So I had this dream last night...

I met Ed and the wife & kid. (now don't go crying for the mods saying this is personal because it was MY fucking dream!!)
it's a little foggy but this is what i remembered when i woke any way me and my wife are on a bus and we get off at this place that almost looks like camp grounds with big cabins that are split duplex style and i assume holds some sort of venue.We know Ed is going to be there and we walk to this food stand and get a drink then sit down on a bench when i hear Ed's voice talking to i look around and see him standing with some guy and the guy walks away so i get up and walk towards him(smiling so hard my face hurt) and i shake his hand and start to shoot the shit.I notice Jill and Olivia are there too and my wife is talking to them.Ed & I notice this and walk over to them and my wife says that Jill invited us over to chill at their cabin so we go there and for some reason i turn around and Ed is gone.
so we get to the cabin and Jill & my wife are talking & talking (what women do best
j/k) and I'm playing with Olivia (like i used to with my daughter when she was that age).I remember Jill saying she was surprised how Olivia took to me because she doesn't really like strangers.I remember replying that children and pets (dogs/cats)are excellent judges of character,and we laughed.I asked her where Ed was and that i was really looking forward to talking to him.
then I'm walking around (my wife stayed behind) and i was looking for Ed.Then i saw him going into this building so i run after him and just as i open the door he going up these stairs that are guarded by security.I was like "YO ED!!" but he didn't hear I'm walking away and this guy says Ed was looking for you and gave me a piece of paper with a message on it that i think said "will call".so I'm like did he leave tickets?maybe backstage passes?
so any wanna be Freud's out there care to analyze this??
it's a little foggy but this is what i remembered when i woke any way me and my wife are on a bus and we get off at this place that almost looks like camp grounds with big cabins that are split duplex style and i assume holds some sort of venue.We know Ed is going to be there and we walk to this food stand and get a drink then sit down on a bench when i hear Ed's voice talking to i look around and see him standing with some guy and the guy walks away so i get up and walk towards him(smiling so hard my face hurt) and i shake his hand and start to shoot the shit.I notice Jill and Olivia are there too and my wife is talking to them.Ed & I notice this and walk over to them and my wife says that Jill invited us over to chill at their cabin so we go there and for some reason i turn around and Ed is gone.
so we get to the cabin and Jill & my wife are talking & talking (what women do best

then I'm walking around (my wife stayed behind) and i was looking for Ed.Then i saw him going into this building so i run after him and just as i open the door he going up these stairs that are guarded by security.I was like "YO ED!!" but he didn't hear I'm walking away and this guy says Ed was looking for you and gave me a piece of paper with a message on it that i think said "will call".so I'm like did he leave tickets?maybe backstage passes?
so any wanna be Freud's out there care to analyze this??

Post edited by Unknown User on
Prepare yourself for the "this is creepy" responses
I don’t even smoke pot any more, haven’t for years, so I have no idea where that came from.
Dreams are just WEIRD.
And the really weird thing is, when you dream about people you really don't know personally - it seems SO REAL. How is that possible??
Oh man I have those dreams all the time, for some reason Im always in some park with friends sparking up and Ed shows up and sparks with us!!!!!!!! LOL!
I think its possible because you listen to his voice mostly everyday? at least once?
The other day I saw a 3 second clip of Brad Pitt's new movie and he was in my dream with Angelina and her 10,000 kids and I'm not a fan of neither one of the two, I think the subconscious minds remembers all of those things you like, thought of, saw, heard of during the day and mambo jambos it together at night and you then you end up dreaming really weird shit
oh my God, crack me up
I think you're right though, we "kind of" know Ed after seeing him and listening to his rants on stage all these years, so yeah, I guess we have an idea about him
it's a sign! you need to go buy a big bag and come smoke it with me
that is so true!
I'm prepared!
it's not like i can script my dream..or else way more cool shit would of happened!
I totally think so!
I had surgery last year right and I was like really nervous about the day before I went in and my boss was telling me how everything would be ok (granted I know my boss) but then that night I dreamt he was my surgeon!!!!! but he was a butcher... he didn't use any anesthecia... i cringe when i think about that dream... LOL
I think anyone that's a fan of any band, singer, actor, politician, etc has had a dream with that person without it meaning anything and it's probably because our minds becomes so familiar with those people by either seeing them frequently or listening to them.
i have only had dreams with Michael Jordan and Ed in them as far as "famous" people go. and i listen to hundreds of bands and there are a few other people in history that i admire but i never dream about any of i think there is more to it than just being a reflection of your experiences throughout the day.
the hospital is always home to fucked up dreams...induced by the pain killers and such for sure!!!
Oh I dream with all kinds of people!
Last night I had a dream with Hugh Laurie - LOL - that's probably because I'm the biggest House MD fan an watched a mini marathon on USA last night
I've had a few dreams with Ed over the years (more than a few I would say) but I've had Mike and Stone, Jeff and Matt in my dreams too, the day I met Mike I had a dream about that so I think that one was probably a reflection of my experience that day.
I find that sometimes you dream about what you want the most, I dont know I guess dreams can mean so many things and at the same time they can mean nothing.
first off, me and about 15 or 20 other people got invited to this cool house in some parts of a forest, really remote, nice house, and ed is there with his guitar. he starts singing around the bend and i get shivers. dream's going really good and i'm about to cry in my sleep from so much awesomeness! a free, remote ed concert! really intimate too! then he gets up, smiling like the cutie he is, goes over to the kitchen sink to get a glass of water to drink, and all of a sudden he turns into this fat, bumbling idiot with only tightie whities and a stained white t-shirt on! he's drunk as hell (and not in a funny way, more like, in a sad, sad way) with a bottle of wine in his hand laying on the kitchen table, giggling with these 14 year old blonde girls! i'm like, WHAT THE HELL HAPPENED TO MY ED!? my ed is a soulful, beautiful person with a brilliant mind, but this one was just like one of those fat kids who wants so badly to fit in that he'll drink massive amounts of liquor but instead of thinking "that kid is cool!" everyone is thinking "damn what a sad sorry excuse of a man... such a loser..." while shaking their head! it was HORRIBLE!
i'm just glad i've had other, BETTER dreams about ed...
eV: 8/4/08, 8/5/08, 6/21/11
SG: 10/4/08<-- MET STONE!!!
"Forgive every being,
the bad feelings
it's just me"
give him a few more years of the married life and who knows?!
(just kidding Ed
more people should share their dreams of/about the band.
def some funny shit!
(although, this one doesnt seem to be getting the same reception ...)
and to add another celebrity dream
i had a dream recently about another pit member im friends with, we were at a metallica show, and they were really really young, around the garage days era - we were going to go talk to them, but when we got there they had been frozen into these big rectangle blocks of ice ...
im actually a firm believer in dreams being subliminal comments from your brain while its got the chance to talk openly ... without tact getting in the way
that I was a better songwriter than Stone Gossard of Pearl Jam. Then I posted it on this board and got TOLD.
well you keep dreaming dude...because some peoples dreams are other peoples realities!
(and that was deeper lyrics not better song writer,huge difference!)
and thanks for starting shit up again,i appreciate it.