the board - then I heard a guy who went 90mph in Canada after the concert. Hope you had a good time. As long as you are safe - that's what matter. The moose crossing signs always crack me up. I also want to point out that you would not believe the amount of traffic heading into Boston at 5am!
Btw, during Yellow Ledbetter, Eddie did change the words. At one point he says "I promise to get sleep the next time" or something to that effect. He must have really been feeling it.
All in all, it was good times!
Did anyone think Ed was going to try a backflip at one point? He got up on something as was looking behind him, with his back to us, and just looked like he wanted to backflip, and then just kind of jumped backward and up and out. I was hoping he wouldn't try a backflip - the results might have been scary!
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
haha. don't worry about it. i was actually erked by her, cause she kept telling everyone up there that it was a 9 hour drive without explaining that we took a detour to stop in Burlington. but she really wasn't aware that Burlington was a bit out of the way. so i just felt like correcting her now.
i was going about 75 the whole trip. the worst part was getting thru boston, as you know.
For us the worst part was getting out of Toronto and then past Montreal. It took us 40 minutes to cover about 10 miles of the Don Valley Parkway, and then at least another 40-45 getting through Montreal during early rush hour.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
Montreal is bad but not as bad as Toronto..Everytime I go..doesn't matter what time of day...it always seems to be rush hour bumber to bumber traffic..8am noon 5pm 10pm ..sucks
haha jem sens visée là
jte retourne le compliment!
and hey everyone, I forgot;
i grabed eddie's guitar pick
To 10c; "Your PJ tshirt should be tight enough to show you're a woman and loose enough to show you're a lady." - bionicamy
Pearl Jam is the Boxer. We're just happy to be the bag -- Aaron Cunningham,Fanviews '98
You need to make it public.
My fiance was really hoping they'd open with Sometimes, and fuckin' a, they did. It was the first time I had seen them open with it, her 2nd time.
I always love hearing both DTE and Save You right at the beginning. Overall, the set list was not totally what I'd prefer, but they still deliver Alive, Small Town, Corduroy, Better Man, Crazy Mary and all those standards with such passon, I can't complain.
I noticed Mike's guitar was a bit too low in the mix. Unfortunately, that was never corrected. Stone's guitar still crashed its way thru Faithful, Last Exit and everything else, so not a total loss. Ed sounded great. Matt added a nice touch going into the final choruses of Insignificance and also got a tricky little jam going during Even Flow. Jeff and Boom did their thing and it was a good sound overall.
Hmmm...we got Footsteps too. Nice. One of these days, I want to hear Indifference though.
What else...
Well, Mike played Danzig's 'Mother' with Sleater-Kinney... how much did that ROCK!?
OK, now I gotta talk about SK, cause I had never seen them before and I didn't know they were going to rock that much. I had heard one of their songs years ago - You're No Rock and Roll Fun - and thought it was just OK. It didn't inspire me to check out more stuff, even though I knew they had been touring with PJ before. but after seeing them Tuesday night, I'm a believer. such energy and quirkiness and coolness. i understand some don't like the high pitched vocals, but i'm a guy who can't go a week without listening to Rush or Queensryche.
My photos:
Yeah it did a LOT. These gals have really grown on me - I saw them 5 times on this tour, and decided it was time to give something back and bought their CD and it sounds good.
Wish we'd run into each other Kenny - I think we were very close to where you were sitting! (I can't really go to the pre-show bars cause I had my 11 year old with me)
Nature note: Hundreds of Canada geese just flew overhead this minute.
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
anyone knows??
I need to prepare my self for this big event!!
I`m not trying to make a difference..no way
I'd say it will be even bigger!!!
-Jean-Jacques Rousseau
I had my Quebec flag!!!!!
Great show..it felt..intimate...Montreal and Quebec..are the greatest singing crowd!!!!!!!
J'ai tripper au boutte!!!!!
ceux qui était au show, il y avait du monde en crissepour la belle gueule!
The beerstands were crowded!!!!
TAnx Quebec city!!!!
and downside to...the Quebec PD...I gota210$ dollar ticket for screaming "DO THE EVOLUTION" in the basse ville of Quebec...
McCreardy Ray Vaughn
I think I saw you with the flag - we were in row JJ.
Sorry you got the ticket - but its pretty funny - you must have been really loud to get such an expensive ticket! Was it like at 3am or something?
R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
you tried stealing my seats!!! at least i think it was you... good show!
I'm not a seat stealer + with the tickets I had...no need to steal other seats! lol
Montreal with my girlfriend. Super time, I was jumping all over the place.
Ottawa with my son, again, what a great night, long show.
Québec with a friend, 11th row stones side. Totally blew me away.
Thank-you PJ and 10 c.
One complaint. Fucking security. Especially Mr. Williams, with his American Arrogant Attitude. (sorry neighbourghs) This guy was full of it, and on top, he works for Pearl Jam.
Our seats were the last two seats on the edge. There was this line on the floor, and if we stepped on it, this guy would pop up, and push us back in the row. Total crap. Hey, were just fucking dancing and having a good time.
If being on the floor his staying in line like fucking sheeps, I'd rather be in the sides.
And if some security prick, comes from another country, to work, he should at least know the language. Osti denfoiré.
great shows!!!!
Memories from the front row.
I'm the one who caught the tambourine...