Poster for the Bridge School

BnutzBnutz Posts: 80
edited October 2010 in Given To Fly (live)
I thought Brad Klausen was doing a poster for the show?
Any pictures of the poster? or no poster?
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  • dustinparduedustinpardue Las Vegas, NV Posts: 1,829
    I haven't been able to locate anything. Need itunes artwork!
    "All I Ever Knew" available now in print and digital formats at Amazon, Barnes & Noble, and iBooks.
  • morbonomorbono Posts: 32
    Never happened...looks like if anything it may end up being an online only item?

    I got there early on Saturday (around 3pm, when show began at 5pm) and patrolled the entire venue with no sign of any PJ poster, only were some generic Bridge School posters. Overheard a merch booth dude saying something along the lines of "we've never had any PJ posters, don't know where that rumor started". Walked around a bit later in the night as well, again nothing. Same deal on Sunday.
  • in eds treein eds tree Denver Posts: 539
    i was gonna say the same as the merch guy when i first heard the rumor...
    keep on rockin' in the free world.
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