neil young says music cannot change the world

i am a targeti am a target Posts: 808
edited February 2008 in The Porch
Post edited by Unknown User on


  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,595
    it can't, i can't think of one song that has ....
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • Get_RightGet_Right Posts: 13,551
    it can't, i can't think of one song that has ....

    I'd like to teach the world to sing
    In perfect harmony
    I'd like to buy the world a Coke
    And keep it company
    That's the real thing

    other than that, your right
  • normnorm Posts: 31,146
    it can't, i can't think of one song that has ....

    would be nice if there was one......
  • it can't, i can't think of one song that has ....

    one song might not be able to but what about music as a form of expression or protest..
  • hobbes wrote:

    That's cause Neil hadn't heard Rock around Barack yet. :)
  • when you look at the abundance of music out there alongside the steady digression of this planet and its inhabitants how can you argue with neil... im glad hes able to find a motivating place in himself tho to continually make the best music out there! its hard to avoid cynicism when youre as old as neil and have seen as much as he has, and im sure ed is starting to feel the wear too (especially after everything he did with the VFC tour in '04 and bush STILL somehow winning)... i feel sorry for those that have so much passion and are continually let down...
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • if music could change the world it would've done it a long time ago.
    Jam out with your clam out.
  • josevolutionjosevolution Posts: 30,595
    hell we had LENNON on this earth for how many yrs writting great great songs and what has come of it damm "give peace a chance " for what look what is happening at the moment .......IMAGINE ...ENOUGH SAID..
    jesus greets me looks just like me ....
  • i should add... think about any form of art... the idea is more about escaping the world than changing it... IMO anyway... the fact that real world figures and events are included in the songs or art is more about establishing a setting for you to escape into... i use the term escape loosely... its not always a pleasant experience... but it makes you feel... and i was ironically listening to neil when i saw this thread...
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
    long red wrote:
    if music could change the world it would've done it a long time ago.

    How do you know it hasn't already changed it? Nobody knows what the world would be like right now without music.
  • btb002btb002 Posts: 183
    Music can't change the world. No way can one idea penetrate human conscience as a whole. Doesn't mean it can't make a difference. Not everything has a solution. But music has been documented to save individual lives. And I can say, for me, music has changed my experience of the world for the better. So in that way for me, music has saved a little bit of the purity in the world.
    You are just a negative mindless pud.
  • covered in blisscovered in bliss chi-caw-go Posts: 1,332
    It's sad to read that Neil feels so defeated. He's been trying so hard for so long... maybe it's the age talking.
  • skyeriverwinterskyeriverwinter Posts: 1,894
    edited October 2011
    Post edited by skyeriverwinter on
  • brain of cbrain of c Posts: 5,213
    neil is right.

    as usual.
  • Have any of you ever listened to a political/protest song and then changed your mind on an issue? i doubt it.
  • music can't change the world but it does give a renewed hope and strength by letting us know there are others that feel the same. i appreciate a musician or celebrity making a statement about what they believe, it gives that view a lot more attention than it would otherwise get, many times to the detriment of that persons career or popularity. speaking out must have an impact or why would the powers that be try to censor, have people placed on no play lists and boycotted? dissent thru music is powerful.there is hope that those that hear it will think about the statement, except for those that say "I like the music but not the politics man" i think they are the same people that can't read and believe everything the government says. i can tell you that neil had a lot of people at the living with war tour pissed about his comments and that it's self was worth it. music can't change the world, but the people listening can. neil + Ed we are listening in solidarity!
    03 bristow,04 reading,05 toronto,05 phillie,06 camden,06 dc,07 chicago,08 dc,08 camden,09 philliex2,10 bristow
    eddie solo 08 dc,09 balt, 11 phillie
  • gobrowns19gobrowns19 Posts: 1,447
    The article is sad. Is it because it's true or what? I don't know. I think music can change the world, maybe one song can't change it directly but it influences groups of people who in turn influence society. When Neil said he didn't believe the tour had any impact on voters, i don't think it's because of the music. He's talking to the converted, preaching to the choir. Is the real problem that people aren't open minded and it's a requirement to feel the same on issues to enjoy his music? Maybe.

    Still a sad article. I think Neil is at a point in his life though where he's trying to be more at peace with himself and his family, evident in Prairie Wind, beautiful and emotional album by the way.
    Happiness is only real when shared
  • the wolfthe wolf Posts: 7,027
    prob. right, cant change the world. but it can help.

    think of the U.S.A. for africa, live aid, farm aid , and others like that.

    those projects didnt change the world, but it did help a bit.


    who knows.
    Peace, Love.

    "To question your government is not unpatriotic --
    to not question your government is unpatriotic."
    -- Sen. Chuck Hagel
  • JaneNYJaneNY Posts: 4,438
    the wolf wrote:
    prob. right, cant change the world. but it can help.

    think of the U.S.A. for africa, live aid, farm aid , and others like that.

    those projects didnt change the world, but it did help a bit.


    who knows.

    Yes. This thread made me sad this morning, but then I was thinking during the day what about Bridge School? That has made a change in the world, and music, lots of it, has made a difference. I've never been to Bridge School, but I went to Download last year at the same venue, and it felt like being in church. On one side, there is a wooden fence, and many pictures of bands, pictures of them playing at Bridge School, including Pearl Jam, and to me these show a history of those who HAVE made a difference in plenty of peoples' lives, and Neil Young was instrumental in making it happen. I hope someone will remind him of this. I think we all feel discouraged. from time to time.
    R.i.p. Rigoberto Alpizar.
    R.i.p. My Dad - May 28, 2007
    R.i.p. Black Tail (cat) - Sept. 20, 2008
  • at nissan in va living with war tour people were really pissed, they bitched to the ushers about others dancing and celebrating durring the concert, many were asked to sit. I was personally asked to sit down to which this old lady replied you can tell the gentleman that complained to go F himself and then you go and stand over there where you are supposed to, never been asked to sit durring a concert before? 5'1 don;t block many peoples vision?a lot got up and walked out durring LETS IMPEACH THE PRESIDENT, more room and better vibes for those of us who came to enjoy, like airing the stink out of a room. Neil did make a difference if he pissed off one young republican it was worth it. sorta thought they sent them there by the bus load. he does make a difference or they wouldn't care what he sings.
    03 bristow,04 reading,05 toronto,05 phillie,06 camden,06 dc,07 chicago,08 dc,08 camden,09 philliex2,10 bristow
    eddie solo 08 dc,09 balt, 11 phillie
  • the wolfthe wolf Posts: 7,027
    JaneNY wrote:
    Yes. This thread made me sad this morning, but then I was thinking during the day what about Bridge School? That has made a change in the world, and music, lots of it, has made a difference. I've never been to Bridge School, but I went to Download last year at the same venue, and it felt like being in church. On one side, there is a wooden fence, and many pictures of bands, pictures of them playing at Bridge School, including Pearl Jam, and to me these show a history of those who HAVE made a difference in plenty of peoples' lives, and Neil Young was instrumental in making it happen. I hope someone will remind him of this. I think we all feel discouraged. from time to time.

    right after my post i thought of the bridge school. does that mean all the people who have spent money to see and hear bands at the bridge school didnt change a thing? like i said, maybe not change, but music can help for sure. i love Neil, and it kind of bums me out that he said this, knowing what he has done with the bridge school. kinda makes me sad.
    Peace, Love.

    "To question your government is not unpatriotic --
    to not question your government is unpatriotic."
    -- Sen. Chuck Hagel
  • the wolf wrote:
    right after my post i thought of the bridge school. does that mean all the people who have spent money to see and hear bands at the bridge school didnt change a thing? like i said, maybe not change, but music can help for sure. i love Neil, and it kind of bums me out that he said this, knowing what he has done with the bridge school. kinda makes me sad.
    thats a pretty superficial monetary change... it wasnt the music that made the change... the music brought people there... the money did good... but the music only indirectly helped... people dont gotta try interpreting neil and defending the merit of music... if he thought it was useless he wouldnt continue to make it... hes 100% right though in a literal sense...
    "Senza speme vivemo in disio"
  • the wolfthe wolf Posts: 7,027
    sgossard3 wrote:
    thats a pretty superficial monetary change... it wasnt the music that made the change... the music brought people there... the money did good... but the music only indirectly helped... people dont gotta try interpreting neil and defending the merit of music... if he thought it was useless he wouldnt continue to make it... hes 100% right though in a literal sense...

    the music is what made me spend the money. lets face it, with all the causes out there to donate to, we cant donate to all of them. if i am to be honest with you and myself, the bridge school is not on the top of my list of things to donate to. i love what it stands for, but there are other places my money goes to. but i have gone to the bridge school shows to hear the music, so like i said, maybe not change, but help. and if my money didnt "help" at all.......well then im sorry. and if it dont help enough to make a difference, even in a small way, why do it at all?
    Peace, Love.

    "To question your government is not unpatriotic --
    to not question your government is unpatriotic."
    -- Sen. Chuck Hagel
  • raising money for kids and trying to stop a war with music are two very different things.

    everyone is of the same opinion about helping kids. the music doesnt have to sway you. just by paying for the ticket you are helping kids, so it doesnt require much thought.

    people have differing opinions on politics. Some try to sway you with music. I've never heard any lyrics that were so incredible that i changed my mind on anything, though. its either preaching to the choir or annoying everyone else. Just paying for the ticket probably wont help much in these cases.
  • godpt3godpt3 Posts: 1,020
    it can't, i can't think of one song that has ....

    We Shall Overcome
    "If all those sweet, young things were laid end to end, I wouldn't be the least bit surprised."
    —Dorothy Parker
  • HinnyHinny Posts: 1,610
    it can't, i can't think of one song that has ....
    La Marseillaise
    Binary solo..000000100000111100001110
    BUT how?
  • einatshauleinatshaul Posts: 2,219
    Hinny wrote:
    La Marseillaise

    good one Hinn! But still, songs are written and sang by people who are convinced already, who want to feel connected, empowered in their way and belief. I do not believe they create change - but they reflect it.

    And as I always say;
    People don't give a shit about changing the world. Most are more concerned about what crazy thing that wack job Britney Spears will do next.

    We are all fucked
    "it feels like it's the end of the world and we all got a good seat. you know -- step right up, get your we go."

    - EV
  • " We are the world, we are the people, we are the ones to make a brighter day, so let's start giving....."

    This song was supposed to change the world, and it kind of did. Michael Jackson went on to build a carnival in his fucking back yard...
    " Jump from a cliff to fly, not to fall..."
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