
Sunlight charges the ozone light blue
Elements take their place
in the grand scheme of things
My heart warm, like the zephyr
As the heathland beckons
Tomorrow a new day
Elements take their place
in the grand scheme of things
My heart warm, like the zephyr
As the heathland beckons
Tomorrow a new day
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Send my credentials to the house of detention

Send my credentials to the house of detention

Post edited by Unknown User on
funny how today i randomly checked here for the first time in a loooong time
and you have just posted this
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Dissolves into nothingness
Texture in three dimensions
Shows me just where I stand
To diffuse, leave a trail and vanish
Some aspiration
Send my credentials to the house of detention
I wish you would post out here more often,.. As not everyone reads the "let's get creative" thread.
I believe your stuff is among the best posted around these parts, and everyone should read it.
"To question your government is not unpatriotic --
to not question your government is unpatriotic."
-- Sen. Chuck Hagel
Thanks man, that means a lot to me - especially coming from a writer such as yourself.
I find I have to participate in the poetry forum in doses, mainly because I always get very stirred up reading what others have written out here - such powerful words. Sometimes I post in the 'let's get creative' cos I can stay a little below the radar. I hope to be able to do a bit more writing this week - so hopefully this thread will develop..... You're very kind!
Send my credentials to the house of detention
I watched my mind recede
To nothing down a winding train track
I know if it went any further
I would have disappeared, never returned
You were miles from me
And the last thing I remember is finding my phone
You must have heard me
Because you found me and sat by me all through the night
Me raging with demonic fever
Injured and insane
Delirious and somewhere, completely, else
In the morning I was discharged
After they opened up my wound
I remember watching from a distance
That wound so deep
It shocked me. Some sanity returned in that moment
And today I walk a hill with you
My leg is firm, mind clear as the ravens swoop around us
It makes me shudder as I think
Of what might have happened
If I hadn't reached you that night
That distant train track
That distant train track
One more step
And I'd have left
Send my credentials to the house of detention
As I ran away from them all
I crossed a bridge -
Trying to outrun the neon
I stopped breathless
Looking left and right
And the ice black chill went right across me like a ghost
I saw trees and lights so stripped and bony
Pointed branches like coal, so cold and
I was outside and the outside was inside of me
The tracks were empty, like a gust, no image this, immanence
No shell
No body no form
No cloak no clothes
The air was stripped of layers
I had no protection from what I saw
An animal
No home
My eye sockets were dry and empty
My vision came from the cold black world
Fragile exposure
Vision through the lungs not eyes
As the world shivered by
Clear sight
One night is all it takes
To never forget
We're wolves
Send my credentials to the house of detention
In the Bird's call
In the vapour trails
The clear breeze
The springing lambs
Mildness, innocence
Outlasting all this rage
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The old grey England,
familiar haunts
Washed and sparkled
T-shirt weather and the holiday feeling
So far away from last summer
Sunning ourselves
At the back of that fucking cage
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I watch the people scurry round
Today's business and tomorrow's
Barely time to look around
The mountain watches
His breeze rolls on down
Giving me protection and refreshment
From the drive to live,
To live today
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Haze, flutter - swoop
Stillness echoes
Sheer fall
Danger a long way away
Send my credentials to the house of detention
me too
me too
me too
good stuff
"what a long, strange trip it's been"
Thanks G!
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Lost behind the bed
A dusty time capsule
Locking in, such recent times
Now a distant fading memory
Of harder places, twisting traces
Captured in amber
My fractured mind recorded to tape
Like my words preserved here under glass for anyone who cares to look
I play this soundtrack, a record of recovering.
Of thinking, through the words of rock stars
Of building only on
Poem and song
Getting myself back
Piecing myself together
From the fragile shameful state
There really is no other record of how my mind came back
My words and my songs
Feel so substantial on the map
Follow me if you want to
Follow me there and back
But please don't betray the secret
Of how you watched me crack
It's terrifying to break down under spotlights,
Not half as terrifying as the feeling
That nobody heard a word
So if you find yourself cracking
Ask me for the tape
I'll pull it out from under there
And the trust that went with it
Trusting you won't break me
Trusting someone heard me
Trusting that I hear me
Trusting in that echo
Picked up by future selves
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Every step of the way we walk the line
Your days are numbered, so are mine
Time is pilin’ up, we struggle and we scrape
We’re all boxed in, nowhere to escape
City’s just a jungle; more games to play
Trapped in the heart of it, tryin' to get away
I was raised in the country, I been workin’ in the town
I been in trouble ever since I set my suitcase down
Got nothin' for you, I had nothin' before
Don’t even have anything for myself anymore
Sky full of fire, pain pourin’ down
Nothing you can sell me, I’ll see you around
All my powers of expression and thoughts so sublime
Could never do you justice in reason or rhyme
Only one thing I did wrong
Stayed in Mississippi a day too long
Well, the devil’s in the alley, mule’s in the stall
Say anything you wanna, I have heard it all
I was thinkin’ 'bout the things that Rosie said
I was dreaming I was sleepin' in Rosie’s bed
Walkin' through the leaves, falling from the trees
Feelin' like a stranger nobody sees
So many things that we never will undo
I know you’re sorry, I’m sorry too
Some people will offer you their hand and some won’t
Last night I knew you, tonight I don’t
I need somethin’ strong to distract my mind
I’m gonna look at you ’til my eyes go blind
Well I got here followin' the southern star
I crossed that river just to be where you are
Only one thing I did wrong
Stayed in Mississippi a day too long
Well my ship’s been split to splinters and it’s sinkin' fast
I’m drownin’ in the poison, got no future, got no past
But my heart is not weary, it’s light and it’s free
I’ve got nothin’ but affection for all those who’ve sailed with me
Everybody movin’ if they ain’t already there
Everybody got to move somewhere
Stick with me baby, stick with me anyhow
Things should start to get interestin' right about now
My clothes are wet, tight on my skin
Not as tight as the corner that I painted myself in
I know that fortune is waitin’ to be kind
So give me your hand and say you’ll be mine
Well, the emptiness is endless, cold as the clay
You can always come back, but you can’t come back all the way
Only one thing I did wrong
Stayed in Mississippi a day too long
Send my credentials to the house of detention
full of such eerie, such delicate imagery
I love it
"As the world shivered by"
"I was outside and the outside was inside of me"
some of your best yet tremors
seriously,this thread is great
another great one
"I play this soundtrack, a record of recovering.
Of thinking, through the words of rock stars
Of building only on
Poem and song
Getting myself back
Piecing myself together "
thank god for those rock stars eh? i don't know what I'd do without their words
you'd be just fine though
"It's terrifying to break down under spotlights,
Not half as terrifying as the feeling
That nobody heard a word"
beautiful. very intense and raw and honest, this whole poem is
thanks tremors for sharing these, they are all great
Piercing my heart
Looking for the dusky jewel
That keeps us apart
Skies are yet empty
Skies jet black and clear
Inside of me
The unspeakable fear
Home a distant image
Calling me back
A room and a chair
Cluttered and strewn
With the mementos I gather
A new one each day
Lining my hole, keep the darkness at bay
Tomorrow I return there
Will cut the gloom with a switch
My room the one thing
They never managed to steal
Walls are like paper
Thick and then thin
The space in between them
Spread for my bones
The space in between them
The one thing I own
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Our crystal ball
Nature sends a message
Out of foreboding
From her to me
Our future always in question
But never our past
I took her hand and held it
She asked me a question
I never got wrong
But one more question
Still hangs on my tongue
Tomorrow I'll ask it
Consult sun and stars
Will the constellations protect us
Will they preserve us at night
From the biting conviction -
Deep in the shadows
Something stalks us tonight
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Cruel grin
You are living proof
That witches still exist
I wish I could vomit you out
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Say hello to nightmares, say hello to the floor
Say goodbye to certainty, but welcome in the strength
You didn't know it until you found it.
And when you've come right through it, be sure to pay respects
To the people that renew it with every heartfelt breath
Give thanks for the small things
Sunlight on your face
Sleeping in the day
The voices on the cool cool breeze
Give thanks to those who say
That every day's tomorrow
And they're just glad that you can stay
Send my credentials to the house of detention
We say goodbye
And I catch my train
I look back and all I ever see
Is that girl left behind me
Me, you smiling now
Waving goodbye
She smiles slightly
That still faded wistful lonesome smile
Fading into the distance
Trapped in a broken past
As I move away
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Tracks rumble under me
Daylight welcoming me home
Memory and your fragrance
Recent memory
Fading from present
To mind, eternally
Send my credentials to the house of detention
As we get farther away
You're only strong when I'm with you
And then you punish me
By collapsing the same day
Send my credentials to the house of detention
this thread gets more and more beautiful and intense everytime i read it
Thankyou my friend
Send my credentials to the house of detention
I asked them exactly what was appropriate behaviour for a mental hospital?
They didn't like me much after that
Send my credentials to the house of detention
Orange glow of argon and silver traces
This night will be the longest I have known
Door locked to keep them out
Locked to keep me in
Wailing in the corridors
But it's the inside that is really haunted
I watch the walls bend
As their chemicals engulf me
I watch the darkness creep in
But the spectres are all around and under me
To never know a night so lonely
There's no escape from this.
Feeling as a tiny hunted animal
Laid stretched out on the bed
With not a soul for company
And no water to quench this parching fire
So the moon disappears and the howling starts
So the corners of my mind are scuttling cockroaches
When the vision collapses to telescope sight and the four walls give nothing
But hungry lusftul glances
I am prey
They never send anyone to help you
I have ideas so horrible I think they will obliterate me
A thing so horrible that I'll never find the words later, no matter how much I skate round it
Where the only memory left is that of the loneliest boy
Who had to do this himself - ride out the night
Where nobody ever knocks
and nobody comes to hold you
So if you want to survive this one
You just better grow up tonight.
Morning brings a day's respite, friendship and some laughter
But tonight they will give you the same stuff
And the world will eat you up again
The sentence here is clear
They will do it to you in the name of healthcare
They won't listen, they won't sit with you, they will fight you, break you until you swallow - you have no choice
Chemical abuse.
It really is the sickest thing
What can it mean when the sane people are prepared to collude with torture
And the mad ones are the only ones who know the truth
The only thing it can add up to is the vilest 21st century abuse
Send my credentials to the house of detention