how a little girl can change you world

ladygooddivaladygooddiva Posts: 4,169
edited February 2008 in The Porch
hey since my daughter is born i am not so creazy about Pj and seattle as i was before...i just can laugh about myself how i was crying not to have the chance to see them ...
how i fight with my bf couse we got lost in berlin and got late and not in front (06)
and i made trouble the night before bec. of my poster what i made (i never showed it while the concert bec. i was shy)
oh and everytime in radio or elswhere when pj was on i got creazy
even in clubs running around ..of the tables and scream
people must thought how creazy i was
and i talked to much when my friends and i went clubbing about music
(pearl jam and seattle)

there is a bunsh more storys but hey nevermind i just felt to write it down here
oh and in 06 i was really sleeping in front of the computer bec. of tickets
and i was really screaming and made everybody creazy
even in clubs i lost my voice bec. of singing along;)
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  • FahkaFahka Posts: 3,187
    I was nicknamed "Pearl" in highschool.... i know exactly what you mean!
  • I was nicknamed "Pearl" in highschool.... i know exactly what you mean!
    Really ?wow that s cool you would have a bunsh of storys to tell i belive !!!
  • FahkaFahka Posts: 3,187
    Really ?wow that s cool you would have a bunsh of storys to tell i belive !!!

    haha its not much different than you..... get really excited when a song is played (it doesnt happen TOO often any more) and then get TOO excited when they are touring somewhere near me... Im a reckloose! LOL Not to mention my on going collection of pearl jam shirts...

    Everyone keeps telling me ill look back and it wont be as big of a deal...
    Hasnt happend yet, nor do i think it will!

    How long have you been a fan?
  • haha its not much different than you..... get really excited when a song is played (it doesnt happen TOO often any more) and then get TOO excited when they are touring somewhere near me... Im a reckloose! LOL Not to mention my on going collection of pearl jam shirts...

    Everyone keeps telling me ill look back and it wont be as big of a deal...
    Hasnt happend yet, nor do i think it will!

    How long have you been a fan?

    well i love stuff when it is not that big lol anymore
    since 1996 ..
    i was at my first and yes lat soundgarden concert (a girl took me there)
    and after i was like mhhh what else and i listen to vitologie (in a second hand store the guy who worked there we got to be big friends that s end..i fall in love with him...but thats another story) and was like hey this is it...and you?
  • halszka123halszka123 Posts: 1,109
    So warm here:) But... tell more about Your daughter...
    Not 10c member? Have sth to say? write to me - I'll put it on the forum
  • That is rad for you ladygodiva...

    I have had people cut out little pictures of Eddie Vedder from magazines because it's "My" band (I don't even try to explain that I actually like Gossard better)

    and whenever I go on vacation, people assume i am going to see them play.

    so, in other words I still go crazy. ;)
  • That is rad for you ladygodiva...

    I have had people cut out little pictures of Eddie Vedder from magazines because it's "My" band (I don't even try to explain that I actually like Gossard better)

    and whenever I go on vacation, people assume i am going to see them play.

    so, in other words I still go crazy. ;)

    yeap and that is ok;);)
  • halszka123 wrote:
    So warm here:) But... tell more about Your daughter...

    whar should i say ...she is up to 7 months now
    beginn talking hihi
    and her fave pj track is alive;)
    and she is sooo cute
  • FahkaFahka Posts: 3,187
    whar should i say ...she is up to 7 months now
    beginn talking hihi
    and her fave pj track is alive;)
    and she is sooo cute

    awww, good for you! Raise her right :D
  • and her fave pj track is alive;)

    What's her top 5? :D
    Abraham Lincoln once said, "If you are a racist, I will attack you with the North."
  • cincybearcatcincybearcat Posts: 16,616
    whar should i say ...she is up to 7 months now
    beginn talking hihi
    and her fave pj track is alive;)
    and she is sooo cute

    Not as cute as my little 6 month old. ;)

    Congrats, they do change your life, but not my love of the band..yet.
    hippiemom = goodness
  • i try my best to raise her up right:);)

    she doesn t have a top 5 she have a top 3:
    hope that counts

    pearl jam alive
    drei chinesen mit dem kontrabass

    a and she loves music

    well i think every baby is cute in his/her ways;)
    my love for pearl jam isn t gone but it has changed:)
  • I have two Beautiful Kids a girl and a boy and my OBSESSION for PJ has never much so that when i last got tickets for PJ in 06' I camped out from 4am and I was 7 months pregnant with my son!

    My kjds LOVE pj 's daughters fave song is SOLAT...She's 4 and goes crazy everytime it gets played....whereas my son who is 1 and a half kicks his legs around like crazy when Corduroy comes on!!! So in essence I am raising 2 little PJ fans for the next generation!!! HOW COOL :)
  • i am sure she will love pearl jam:)

    but i have not much time for pearl jam as i juse to have th s all..
    and i wouldn t go to a concert while pregnancy

    but hey it s everybodys life:):)
  • DavanitaDavanita Posts: 854
    i introduced my brother to PJ around 'bout the time his son was born (over 3 years ago) and because his kid loves Man of the Hour so much, my bro plays it all the time for him. :D
    but my brother's Jam-ness is only increasing and that's just fuckin cool anyway because now i actually have someone close to me i can talk PJ with, AND he's probably gonna raise his kids (also has a 1yo daughter) to be future Jamheads :D

    and it's all because of.... me. :cool:
    Jon Stewart: "[about Russia's new president]...Dmitri Medevvvevv.... Dmitri Meh..... Dmitri M.! Or... as George W. Bush would probably pronounce it... Eddie Vedder."
  • Davanita wrote:
    i introduced my brother to PJ around 'bout the time his son was born (over 3 years ago) and because his kid loves Man of the Hour so much, my bro plays it all the time for him. :D
    but my brother's Jam-ness is only increasing and that's just fuckin cool anyway because now i actually have someone close to me i can talk PJ with, AND he's probably gonna raise his kids (also has a 1yo daughter) to be future Jamheads :D

    and it's all because of.... me. :cool:

    that s cool :)
    and much more pj fans for next generation
    thanx for sharing
  • way back in prehistoric times when pj was just starting i was busy taking care of babies, spend as much time and attention on her as possible it's natural and sure to produce a great human being, now my kids are older they go where i go, last year to lolla,to concerts every year. warning: they absorb so much, when mine was about 2 i listened to rob zombie in the car all the time dracular.. kid is crazy for him and yea we just went to see him too. my second does a great job singing betterman in the shower and has that ed ved look. really good kids. you will grow with your baby and hope you stay close,enjoy each other for a life time. a new pearljamer is born. better get another 10 c membership now so you will have an extra tic for the kids!
    03 bristow,04 reading,05 toronto,05 phillie,06 camden,06 dc,07 chicago,08 dc,08 camden,09 philliex2,10 bristow
    eddie solo 08 dc,09 balt, 11 phillie
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