What would you say ladies?

Yellow LedbellyYellow Ledbelly Posts: 3,749
edited December 2010 in All Encompassing Trip
My best friend in the world who happens to be a very beautiful young lady works for a guy who has a less than sterling reputation for his treatment of women. He's kinda looked at as a pervert all around.

So, my friend is taking a couple of college courses at night and she had the last meeting for one of them last night. When she got to my house afterwards she was laughing about her instructor not remembering her name when he did remember everyone else's name. She tells that story to her boss this morning and he said.....

"Well I hate to tell you but nobody cares what your name is and that's because they aren't looking at your face."

It offended her and hurt her feelings and I, for one, do not blame her at all. It actually makes me quite angry because I knew the guy long before she did and I work with his wife. Both are huge pains in the ass.

So, ladies, if your boss said that or something similar to you, what would you say/feel?
All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow

They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • Swift knee in the happy sacks should do...
  • PureandEasyPureandEasy Posts: 5,796
    It's definitely inappropriate to say the least.

    Zero tolerance for that in the work place.
  • The more I think about it the angrier I get. That girl is so much more than the piece of ass which he apparently continues to view her as even though she has excelled at her job. I've wanted for years to punch him in the face but I don't think I ever have as much as I to right now
    All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow

    They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
  • mfc2006mfc2006 HTOWN Posts: 37,405
    that's pretty fucked up. there's no need to say such a thing ever....to anyone.
  • RYEzupSFRYEzupSF Posts: 6,003
    I would say it depends on the situation. Some co-workerrs have relationships where they say things like that in a joking way and it is no harm Inappropriate maybe, but not a big deal. Doesn't sound like that is the situation though. This guy is her boss. His comment completely crosses the line of what is acceptable and is, in fact, sexual harrassment. She should file a complaint. Fuck that guy. She has rights and he is an ass. Total fucking pig.

    That would suck if the boss had an accident on his way in to work one day- Someone running into him with a scalding hot cup of coffee that happens to spill all over hits nuts.

    Don't fuck sheep. -EV 7/11/11
    You can never have enough Neil in the mix. -EV 10/24/10
    There's only one commandment: Don't be an asshole. -EV 5/6/10
  • morellomorello Posts: 6,212
    I think I just wouldn't bother with the guy, I mean as much as possible. As much as the dream response would be to knee him in the goollies, not really an option when he's your boss & actually I think the best response would be to sneer at him & walk away, not worth your energy. What an idiot.
    PJ - Auckland 2009; Alpine Valley1&2 2011; Man1, Am'dam1&2, Berlin1&2, Stockholm, Oslo & Copenhagen 2012; LA, Oakland, Portland, Spokane, Calgary, Vancouver, Seattle 2013; Auckland 2014
    EV - Canberra, Newcastle & Sydney 1&2 2011
  • We just had lunch together as we do everyday and she said she didn't know quite how to react when he said it. Said she just kinda laughed and walked out. My first inclination was to go to his wife's desk and tell her what he said, but of course I didn't. The guy is a waste of skin and has been in hot water before about saying inappropriate things....last year about this time he got in big trouble, was booted out of his accounting company because my friend's co-worker at the time reported him. Well, he lost his franchise or whatever you would call it for an accountant and my friend received severance pay from them, but he begged her to stay on with because my friend and the one that reported him were the only two in the office. She stayed strictly because she had to have a job and there just aren't any around here.

    I feel bad in a way because I'm really the reason she ended up working there. She lost her job suddenly one Thursday, I mentioned it to the guy's wife friday morning and she said her husband was looking for somebody, so she started working there the following Monday. Already having more than enough ill will towards the guy for having heard lots of stuff about him and knowing he's a jackass, I was hesitant to even tell her about that opportunity but at the time I felt it was more important for her sanity to get a job as quickly as possible because she was freaking out. I was worried from day one this kind of shit would happen.

    I'm still fucking mad about it. Yet another reason to despise that bastard. What's worse is I know her better than I do anybody in the world and I could tell it really hurt her feelings when we talked about it face to face.
    Piece of shit scumbag
    All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow

    They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
  • RYEzupSF wrote:
    I would say it depends on the situation. Some co-workerrs have relationships where they say things like that in a joking way and it is no harm Inappropriate maybe, but not a big deal. Doesn't sound like that is the situation though. This guy is her boss. His comment completely crosses the line of what is acceptable and is, in fact, sexual harrassment. She should file a complaint. Fuck that guy. She has rights and he is an ass. Total fucking pig.

    That would suck if the boss had an accident on his way in to work one day- Someone running into him with a scalding hot cup of coffee that happens to spill all over hits nuts.
    You're exactly right about the situation...it's not that kind of office as you can read above.

    And scalding coffee on his nuts would be a good start but just the beginning of what he deserves in my book
    All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow

    They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
  • pjhawkspjhawks Posts: 12,415
    We just had lunch together as we do everyday and she said she didn't know quite how to react when he said it. Said she just kinda laughed and walked out. My first inclination was to go to his wife's desk and tell her what he said, but of course I didn't. The guy is a waste of skin and has been in hot water before about saying inappropriate things....last year about this time he got in big trouble, was booted out of his accounting company because my friend's co-worker at the time reported him. Well, he lost his franchise or whatever you would call it for an accountant and my friend received severance pay from them, but he begged her to stay on with because my friend and the one that reported him were the only two in the office. She stayed strictly because she had to have a job and there just aren't any around here.

    I feel bad in a way because I'm really the reason she ended up working there. She lost her job suddenly one Thursday, I mentioned it to the guy's wife friday morning and she said her husband was looking for somebody, so she started working there the following Monday. Already having more than enough ill will towards the guy for having heard lots of stuff about him and knowing he's a jackass, I was hesitant to even tell her about that opportunity but at the time I felt it was more important for her sanity to get a job as quickly as possible because she was freaking out. I was worried from day one this kind of shit would happen.

    I'm still fucking mad about it. Yet another reason to despise that bastard. What's worse is I know her better than I do anybody in the world and I could tell it really hurt her feelings when we talked about it face to face.
    Piece of shit scumbag

    might be time to say something to the guy. obviously you know the guy well enough to know what he is like. i wouldn't make a huge deal in front of anyone about it but might want to approach him and tell him you've seen his act and he needs to fucking cool it. no need to mention specific incidences or people necessarily so your friend doesn't get caught in the middle, but a good harsh reminder of decent behavior might be in order. you might want to throw in there how he would feel if someone make similar remarks about his wife daugther or mother.
    I would tell your friend to advise her boss that she didn't appreciate the comment. This will hopefully shut him up, and, it will give your friend a "card" to play in the future if need be!
  • JOEJOEJOE wrote:
    I would tell your friend to advise her boss that she didn't appreciate the comment. This will hopefully shut him up, and, it will give your friend a "card" to play in the future if need be!
    I actually suggested that to her but she didn't like the idea too much....doesn't want to rock the boat I guess. But, dammit, she needs to stand up for herself

    She even said to me that maybe she was just overreacting and it wasn't meant to sound like it did. I said well I don't know how else you could take that...if he was trying to be funny he failed miserably
    All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow

    They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
  • pjhawks wrote:
    might be time to say something to the guy.

    no offense pjhawks, but I would absolutely NOT do this. Professionally, this is none of yellow ledbelly's business. I don't know how big this office is, but if it has an HR department, she needs to report this immediately, or this guy's immediate superior. It will NEVER stop and WILL get worse unless it is nipped, NOW. Having a friend or co-worker confront this loser will only make things worse for this girl and possibly him as well. And if in fact it does get worse, involving other people will hurt her standing in the argument later on down the line.

    If this guy has a history of this crap in this same office, he'll get the boot before you know it. Most corporations don't fire people becuase they can't; all they hear is gossip and never anything official gets reported. Most places WISH people would report this stuff so they have reason to get rid of scum like this. Please, urge her to report him. It will help her and most likely other women down the road.
    Gimli 1993
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  • eyedclaareyedclaar Posts: 6,980
    There is a time and place to punch anyone in the throat...
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  • eyedclaar wrote:
    There is a time and place to punch anyone in the throat...
    Marvelous idea.

    Paul David....you're right, I really shouldn't say anything to him and I know that as badly as I would love to tell him off (punch him in the throat). Bottom line, the guy knows the nature of our relationship and how close we are and it wouldn't be good for me to say anything at all. It's her place to decide what, if anything, to say about it because it is her job and her livelihood.
    By the way, he lost his corporate office last year, but has kept the office open independently under his name. My friend and one other girl are the only ones who work there. The other girl is quite homely and stupid to boot though
    All I have to do is revel in the everyday....then do it again tomorrow

    They say every sin is deadly but I believe they may be wrong...I'm guilty of all seven and I don't feel too bad at all
  • Paul David wrote:
    pjhawks wrote:
    but if it has an HR department, she needs to report this immediately, or this guy's immediate superior.
    That was exactly what I was going to suggest.
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